Lunch with Studio Job | english version

Lunch with Studio Job

Studio Job and Volvo
Photo via Volvo
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Dancing Queen
Last Tuesday at the Woonbeurs Volvo announced a collaboration with Studio Job under the title “Design moves us”. Nynke and Job were present for the occasion and Job gave a special performance in which he sang his version of “Dancing Queen” by Abba. You should have been there…  

Because of this special collaboration I and a few others were invited by Volvo to have lunch with Nynke and Job. We were greeted in the restaurant, where the food looked as beautiful as the taste was exquisite. The place had a very pleasant atmosphere and the beautifully decked out table looked very inviting for some animated conversation and a fine meal.   

Announcement of the collaboration between Studio Job and Volvo
Photo by C-More
After we took a seat, I found out that there is a work by Studio Job in my home town Nijmegen: De ARK an Arc de Triomphe in aluminum. It is situated in a new quarter of Nijmegen just at the other side of the Waal: Oosterhout. I am going to take a look at it soon.
Job and Nynke | Studio Job for Volvo
Photo by C-More
Viktor and Rolf
And there are more similarities… For years Studio Job has designed the decors for Viktor en Rolf  like this one for the show in September.And Viktor and Rolf are old classmates of mine from the “Kunstacademie Mode” ( Fashion School of Arts) in Arnhem.
Volvo and Studio Job
About the collaboration with  Volvo  “We are not designing a new model, but a collaboration like this, the design of 3 sculptures, fits us perfectly. We have been busy with the research and the style book.” The unique objects, inspired by the Volvo XC60, will be presented in April 2014.

Carpet Studio Job for Volvo
Photo via Volvo
The specially for Volvo designed graphics in the iconic signature of Studio Job are on show at the Woonbeurs. An enormous round carpet with the design lays underneath the car and the black and white print is on the Volvo itself. On top of the Volvo stands a big wooden crate. What is inside of it will remain a surprise for now. At the stand a film about the synergy between Volvo, design and Studio Job is projected on a wall.

The crate on top of the Volvo | Studio Job
Photo by C-More
Wicky the Viking
The graphics are inspired by the Swedish culture (Volvo’s origin) and the Wicky the Viking helmets, Scandinavian mythology with its monsters and gods, and tire tracks. Of course all worked out to perfection, as Studio Job always does. Nymnke: “It is real handicraft creating these graphics. I do draw them on the computer, but a program couldn’t create them. You would never get the right proportions and the icons would be too close to each other. There is no repeat in our graphics. I sit at my computer for hours until it is all perfect.” 

Graphics by Studio Job for Volvo
Photo by C-More
Bob and Bobette
Job and Nynke, who have been living and working together like a kind of Bob and Bobette for more than 13 years, have completely different personalities and complement each other because of that. From the beginning they have had a connection. At the time Nynke was studying graphic design at the Design Academy and Job already had a number of designs and collaborations to his name. They have built Studio Job from  the ground up to the world famous “icon” that they have become now. And the awards they have won are impressive. Job: “There are so many by now, my niece used to have a trophy cabinet for all the prizes she won with sports, we could have one of those at our place.” 
Watches and cars
Of course the preference for cars is discussed during the delicious lunch, which also looks stunning by the way. Job clearly has a big love of older models. His own car, a Porche 911, is an old-timer. Concerning Volvo the 480, Bertone and the 850R, all of which are iconic, are his favorites. The conversation also turns to watches. Job is very faithful to the watch he got on his 18th birthday, a Rolex Oyster. He still wears it. This shows again the love of history and the story associated with an object.
Graphics by Studio Job for Volvo
Photo by C-More
The lunch is over and we all go our separate ways to other appointments. I return to the Woonbeurs and leisurely admire and photograph the graphics on the carpet and the car at the Volvo stand.
What a special afternoon it was. As an interior designer and design enthusiast I admire the work of Studio Job. In particular, the “Paper Series” (MOOOI), the beautiful textiles such as the Pantheon tablecloth and tea towels with insect prints (Textile Museum) and the “Precious Box II” in “biscuit” by Royal Tichelaar. I was quite honored that I was invited by Volvo to meet these two designers with a highly distinctive oeuvre.
Job, Nynke and Volvo, thanks.

Volvo Design Challenge
Als “cherry on the cake” heeft Volvo de Design Challenge in het leven geroepen. Studenten van alle deelnemende Design- en kunstacademies of universiteiten in Nederland kunnen een item ontwerpen, geïnspireerd op de Volvo XC60.
Volvo Design Challenge
As a “cherry on the cake” Volvo has created a Design Challenge. Students from all participating Design and Art schools or universities in the Netherlands, can design an item inspired by the Volvo XC60.

Studio Job for Volvo
Photo by C-More
Studio Job will be a member of the jury and the
top ten most important designs will be exhibited in a leading Dutch museum  together with the objects that Studio Job designed
for Volvo. In addition, the winning design talent will receive a prize of €
You can submit your designs from November 1, 2013
to February 14, 2014.
Check this link for more information.
I would say: Go for it!
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Xo Iris


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