Color trend 2020 CHINESE PORCELAIN by Histor | PPG

Color trend 2020


by Histor | PPG

For Dutch ↓


Yes! The new color trends 2020 are here. Histor | PPG as well as Flexa | Akzo Nobel both launched their 2020 color trends this week.

[More about Flexa | Akzo Nobel in this NEXT post]

Histor | PPG goes for Chinese Porcelain, A kobalt inky blue, that gives you a relaxed feeling in this stressful world.


Histor | PPG created 3 trends around the Chinese Porcelain blue color to combine.

Flow on the Move – Flow at the Core – Flow in the Know


Flow on the move is a playful palet with fresh, modern, but familiar colors from all over the world. In this palet you want the colors to clash a bit. A bit “off” which makes the color combinations extra interesting.

Flow at the Core is a more nature based palet with botanical, down to earth and “sustainable” colors. Soft midtones that wil last for a longer time and have a light dark contrast to give it more depth. The colorcombinations are both soothing as well as sparkling.

Flow in the Know, which is my personal favorite palet, creates a refined combination between nature and technology. A color palet that invites you to look for possibilities to work on change so the future and our society will be better than the past. Raw nature colors as Ginger cake and Talaverna, combined with oxidated blue-green tones like Chinese Porcelain and Wave of Mystery.


What is your favorite palet?

Enjoy !

Pictures by Histor | PPG


Color trend 2020 CHINESE PORCELAIN by Histor | PPG

Color trend 2020 | CHINESE PORCELAIN | by Histor | PPG






Histor-trendsheet Trend color 2020 | Flow on the Move | C-More

Histor-trendsheet Trend color 2020 | Flow on the Move | C-More


Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-on-the-move-1-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-on-the-move

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-on-the-move-2-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-on-the-move

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-on-the-move-3-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-on-the-move



Histor-trendsheet Trend color 2020 | Flow at the Core | C-More

Histor-trendsheet Trend color 2020 | Flow at the Core | C-More

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-at-the-core-5-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-at-the-core

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-at-the-core-6-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-at-the-core

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-at-the-core-7-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-at-the-core

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-at-the-core-8-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-at-the-core

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-at-the-core-1-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-at-the-core

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-at-the-core-2-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-at-the-core

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-at-the-core-3-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-at-the-core





Histor-trendsheet Trend color 2020 | Flow in the Know | C-More

Histor-trendsheet Trend color 2020 | Flow in the Know | C-More


Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-in-the-know-1-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-in-the-know

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-in-the-know-7-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-in-the-know

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-in-the-know-2-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-in-the-know

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-in-the-know-3-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-in-the-know

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-in-the-know-4-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-in-the-know

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-in-the-know-5-

Histor PPG color trend 2020 | C-More | Flow-in-the-know



Color trend 2020


by Histor | PPG


Ja! De nieuwe kleurentrends 2020 zijn er.

Zowel Histor | PPG als Flexa | Akzo Nobel lanceerde deze week beiden hun 2020-kleurentrends.

[Meer over Flexa | Akzo Nobel in dit VOLGENDE bericht]

Histor | PPG gaat voor Chinese Porcelain, een kobalt inktachtig blauw, dat je een ontspannen gevoel geeft in deze stressvolle wereld.

Histor | PPG creëerde 3 trends om de Chinese Porcelain blauwe kleur te combineren:

Flow on the Move – Flow at the Core – Flow in the Know

Flow on the move is een speels palet met frisse, moderne, maar vertrouwde kleuren van over de hele wereld. In dit palet wil je dat de kleuren een beetje botsen. Een beetje “schuren” wat de kleurencombinaties extra interessant maakt.

Flow at the Core is een meer op de natuur gebaseerd palet met botanische, nuchtere en “duurzame” kleuren. Zachte middentonen die langer meegaan en een licht donker contrast hebben om het meer diepte te geven. De kleurencombinaties zijn zowel rustgevend als sprankelend.

Flow in the Know, wat mijn persoonlijke favoriete palet is, creëert een verfijnde combinatie tussen natuur en technologie. Een kleurenpalet dat uitnodigt om mogelijkheden te ontdekken en aan verandering te werken, zodat de toekomst en onze samenleving beter zullen zijn dan het verleden. Rauwe natuurkleuren als Gembercake en Talaverna, gecombineerd met geoxideerde blauwgroene tonen zoals Chinese Porcelain en Wave of Mystery

Wat is jouw favoriete palet?


Afbeeldingen van Histor | PPG



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