Buxkin recycled leather and Felt rugs + wall covering


recycled leather and Felt rugs


wall covering

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Buxkin recycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering ering

Spotted in Milan during the Milan Design week and totally fell in love with it! The Dutch company Buxkin produces rugs and wall covering made out of recycled leather and felt. Beautifully minimalistic.

” Buxkin is made of rest leather from the shoe industry, natural rubber, fats, water and pigments. No toxic substances. Made in cooperation with European Manufacturers with European social standards.

The material combination felt/leather can be used for wall and floor. Made of 100% Natural Merino sheep wool, it’s durable for sure. With great acoustic properties. And it gets even more unique and strong combined with recycled leather. Choose 2, 3 or 4 colors in total, or even more.”

I already know a few projects of mine, where I will suggest these rugs. Also I love the acoustic possibilities! you can use it as acoustic panels in open space. And everything can be customized.

More info: Buxkin

All pictures by Buxkin.


Buxkin recycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and Feld rugs + wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and Feld rugs + wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and Feld rugs + wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and Feld rugs + wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and Feld rugs + wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and Feld rugs + wall covering

Buxkin receycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering 15

Buxkin recycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering

Buxkin recycled leather and felt rugs and wall covering







Gespot in Milaan tijdens de Milan Design Week en helemaal verliefd! Het Nederlandse bedrijf  Buxkin produceert tapijten en wandbekleding gemaakt van gerecycled leer en vilt. Prachtig minimalistisch.

“Buxkin is gemaakt van rest leer uit de schoenindustrie, natuurlijk rubber, vetten, water en pigmenten. Geen giftige stoffen. Gemaakt in samenwerking met Europese fabrikanten met de Europese sociale normen.

De materiaalcombinatie vilt / leer kan zowel aan wand als op de vloer toegepast worden. Gemaakt van 100% Natural Merino schapenwol. Zeer duurzaam en met fijne akoestische eigenschappen. Helemaal  sterk en ook uniek qua uitstraling, is het in de combinatie vilt met gerecycleerd leder. Kies 2, 3 of 4 kleuren in totaal, of zelfs meer als je wilt. “

Ik weet al een aantal projecten van mij, waar ik deze tapijten zal gaan voorstellen. Ook de akoestische mogelijkheden spreken mij ernom aan! Je kunt het maetriaal gebruiken als akoestische panelen in de open ruimte. En alles kan worden aangepast, op maat gemaakt, naar eigen wensen.

Meer info:  Buxkin


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