Stop the Presses | New Design Hotel INK Amsterdam

 Stop the Presses!

New Design Boutique Hotel:

INK Amsterdam



 Entry Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

Entry Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More


The design hotel | Ink hotel Amsterdam

I didn’t know what to expect when I entered the 4* Design Hotel INK in Amsterdam for a tested-and-tried review. It looked like a small hotel in the middle of the center of Amsterdam, but it turned out to be a big gem, with perfect hideaways, lounge spots and a lovely outdoor space. I was welcomed in the hall by a very friendly staff, dressed in Gstar Ink blue aprons. The entry is filled with giant old-school press letters on the wall. This links back to the history of the hotel building, where in 1904 Dutch newspaper “De Tijd” was established.

Architects and concept

The architects of Concrete Amsterdam, who also designed the CitizenM Hotels, created a new concept with this heritage in mind. Stories, ink and time are the themes that are used for this Design Boutique Hotel concept. You can see that in the room- and lounge names, the Ink Blue color that is intertwined in the styling and clothing, and in the many spots where you can sit and work, muse or chat about “the stories that are about to be written”.

The pressroom

In the center of the Ink Hotel Amsterdam, you find a light, with glass covered patio and a beautiful tree with a round wooden tree bench. A very nice spot to be. This open area leads to the hotel’s restaurant, lounge, library and bar, with a perfect name “the Pressroom”. Here you can wine and dine, chat with friends or colleagues, do some work or just relax. On the walls, you find some very inspiring styling elements like old inkpots, type machines and even a wallpaper of the very first printed newspaper, printed in the old days in the original pressroom.  A hidden gem is the outdoor garden in between the buildings, where you can sit and relax in the middle of the busy city of Amsterdam. All these facilities are open for non-hotel guest’s too. That’s good news!

The Design Hotel rooms

And I didn’t even tell you about the rooms yet! They are something special too. I have a wishlist for myself, when I go to a hotel: First I’d love a big and comfortable bed. Check! Then a big and hot rain shower. Check! To go further on my wishlist: a spacious room, natural and inspiring materials. Check! Comfortable, minimal furniture and good design is very welcome too. Check! Most of the furniture in the hotel is special made or by HAY. Love it!  And last but not least: a place to write. On my laptop in my case… not the old-school type machine. Check!! And on top of it all, you get a non-standard room design here in the Ink Hotel Amsterdam.

The furniture

I loved the special made bathroom- and sink cabinet, that looks a bit like a luxurious vintage ticket-window or bar, with it’s walnut-wooden and golden brass and marble finish. That totally fits the concept of the hotel. In my room there was also a separate seating area with comfortable chairs by HAY. The walls are covered with, for this hotel only, designed wallpaper by artist Jan Rothuizen. The drawings in white on a black chalkboard background tells the story of Amsterdam city.

My conclusion and bookings

I was pleasantly surprised to find such a nice, beautiful and cozy hotel, where you feel welcome and at home. Also that it’s located in the old city center was a big plus.  I definitely recommend this hotel to Design and/or City trip lovers, who are looking for something more than a just a hotel room.

Ink Hotel Amsterdam is the only Dutch hotel concept that is nominated as a finalist for the European Hotel Design Awards 2015. Good luck guys!!

For more information and bookings go to Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Mgallery or Ink Hotel |

Looking for other Design Hotels in Amsterdam?

I recommend to go over to TripAdvisor | Design Hotel Amsterdam or and search for Design Hotel Amsterdam.


Ps: Are you interested in a product, hotel or book review or a Tested + Tried by C-More, then feel free contact me for more information. I take the pictures myself.

The pictures | Design Hotel Ink Amsterdam

All pictures © by C-More. You find even more pictures in the slider below.




Entry with tree | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

Entry with tree | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

Patio with black wire chairs and black table by Hay | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

Patio with black wire chairs and black table by Hay | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

Patio and entry with black wire chair and black table by HAY | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

Patio and entry with black wire chair and black table by HAY | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More


Loung bar and library the Pressroom | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

Loung bar and library the Pressroom | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More


Lounge spot with blue and brass gold accents at The Pressroom bar | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

Lounge spot with blue and brass gold accents at The Pressroom bar | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

Old vintage inkpots | styling accents at The Pressroom bar | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

Old vintage inkpots | styling accents at The Pressroom bar | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More


Brass and copper lighting, pots and pans at the restaurant | The Pressroom | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

Brass and copper lighting, pots and pans at the restaurant | The Pressroom | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More


Outdoor Lounge spot with black wire chairs and tables by HAY | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-Mo

Outdoor Lounge spot with black wire chairs and tables by HAY | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More


The room names | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

The room names | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

Ink Hotel Amsterdam photo by C-More 40

The Hotel room with big bed and brass gold walnut cabinet | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

The Hotel room with big bed and brass gold walnut cabinet | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

The Hotel room with big bed and brass gold walnut cabinet | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More


The Hotel room with big bed and brass gold walnut cabinet | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

The Hotel room with big bed and brass gold walnut cabinet | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

The Hotel bathroom with big rain shower and marble accents | brass gold walnut cabinet | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

The Hotel bathroom with big rain shower and marble accents | brass gold walnut cabinet | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

The Hotel room with HAY furniture, special black and white wallaper and brass gold walnut cabinet and desk | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

The Hotel room with HAY furniture, special black and white wallaper and brass gold walnut cabinet and desk | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

The Hotel room with lounge spot | HAY furniture, | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

The Hotel room with lounge spot | HAY furniture, | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

The Hotel room with HAY furniture, special black and white wallpaper and brass gold walnut cabinet and desk | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

The Hotel room with HAY furniture, special black and white wallpaper and brass gold walnut cabinet and desk | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

The Hotel room with lounge spot | HAY furniture, special black and white wallpaper and brass gold walnut cabinet and desk | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

The Hotel room with lounge spot | HAY furniture, special black and white wallpaper and brass gold walnut cabinet and desk | Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More


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Het design hotel | Ink hotel Amsterdam

Ik wist niet echt wat ik kon verwachten toen ik het 4* INK Hotel Amsterdam voor een ” tested and tried “beoordeling binnen liep. Het zag eruit als een klein hotel in het midden van het centrum van Amsterdam, maar het bleek een echt juweeltje te zijn, met perfecte zit-, werk- en lounge plekjes en een mooie buitenruimte. Ik werd verwelkomd door zeer vriendelijk personeel, gekleed in Gstar Inkt blauwe schorten in de entree hal, gevuld met gigantische old-school drukpers letters op de muur. Deze wand verwijst terug naar de geschiedenis van het hotel gebouw, waar in 1904 de Nederlandse krant “De Tijd” gehuisdvest was.

De Architecten en het concept

De architecten van Concrete Amsterdam, die ook de CitizenM hotels ontwierpen, creëerden een concept met het erfgoed in het achterhoofd. Verhalen, inkt en tijd zijn de thema’s die worden gebruikt voor dit Design Boutique Hotel concept. Je kunt dat terug zien in de kamer- en lounge namen, de Inkt Blue kleur die verweven is in de styling en kleding, en in de vele plekken waar je kunt werken, mijmeren, of kletsen over verhalen die over die nog geschreven gaan worden.

De Perskamer | The Pressroom

In het centrum van Ink Hotel Amsterdam vind je de lichte, met glas overdekte, patio en een mooie boom met een houten ronde boom bankje . Een fijne plek om te zijn. Deze open ruimte leidt naar het restaurant, de lounge, een bibliotheek en een bar, met de perfecte naam “de Pressroom”. Hier kun je eten en wat drinken, praten met vrienden of collega’s, wat werken of gewoon relaxen. Op de muur, vindt je een aantal zeer inspirerende styling elementen zoals oude inktpotten,  oude type machines en zelfs een behang van de allereerste gedrukte krant, die in de oorspronkelijke perskamer gedrukt werd. Een verborgen juweeltje is ook de tuin tussen de bebouwen in, waar je kunt zitten en ontspannen, midden van de drukte van Amsterdam centrum. Al deze faciliteiten zijn ook open voor niet-hotel gasten. Dat is goed nieuws!

De Design hotelkamers

En dan heb ik het nog niet eens over de hotelkamers gehad! Die zijn ook bijzonder. Eerst wil ik natuurlijk een groot en comfortabel bed. Check! Dan liefts ook een grote, warme regendouche. Check! Op mijn verlanglijstje: ruime kamer, natuurlijke en inspirerende materialen. Check! Comfortabel, minimalistisch meubilair en goed design is ook van harte welkom. Check! Want het grootste deel van het meubilair in het hotel is speciaal maakt of van HAY. Daar hou ik van! En last but not least: een plekje om te schrijven. Op de laptop in mijn geval … niet de ouderwetse typemachine. Check !! En bovenop dit alles, krijg je een niet-standaard kamer design, hier in het Ink Hotel.

De meubels

Prachtig, het speciaal voor dit hotel gemaakte badkamer- en wastafelmeubel, dat een uitstraling heeft van een luxueus ticketloket of bar, met zijn walnoot houten en goud messing en marmeren afwerking. Het pas perfect bij het concept van het hotel. In mijn kamer was er ook een aparte zithoek met comfortabele stoelen en tafeltjes van HAY. De muren zijn bedekt met een alleen voor dit hotel ontworpen behang van kunstenaar Jan Rothuizen. De tekeningen in wit krijt op een zwarte schoolbord achtergrond vertellen het verhaal van Amsterdam’s oude centum.

Conclusie en boekingen

Ik was aangenaam verrast door zo’n mooi en gezellig hotel, waar je je van harte welkom en thuis voelt. Ook het feit dat het hotel is gelegen in het oude centrum van de stad is erg leuk. Ik kan dit hotel van harte aanbevelen aan Design Hotel en City Trip liefhebbers, die op zoek zijn naar iets meer dan enkel een hotel bed.

Inkt Hotel Amsterdam is, als enig Nederlands hotel concept, genomineerd als finalist voor de European Hotel Design Awards. Succes jongens !!

Voor meer informatie en reservering ga naar  Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Mgallery of via Ink Hotel |

Opzoek naar andere Design Hotels Amsterdam? Dan kan ik zoeken via  TripAdvisor | Design Hotel Amsterdam aanraden, of via en zoeken naar: Design Hotel Amsterdam.

De foto’s

Alle foto’s zijn gemaakt door © C-More. Nog meer in de slider!


Ps: Ben je geinteresseerd in een product, hotel of boek review of een “Tested + Tried” door C-More, neem dan contact met mij op voor meer informatie. Ik maak de fotos’ zelf.


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