Lighting fixtures I spotted at IMM Cologne 2015 | Trend 2015

Lighting fixtures I spotted at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Ontwerp Duo for & Tradition 
spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015 

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Yesterday I visited the furniture fair in Köln: IMM Cologne. 
Although I saw a lot of nice designs and furniture, the Lighting Fixtures 
were a real eye-cather at this fair. Thats is a real trend for 2015!
I selected some of my favourites.
They all stand out in form, used material, combinations of materials, translucence or graphic lines.
And what do you think of my namesake iridescent glass ball IRIS ?
I love it! 
Lighting fixtures by& Tradition spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by & Tradition
spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures  At Montis Design Post Koln  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures  At Montis Design Post Koln  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by Dua Aust&Amelung Like Paper  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Dua Aust&Amelung Like Paper spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by Greypants spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Greypants spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by Neocraft Iris Sebastian Scherer spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Neocraft Iris Sebastian Scherer spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by  MDF Italia spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by  MDF Italia spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by  MDF Italia spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by  MDF Italia spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by  MENU spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by  MENU spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures ODA by Pulpo  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures ODA by Pulpo  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures ODA by Pulpo at DesignPost Koln at the Gelderland booth spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures ODA by Pulpo at DesignPost Koln at the Gelderland booth
spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by Ontwerp Duo for & Tradition spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Ontwerp Duo for & Tradition spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by Pepe Heykoop  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Pepe Heykoop  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by Secto  at Design Post Koln spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Secto  at Design Post Koln spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by AY Illiminate by Van Mokum  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by AY Illiminate by Van Mokum  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by AY Illiminate by Van Mokum  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by AY Illiminate by Van Mokum  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixture Vertigo by petite Friture spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixture Vertigo by Petite Friture spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by Tom Dixon spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Tom Dixon spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Verlichting armaturen die ik gespot heb op  IMM Cologne 2015

Gisteren bezocht ik de meubelbeurs in Keulen: IMM COLOGNE
Hoewel ik veel mooie ontwerpen en meubels heb gezien, waren de verlichting armaturen toch
 een echte eye-catcher op deze beurs. Ik heb een echte trend gespot voor 2015!

Een aantal van mijn favorieten zie je hier.

Ze zijn allemaal bijzonder van vorm, gebruikte materialen, combinaties van materialen, doorschijnendheid of in grafische lijnen.

En wat vind je van mijn naamgenoot de iriserende glazen bol IRIS?
Ik vind em mooi!

Geniet !!


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Link with love 
Xo Iris

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  • Iris Vank

    Dat is een enorme trend inderdaad. Ik had het op de woonbeurs afgelopen jaar ook al en ik kan prachtige lampen blíjven pinnen, er komt zoveel moois voorbij!

  • Judith

    Vandaag op Maison et Objet ook zo enorm veel hanglampen, dat ik me echt afvroeg waar de andere soort lampen waren, want hoe doe je dat als je mooie indirecte verlichting wilt?! Ik vond die lampenserie van &Tradition ook zo mooi (en goh, Nederlands!). Maar die Iris-bollen zijn wel echt heel gaaf! Daar blijf je naar kijken! Hopelijk had je ook een fijne dag vandaag en lukt het de volgende keer om elkaar weer 'ns te zien ;)

    • Iris

      He Judith! Klopt ja… Vooral hanglampen! Uitdaging voor de ontwerpers om mooie nieuwe indirecte verlichting te gaan ontwerpen:-) De lampen die je noemt zijn ook mijn favorieten! Hopelijk tot snel!! Veel groetjes :-)

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