I mean, I never want to stop learning.
I’m just to curious and open for more and new information.
I’m like a sponge!
is precisely the quick design injection I needed today!
All credits go to:
Commissioning editor: Geert van de Wetering
Line producer: Janneke van de Kerkhof
Production assistant: Anjet Blinde
Research: Liselotte Francken
Director: Willem Baptist
Camera: Dirk-Jan Kerkkamp
Sound: Bram Meindersma
Editor: Maurik de Ridder
Colour correction: Maurik de Ridder
Music Sound Design: Pastelle Music
Voice-over: Micah Westera
Produced by Submarine, Femke Wolting & Bruno Felix
Commissioned by DutchDFA
The Dutch Profiles series was made as part of the Dutch Design Fashion Architecture (DutchDFA) programme, which ended in 2013. The series was then transferred to Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, which published it on ARTtube.