Highlights Maison et Objet 2013 by C-More | Lighting

My personal highlights @ Maison et Objet 2013 
by C-More 

One of my favorites!
Balloons By Brokis
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Today: Lighting finds

Vandaag de meest mooie verlichting die ik zag op Maison Objet 2013.
Soms zag ik nieuwe vormen, soms nieuwe kleuren, soms voor binnen en buiten door elkaar en:
ze komen niet alleen! De lampen hangen of staan met hele families bij elkaar.

Morgen meer inspiratie !

Today I show you my lighting finds at Maison et Objet 2013.
Some have new shapes, others new colors, some are for in and outdoors, but overall: they come in families! Almost all the lighting objects are hanging or standing in a group.

Tomorrow I’ll Show more inspiring finds from Maison Objet 2013

Indoor + outdoor lighting By Eleanor Home
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Outdoor lighting used indoors
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Electronic candle light
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

nice shaped lights by Nenneth Cobonpue
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Net shaped lighting by Kenneth Cobonpue
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Hanging lights by Tekna Nautic
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More
Nice smooth shapes by &Tradition
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

New white color Beatlights by Tom Dixon
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

round shapes and metal colors combined with grey-tones
by…… a scandinavian brand I can’t remember. let me know if you recognize it
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More
This  scandinavian brand I can’t remember the name of. 
Please let me know if you recognize it.

lots of lights with different shapes, all very special by material.
by Design PH
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More


Like some more inspiration from Mason et Objet
Take a look over here.

Did you enjoy it? Seen anything you like? Let me know, I’m curious what you think.

Share with love.

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