
A look inside the Freunde von Freunden apartment in Berlin AND an interview with Frederik Frede

A look inside the

Freunde von Freunden apartment in Berlin


Q&A with Frederik Frede, one of FvF’s founders.

Scrol naar beneden voor NL 
Freunde vin Freunde apartement Berlin | Vitra | photo's by © C-More
Freunde von Freunden apartment Berlin | Vitra | photo’s by © C-More
I wanted to make this blog post for a long time! When I first heard about Freunde von Freunden at the We Are Social meeting, at the design furniture fair IMM Cologne 2013, I looked FvF up on the internet and started to follow them. Reading the portrait stories and seeing the interiors and homes of all the friends and friends of friends is very inspiring. Getting to know the people behind the featured interiors a little bit is a really nice aspect of FvF and a refreshing, new, different approach of showing homes and interiors.FvF apartment Berlin
Then I read about the FvF apartment in the Mitte area in Berlin and that it’s furnished and styled in cooperation with Vitra, my favorite interior design brand. I think you now can imagine how high this spot was on my wish-list for a personal visit and a blog post. Finally, last April, I was in Berlin for blog event The Hive 2015 and got the chance to visit the apartment.Vitra and FvF
When I entered the apartment I felt at home immediately. That’s is no coincidence, because the apartment is designed like a home “for everyday life, reflecting how a creative, mobile and digitally­oriented generation lives” as Frederik tells in the Q&A below. The Vitra furniture fit in perfectly. Vitra also believes that a home is a personal collage that, in the course of time, will change with the preferences and the living conditions of the residents.  And you feel that vibe when you enter the apartment.Layout and floor plan
The bright apartment with high ceilings contains a living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and a spacious entrance. The floorplan is based on the original layout of the beautiful building. Some very clever additions, like the room dividing wall of plywood between the living room and bedroom that is also a cupboard, make this space into a modern and urban place.
I hope you enjoy the interview with Fredrik Frede of FvF and the look inside by the pictures I’ve made.  Tell me what you think!



FvF Q&A with Frederik Frede of Freunden von Freunden.

Can you tell us about yourself and why you started Freunde von Freunden? 
Torsten Bergler and I started the creative agency NoMoreSleep (now called MoreSleep) in 2006. In 2009 we lost two major clients accounts following the global crisis and that was when we decided to immerse ourselves in more personal projects. We always wanted to do something fun for ourselves while having a personal reference as our goal. We looked at what was happening with fashion blogs and interiors, the changes in those digital environments and storytelling online. And as Facebook was popping up in Germany in 2009 too, we somehow immediately knew we should do a website where we tell the stories of our creative friends in Berlin and show how they live. And then we started interviewing the people around us. We got Timmi Seifert on board and then we took it from there.
How do you choose the apartments you feature? 
We never look for apartments per se – mostly for people with intriguing stories. Individuals rather than spaces are the focal point of our features. In most cases we don’t even know what to expect when we visit someone at home. It’s important to note that what we do is not just about interiors – which are, of course, a great visual treat – but also about exploring cultural landscapes, different perspectives and introducing a diverse world to our readers.
How do you select your guests? 
We want to stay true to our initial concept and portray friends of friends from our ever­expanding network. From the beginning we literally worked with close friends and asked them if they wanted to suggest other friends. This is how we wish to continue. Our focus is on individuals who are inspiring and have great things to say. No matter if it‘s gardening, cooking or designing space shuttles! It’s difficult to put this in a box because that would limit FvF’s versatile and ever­evolving nature. Our content is becoming more diverse while we retain our identity. In terms of how we go about selecting people to portray, we’re constantly researching but also receive a lot of suggestions from our collaborators. There’s no golden rule for choosing a person as it always depends on each case in particular – and gut feeling.
And how does The FvF Apartment fit in there? 
The FvF Apartment is a physical expression of our online publication – a multi­faceted space for friends and partners to gather and express their creativity as well as interesting ideas. It is in the same house as our office and we use it for many occasions. It is an actual apartment with everything one could need on a daily basis. Everything in the apartment is meant for being used and we don’t see it as a clean­cut showroom. It is more about the vision of how we see living in that kind of size and area of Berlin. It all came together through our partnership with Swiss manufacturer Vitra. Afterwards, many friends, local and international brands and partners were involved.
Can you tell us a bit about what the FvF apartment is for? 
So, to be more precise, the FvF Apartment has been designed to be fully adaptable to the diverse and often unexpected scenarios of everyday life, reflecting how a creative, mobile and digitally­oriented generation lives. It serves not only as a platform for innovative products from friends and partners, but as a unique venue for events, workshops, and presentations. W e wanted to make sure to create a homely atmosphere where everyone would feel comfortable instantly and wouldn’t want to leave. Many of our partners do photoshoots or client meetings and use it as a reference point for their products when they’re in use. We have regular bookings for presentations, coachings, dinner, shootings, showroom and sleepovers.
Are there any artists, designers, or countries, cities or an interview at FvF where you have a preference for or who inspired you and why?
My favorite stories are the ones I feel more attached to content­wise and the ones that involve my friends. I can’t really pinpoint a favorite because they are all so different and very special in their own way. If I’d have to pick a really inspiring story that would be the one of Gwen and Gawie Fagan. It’s definitely in my top five, both in terms of story as well as photography.
Thanks to FvF and Fredrik Frede.
I want to thank Frederik Frede for taking the time for this Q&A.  FvF is such an interesting concept. A home is made a home by the people who live in it. The FvF stories are a treat to read. Also I’m so glad I had a chance to see the FvF apartment in person.  Enjoy the pictures I took.
You can find a lot more inspiring portraits of people and their homes or workplaces at Freunde von Freunden.  Also a lot more of FvF in cooperation with Vitra at Vitra Magazine FvF  and Freunde von Freunden.

Like to read more about Vitra here on my blog ? Then maybe you like this post:
Vitra and Mobila: Elle festival Amsterdam

Freunde von Freunden apartement Berlin | Vitra | photo’s by © C-More

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Vitra | Prouvé | G-Star | Milan 2015 | Milan Designweek | I Love it when a plan comes together |

I Love it when a plan comes together !
A new collaboration between
Vitra, Prouvé and G-Star RAW
Designweek Milan 2015


VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
A few days at the Milan Salone del Mobile Design week was enough to recharge me with new interior design inspiration. At the [originally Dutch fashion brand] G-Star store Milan Vitra presented this new Prouvé collection that is a crossover project between Vitra and G-Star RAW. In 2011 they worked together for a limited edition of Prouvé -Gstar furniture and they did it again: the Prouvé RAW Office Edition.
The collection revives a series of fauteuils, bureaus, a table and lamps, originally designed by Jean Prouvé in the 1940s. The industrial green colours are developed in collaboration with the art directors at G-Star.
Made out of steel and solid wood these contemporary pieces with leather upholstery give you the authentic industrial feeling.
I love the firm lines, do you?
The special edition collection will be available until the end of 2016.
More information at VITRA

Would you like to read more about Vitra on my blog?


VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More 
VITRA | Prouvé | G-Star RAW limited Office Edition | Milan Designweek 2015 | by C-More

Ik houd er van als een plan werkt!

Een nieuwe samenwerking tussen 
Vitra, Prouvé  en G-Star RAW
Designweek Milaan 2015 

Een paar dagen op de Milaneese Salone Del Mobile Design week was genoeg om mij weer helemaal op te laden met nieuwe interieur en design inspiratie. In de [van oorsprong Nederlands modemerk] G-Star winkel in Milaan werd deze nieuwe crossover  VITRA Prouvé  G-Star RAW collectie gepresenteerd.
In 2011 werkten zij al samen en brachten een gelimiteerde collectie meubelen uit en nu presteren ze het weer: de Prouvé RAW Office Edition. 
De collectie laat een reeks fauteuils, bureaus, een tafel en lampen herleven die oorspronkelijk in 1940 door Jean Prouvé  zijn ontworpen. De industriële groene kleuren zijn ontwikkeld in samenwerking met de art directors van G-Star. De van staal en massief hout gemaakte en met oa leer bekleedde moderne stukken geven een heel authentiek en industrieel gevoel. Ik houd van de strakke stoere lijnen… en jij?

De special edition collection is verkrijgbaar tot het eind van 2016.

meer info via VITRA


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Link with love 
Xo Iris

Vitra | Meet the Blogger | Masterclass | Panton Chair special edition



Meet the Blogger

Masterclass  Photography and Styling
Panton Chair special edition


Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to be at the Vitra Showroom in Amsterdam,
while Meet the Blogger organised the Masterclass Photography and Styling
given by Holly of Avenue Lifestyle and Wendy of Beeldsteil.

To be in this inspirational building, where Vitra showcase their Design furniture by “big name” designers like Ray and Charles Eames, Alexander Girard, Hella Jongerius, Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec was a real pleasure.

It’s no secret I’m a big fan of Vitra. As an interior designer I advise these design a lot. And why? Because they blend in so well. I love the vision of ” Collage Living”.
And besides that, a piece of design with the Vitra sign on it, is always a good investment. Throughout the years the design items have proved themselves as Design Classics.
Like the panton chair by Verner Panton. After years of production development, the Panton chair was finally produced in 1967. But in 1970 they had to stop due to material failure. Time hasn’t stand still since then and nowadays the material development has made big progress and is the Panton Chair in full production. There even is a little panton chair for the kids and an outdoor version.
The chair itself is one of the most iconographic Design chairs, and used by many photographers.
Vitra | limited special color version “Summer Green” Panton Chair |
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | by C-More
Vitra has made a limited special color version: the “Summer Green” version. It’s available only until this summer. This green one blends in very well with other green shades and gives a joyful spirit to your interior or outdoors.  Its available at some selected dealers. More info at VITRA 
So, the students at the masterclass by Meet the Blogger were “spoiled” by so many good design items and such a great space to learn about Photograpy and Styling by two master teachers.
Nevertheless they had to work hard. They were split-up in little groups, and work together to make their own styled photo. From what I saw, they did very well!
If you like to see what the students made, you can find some of the work at Instagram #mtbvitra or simply search for #mtbvitra to find blogs writing about it.
The Panton Chair Limited edition in the color “summer green”
is available at selected dealers.

For the Dutchies:
If you like to shop for the beautiful Vitra products and furniture:
You can find them online at Flinders.
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Vitra | limited special color version "Summer Green" Panton Chair | Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | by C-More
Vitra | limited special color version “Summer Green” Panton Chair |
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | by C-More
Vitra | limited special color version "Summer Green" Panton Chair | Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | by C-More
Vitra | limited special color version “Summer Green” Panton Chair |
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Vitra | limited special color version "Summer Green" Panton Chair | Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | by C-More
Vitra | limited special color version “Summer Green” Panton Chair |
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Vitra | limited special color version "Summer Green" Panton Chair | Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | by C-More
Vitra | limited special color version “Summer Green” Panton Chair |
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | Eames | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | Eames | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More
Meet the Blogger Masterclass photography and Styling | at Vitra NL | by C-More



Meet the Blogger 

Masterclass  Photography and Styling +Panton Chair special edition


Een paar weken geleden was ik bij Vitra’s showroom in Amsterdam, tijdens het door Meet the Blogger organiseerde Masterclass Fotografie en Styling. Deze werd gegeven door Holly van Avenue Lifestyle en Wendy van Beeldsteil.
Heerlijk om in dit inspirerende gebouw te zijn, waar Vitra hun design meubels van “grote namen” ontwerpers als Ray en Charles Eames, Alexander Girard, Hella Jongerius, Ronan &  Erwan Bouroullec presenteert.
Het is geen geheim dat ik een grote fan van Vitra ben. Als interieurontwerper adviseer ik vaak deze ontwerpen. En waarom? Omdat ze zo goed passen in vele stijlen en sferen. 
Ik houd van de visie van “Collage Wonen”.
En naast dat, een meubelstuk met het echte Vitra logo er op is altijd een goede investering. 
Door de jaren hebben de Design items zich wel bewezen als Design Klassiekers.
Net als de Panton Chair van Verner Panton. Na jaren van productie en materiaal ontwikkeling werd de Panton stoel eindelijk geproduceerd in 1967. Maar in 1970 moesten ze stoppen door problemen met het materiaal: het brak. De tijd heeft niet stil gestaan sindsdien en tegenwoordig heeft de materiaal ontwikkeling grote vooruitgang geboekt en is de Panton Chair in volle productie. 
Er is zelfs een mini Panton Chair voor kinderen en een outdoor versie.
De stoel zelf is een van de meest iconografische Design stoelen en door vele fotografen gefotografeerd. 
Vitra heeft in beperkte oplage een speciale kleur versie gemaakt: De “Summer Green” versie. Deze is beschikbaar tot deze zomer. Het groen combineert heel goed met andere groen tinten en geeft een vrolijke noot aan het interieur of buiten in de tuin. Deze special is verkrijgbaar bij een aantal geselecteerde dealers. 
Meer info via VITRA.
Dus, de studenten werden tijdens de masterclass van Meet the Blogger super “verwend” door zoveel mooie Design items en de fantastische ruimte om van alles te leren over fotografie en styling van de twee top docenten.
Toch moesten ze hard werken. 
Ze werden opgedeeld in kleine groepen om samen te werken 
en hun eigen ge-stylde foto’s te maken. 
Van wat ik zag, deden ze het erg goed!
Als je graag wilt zien wat ze gemaakt hebben, 
dan kun je wat van het werk vinden op 
Instagram #mtbvitra  of gewoon zoeken naar #mtbvitra
om blogs die er over geschreven hebben te vinden.
Panton Chair in de kleur “summer green”, 
zolang de voorraad strekt bij geselecteerde dealers.

Ben je opzoek naar de prachtige meubelen en accessoires van Vitra?
Kijk dan eens op Flinders.

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Then follow me and stay updated :-)
See you next time, or I’ll meet you at:
Link with love
Xo Iris

Vitra | Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 | Alexander Girard | Inspiration | Interior Accessories

Vitra’s Home Complements

 Maison et Objet Paris 2015

 Inspiration | Interior Accessories

Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015
| Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Wooden Dolls | Alexander Girard | photo By C-More
Last weekend I was in Paris at Maison et Objet
which celebrates it’s 25th birthday this year,
and a visit to the Vitra booth topped my list.
They showcased the renewed interior decoration and accessories collection called
A well-suited name I think.
For the new Home Complements collection Vitra used some already existing,
but not yet applied sources, and also presented the ABC collection by Artek,
like they already did with the furniture designs.
This new Home Complements collection consists of series of textiles,
like cushions, wool blankets, paper napkins,
printed textile decor panels, zip pouches and bags.
Also decorative objects and small furniture, like the wooden dolls,
classic trays, clocks, small stools, notebooks
and even coffee mugs are part of the assortment.
Vitra chose to re-introduce some gems they already had in their hands…
The designs of Alexander Girard.
Although the designs and dessins are not new,
they fit in very well in this spirit of times.
I spoke to Alexander Kori Girard,
who now looks after his grandfathers’ legacy and started the Girard studio.
He tells me that he and his family work very close together
with Vitra in selecting the designs, prints, colors and products from Alexander Girard.
“Vitra respects the designs” he says. “They always do.”
For selecting the colors, Kori doesn’t have to do any further research: “
I think he has combined every two colors in this world that work well together”
he tells me smiling ”… I studied the collection very well.”
Kori, who went to the School of Graphic Arts in New York
and is a painter himself, sees to it that the dessins
and products are a good match.
I think Kori and Vitra have done a good job, don’t you?
It’s a very nice addition to the existing collection small home products.
And as far as I could see many people agree with me:
it was very busy at the booth.
Like Vitra says:
“Vitra Home Complements is a collection of design objects, accessories and textiles that creates that special ambiance. This is about private living spaces, not a uniform design world.”
And on my wish list are:
the black and white striped wool blanket,
the decorative panels, the golden house bird, the Corniches,
of course the miniature furniture collection,
the coffee mug with the golden heart,
the zip pouches… and…..and…..
I guess I love al the items :-)
More info at VITRA
For the Dutchies:
If you like to shop for the beautiful Vitra products and furniture:
You can find them online at Flinders.
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Printed Cards | Alexander Girard | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015
Alexander Kori Girard | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Wooden Dolls | Alexander Girard | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Printed match boxes | Alexander Girard | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Printed decorative panels | Alexander Girard | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | pillows | Alexander Girard | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Wool blanket black and white stipes | Alexander Girard | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Eames | Alexander Girard | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Booth at Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Eames | Alexander Girard | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Coffee mugs | Printed pillows | Alexander Girard | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Printed trays | Alexander Girard | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Corniches | Miniature collection | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Golden Eames House bird | Miniature collection | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Artek | Prints | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Artek | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Artek | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Artek | photo By C-More
Vitra’s Home Complements | Maison et Objet Paris 2015 |
Inspiration | Interior Accessoires | Corniches | Eames House bird | Miniature collection | photo By C-More



Vitra’s “Home Complements”

 Maison et Objet Paris 2015 

 Inspiratie | Interieur Accessoires



Afgelopen weekend was ik in Parijs bij Maison et Objet, 
die dit jaar haar 25e verjaardag viert en bezocht ook de Vitra stand. 
Ze toonde de vernieuwde interieur- en accessoire- collectie genaamd “Home Complements “
Een zeer geschikte naam vind ik. 





Voor de nieuwe home complements collectie maakt Vitra gebruik 
van een aantal reeds bestaande maar nog niet toegepaste bronnen,
en presenteerde de ABC collectie van Artek, 
zoals ze eerder al deden met de meubelontwerpen. 
Deze nieuwe “Home Complements” collectie bestaat uit een reeks textiel items 
zoals kussens, wollen dekens, papieren servetten, bedrukte decoratieve panelen, 
kleine zakjes met ritsen en tassen. 
Ook zijn er decoratieve voorwerpen en kleine meubelen, 
zoals de houten poppen, klassieke dienbladen, 
klokken, kleine krukjes, notebooks en zelfs koffiemokken. 
Vitra koos enkele pareltjes die ze al in handen hadden uit, 
om opnieuw te introduceren: De ontwerpen van Alexander Girard. 
Hoewel de ontwerpen en dessins niet nieuw zijn, 
passen ze heel goed in deze tijdgeest. 
Ik sprak met Alexander Kori Girard, die de nalatenschap 
van zijn grootvader beheert en de “Girard studio” op heeft gezet. 
Hij vertelt me dat hij en zijn familie nauw samen werken met Vitra 
bij het selecteren van de ontwerpen, prints, 
kleuren en producten van Alexander Girard. 
“Vitra respecteert de ontwerpen”, zegt hij. “Dat doen ze altijd.” 
Voor het kiezen van de kleuren, hoeft Kori geen verder onderzoek te doen: 
“Ik denk dat hij elke twee kleuren die in deze wereld bestaan 
en die goed passen met elkaar heeft gecombineerd “, vertelt hij me glimlachend 
 “…Ik bestudeerde de collectie zeer goed.” 
Kori, die zelf The School of Graphic Arts in New York volgde 
is zelf schilder en ziet erop toe dat de dessins 
en de producten een goede match zijn. 
Wat mij betreft heeft Alexander Kori Girard 
in samenwerking met Vitra goed werk gedaan, vind je niet? 
Het is een mooie aanvulling op de bestaande collectie kleine interieur producten. 
Ik denk dat veel mensen met mij eens zijn: het was erg druk op de stand……..
Op mijn verlanglijstje staan inmiddels: 
de zwart-wit gestreepte wollen deken, de decoratieve panelen, 
de gouden House Bird, de Corniches, 
natuurlijk de miniatuur meubel collectie, de koffiemok met het gouden hart, 
het zip-zakje … en … ..en … ..
Ik denk eigenlijk dat ik alle items op mijn lijstje heb… :-)
Meer info via Vitra
 Ben je opzoek naar de prachtige meubelen en accessoires van Vitra?
Kijk dan eens op Flinders.
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Then follow me and stay updated :-)
Link with love
Xo Iris


First or Second store by April and May | Second floor + Kitchen | Bloggerslunch | Concept store

First or Second store by April and May

Second floor + Kitchen

Bloggerslunch | Concept store

First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Vintage Bureau| By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Vintage Bureau|  By C-More


As I promised you here are the pictures of the second floor at First or Second store by April and May.
The first floor I showed here in this previous blogpost about my visit to Alkmaar.I visited the in September opened shop while having this wonderful Scandinavian lunch during the Bloggerslunch organised by Sandra Meier of Accessorize your Home

and Femke + Eddy Ditmars of Hééérlijk.
First or Second store sells new and vintage design items, as the name and signs tell us, in a very inspiring environment. If you are in the neighbourhood of Alkmaar, pay a visit, You won’t regret it.Enjoy!

First or Second

Update:  First or Second  is now  Dintra design. 

First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | storage By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | storage  By C-More

There is more!
click below


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor |  By C-More


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Bathroom | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor |  Bathroom | By C-More


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Kitchen by KVIK | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor |  Kitchen by KVIK | By C-More


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Kitchen by KVIK | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor |  Kitchen by KVIK | By C-More


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Wall | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor  | Wall | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Fireplace | Concrete floor | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor  | Fireplace | Concrete floor | By C-More


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Wooden vintage drawer cabinet | Concrete floor | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor  | Wooden vintage drawer cabinet | Concrete floor |
By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Wooden vintage drawer cabinet | Concrete floor | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor  | Wooden vintage drawer cabinet | Concrete floor |
By C-More


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Wooden picture frames | Concrete floor | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor  | Wooden picture frames | Concrete floor | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Vintage Eames chairs | Vitra | Concrete floor | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor  | Vintage Eames chairs | Vitra | Concrete floor | By C-More


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor  | Plywood | HAY | Vitra | Concrete floor | By C-More


First or Second store by April and May 

Tweede verdieping + Keuken 



Bloggerslunch | Concept store

Zoals ik jullie beloofde, hier zijn de foto’s van de tweede verdieping van First or Second store by April and May.

De eerste verdieping kun hier in deze eerdere blogpost over mijn bezoek aan Alkmaar bekijken.

Ik bezocht de in september geopende winkel tijdens de smakelijke en mooie Scandinavische lunch bij de Bloggerslunch,  georganiseerd door Sandra Meier van Accessorize your Home

en Femke + Eddy Ditmars van Hééérlijk.

First or Second store verkoopt nieuwe en vintage design items, zoals de naam en tekens al vertellen, in een zeer inspirerende omgeving. Als je in de buurt van Alkmaar,  ga er dan zeker even langs, je zult er geen spijt van krijgen. 


First or Second


Update:  First or Second  is overgegaan in Dintra design. 

all pictures by C-More 

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Xo Iris
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