
Big news: The Loft Amsterdam is back 

Big news:

The Loft Amsterdam

is back

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The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 living sofa plant green

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | plant object styling | photo by © C-More



Have you heard of The Loft Amsterdam before? It’s a great interior concept by Floris Koch, Kassandra Schreuder and Maarten van Huijstee. In a big, light and beautiful space in an old building in the center of Amsterdam this team curates a complete interior as if there actually lives someone. Someone with good taste! And keep your eyes and ears open: The Loft is only for a short time: 22 August 2015 – 6 September 2015. 

It’s is really one of the best interior events I’ve seen. Not only the team picked out such unique and special items, also the styling is perfect. That’s what makes it so personal. For some a bit too personal, since people hesitate to actually pick up and buy the items they love. But please do: all items at The Loft are for sale. You can take most of them directly home with you. And if you’re not able to visit the loft in person, you can always order online at The Loft Shop


My personal favorites of The Loft summer 2015 are

  • The many many books…. I’m a real book addict….
  • the stunning marble and green kitchen with blue steel wall by Eginstill, Dornbracht and Gaggenau
  • the leather pillows and magazine baskets by Philomijn
  • the leather strapped sofa by Stephen Kenn

Be inspired by the pictures I took of The Lofts Amsterdam summer 2015 edition.





I also visited The Loft by The Playing Circle last summer 2014 and during wintertime 2014.

You can read the blogpost and see the many photos’s I took over here:


The Loft by The Playing Circle summer 2014

The Loft by The Playing Circle winter 2014.


More information:  Enter The Loft Amsterdam  and The Loft Amsterdam Facebook page 


The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 Green plants copper styling

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green plants copper styling

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 portret textile styling inspiration

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | styling portrait | textile | inspiration| photo by © C-More

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 Green bench plants pillow black and white photo

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green bench plants pillow black and white photo


The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 leather pillow cushion sofa plants green

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | leather pillow cushion | sofa | plants green| photo by © C-More

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 living

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | living | plant object styling | vintage | photo by © C-More

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 Green bench plants leather pillow black and white photo

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green bench plants pillow black and white photo




More pictures and inspiration after the READ MORE button!!!

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Ikea’s newest interior + styling + food items | fall 2015


Ikea’s newest interior + styling + food items | fall 2015

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IKEA new products 2015 at C-More interior blog PH126690

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Design week Milan | Graypants | Scraplights | lighting | Illumination | inspiration

Design week Milan

 Graypants Scraplights

 lighting | illumination


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Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination  lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen photo's © C-More
Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination
lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen
photo’s © C-More

At the Milan design week 2015 and the Zona Tortona, Graypants [You know… the Seattle-based architects Seth and Jon,  that design these wonderful cardboard lamps “Scrap Lights”] presented the latest collection. This collection of lamps consists an LED system and is inspired by the breathtaking natural phenomenon: murmurations.

“The avian spectacle is translated into dynamic installations, with captivating three-dimensional forms. Each LED pendant within the “flock” is harmoniously connected to its neighbors, creating varying compositions from every viewpoint. By composing light in this way, we create a powerful collection that’s poised to tip, always on the verge of instant transformation.

The murmuration collection will be compromised of several different pendants, and will debut during Milan Design Week 2015 with a site specific installation featuring the moa pendant. The moa pendant is an organic shape made from graypants’ signature material; precision layers of repurposed cardboard. Moa is an extinct wingless and flightless bird, belonging to the ancient forests of New Zealand. Finding beauty in every corner of nature, we saw an opportunity to finally give the moa a chance to soar.

The collection will be available in two very unique ways: individual and standardized arrangements, and custom designed / bespoke installations by the graypants team.

The murmuration collection is a highly adaptable system that can dramatically transform the interior of any space. Whether trying to make an iconic statement in a hotel lobby, restaurant, office or home, these pieces will instantly create a focal point of light and wonder.”

 I find it a beautiful collection…

What do you think…?

photo’s  © C-More

More information: Graypants

More about the Milan Design week 2015 you can find here:

Piet Hein Eek | Leff at Design Week Milan 2015

 Piet Boon at Design Week 2015 Milan

Vitra | Gstar Raw at Design week 2015 Milan 


Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination  lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen photo's © C-More
Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination
lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen
photo’s © C-More



Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination  lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen photo's © C-More
Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination
lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen
photo’s © C-More


Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination  lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen photo's © C-More
Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination
lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen
photo’s © C-More


Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination  lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen photo's © C-More
Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination
lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen
photo’s © C-More


Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination  lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen Piet Hein Eek Tube Watch  photo's © C-More
Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination
lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen
Piet Hein Eek Tube Watch
photo’s © C-More


Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination  lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen Piet Hein Eek Tube Watch  photo's © C-More
Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination
lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen
photo’s © C-More

Design week Milan 


lampen van hergebruikt karton

 verlichting en armaturen



Op de designweek Milaan 2015 op de Zona Tortona, presenteerde Graypants, [ je weet wel de Seattle based architecten Seth en Jon, van die prachtige kartonnen lampen  “Scraplights” ] de nieuwste collectie. Deze bestaat uit een LED-systeem en is geïnspireerd op het adembenemende natuurverschijnsel: murmurations.

“Dit vogel spektakel ” murmurations”  wordt vertaald in dynamische installaties, met boeiende driedimensionale vormen. Elke LED hanger binnen de “zwerm” is harmonieus verbonden met zijn buren, en creëert wisselende samenstelling vanuit elk gezichtspunt. Door het samenstellen van licht op deze manier creëren we een krachtige collectie op de rand van instant transformatie.

De murmuration collectie zal debuteren tijdens de Milan Design Week 2015 met een locatie specifieke installatie van het Moa hang armatuur. De Moa hanglamp is een organische vorm, gemaakt van Graypants ‘ signature materiaal: precies gesneden lagen hergebruikt karton.

Moa is een uitgestorven loopvogel zonder vleugels, die behoort tot de oude bossen van Nieuw-Zeeland. Zoekend naar schoonheid in elke hoek van de natuur, zagen wij een kans om de Moa te laten opvliegen.

De collectie is verkrijgbaar in individuele en gestandaardiseerde opstellingen, op maat ontworpen of maatwerk installaties in overleg met het Graypants team.

De murmuration collectie is een zeer flexibel systeem dat elk interieur of ruimte dramatisch kan transformeren. Of het nu gaat om een ​​iconische statement in een hotel lobby, restaurant, kantoor of thuis, deze items zullen direct een punt van licht en verwondering creëren.”

Ik vind deze collectie prachtig…  Wat vind jij….?

Meer informatie: Graypants
Wil je meer lezen over de Milaan Design week 2015?
Kijk dan hier:

photo’s  © C-More

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Link with love
Xo Iris

Ilse Crawford ’s new cork collection for IKEA | StudioIlse

Studio Ilse | Ilse Crawford ‘s
new cork collection
for IKEA 

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Studio Ilse | Ilse Crawford ’s new cork collection “Sinnerlig Collection” for IKEA
I can’t wait until august 2015, when the new Cork collection Sinnerlig Collection
 by Ilse Crawford for IKEA will be launched..
Studio Ilse, Ikea and the Portuguese cork supplier worked closely together 
to create this new,over 30 pieces interior furniture collection 
with a table, stools, a daybed [which I absolutely adore and really really really must have…] 
and lighting and accessories like vessels and tabletop pieces all made from natural materials. 
These pieces can be categorised in 3 groups: dining, working and lounging.

“Cork is sustainable, durable, a thermal insulator and an acoustic softener. It is waterproof and easy to clean. Above all, it feels good to touch. It is a beautiful, warm material that feels natural and precious at the same time. “

“Each group has a piece of furniture at its centre – the trestle table, dining table and the daybed, respectively. Although the collection works neatly in these configurations everything has been developed so as not to be prescriptive for just one function or setting.This is a reflection on the changing way we live today where fluid space and flexible function of the furniture we live with is a vital part of feeling comfortable at home. So the trestle table could be a desk by day and dining table by night, benches could be consoles and stools can be side tables. The key word here is “could” not “should”; it’s up to you to decide how you wish to live with these things and how they fit into your life.”

See why I can’t wait!

More information about Ikea and Ilse Crawford


Studio Ilse | Ilse Crawford ’s new cork collection “Sinnerlig Collection” for IKEA
Studio Ilse | Ilse Crawford ’s new cork collection “Sinnerlig Collection” for IKEA
Studio Ilse | Ilse Crawford ’s new cork collection “Sinnerlig Collection” for IKEA
Studio Ilse | Ilse Crawford ’s new cork collection “Sinnerlig Collection” for IKEA
Studio Ilse | Ilse Crawford ’s new cork collection “Sinnerlig Collection” for IKEA
Studio Ilse | Ilse Crawford ’s new cork collection “Sinnerlig Collection” for IKEA
Studio Ilse | Ilse Crawford ’s new cork collection “Sinnerlig Collection” for IKEA
Studio Ilse | Ilse Crawford ’s new cork collection “Sinnerlig Collection” for IKEA
Studio Ilse | Ilse Crawford ’s new cork collection “Sinnerlig Collection” for IKEA

StudioIlse | Ilse Crawford’s

nieuwe kurk collectie 

voor IKEA

Ik kan niet wachten tot het augustus 2015 is…
Dan wordt de nieuwe Cork collectie “Sinnerlig Collection”
van Ilse Crawford voor IKEA gelanceerd …..

Studio Ilse, Ikea en de Portugese kurk leverancier hebben nauw samengewerkt
om deze nieuwe, uitmeer dan 30 stuks bestaande interieur/ meubelcollectie te creëren.

De collectie bestaat uit oa een tafel, krukjes, een ligbed
[waar ik helemaal voor ben gevallen en écht, écht moet hebben …]
plus verlichting en accessoires zoals schalen/vazen en tafeldecoratie stukken,
allemaal gemaakt van natuurlijke materialen.
Deze stukken kunnen worden onderverdeeld in 3 groepen:
dineren, werken en loungen.

“Kurk is duurzaam, bestendig, isolerend en werkt akoestisch verzachtend.  Het is waterdicht en gemakkelijk schoon te maken. Boven alles voelt het prettig om aan te raken. Het is een mooi, warm materiaal dat natuurlijk en tegelijkertijd dierbaar voelt.”

“Elke groep heeft een meubel dat centraal staat: – de schragen tafel, de eettafel en het ligbed.  Hoewel de collectie in deze context is uitgewerkt, is alles zo ontwikkeld dat het niet voor slechts één functie of omgeving toepasbaar is. Dit is een reflectie op de veranderende manier waarop we vandaag de dag leven: in een veranderende ruimte en met flexibele functies van de meubels. Deze meubels zijn een belangrijk onderdeel onderdeel om ons comfortabel en thuis te voelen. Dus de schragen-tafel kan overdag een bureau zijn en ’s avonds een eettafel, de bankjes kunnen consoles zijn en krukken bijzettafels. Het sleutelwoord hier is “kan” niet “moet” ……Het is aan jou om te beslissen hoe je wenst te leven met deze dingen en hoe ze in je leven  passen”

Begrijp je nu waarom ik niet kan wachten?

Meer informatie over Ikea en Ilse Crawford


all pictures by IKEA


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Xo Iris

Lighting fixtures I spotted at IMM Cologne 2015 | Trend 2015

Lighting fixtures I spotted at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Ontwerp Duo for & Tradition 
spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015 

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Yesterday I visited the furniture fair in Köln: IMM Cologne. 
Although I saw a lot of nice designs and furniture, the Lighting Fixtures 
were a real eye-cather at this fair. Thats is a real trend for 2015!
I selected some of my favourites.
They all stand out in form, used material, combinations of materials, translucence or graphic lines.
And what do you think of my namesake iridescent glass ball IRIS ?
I love it! 
Lighting fixtures by& Tradition spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by & Tradition
spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures  At Montis Design Post Koln  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures  At Montis Design Post Koln  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by Dua Aust&Amelung Like Paper  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Dua Aust&Amelung Like Paper spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by Greypants spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Greypants spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by Neocraft Iris Sebastian Scherer spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Neocraft Iris Sebastian Scherer spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by  MDF Italia spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by  MDF Italia spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by  MDF Italia spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by  MDF Italia spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by  MENU spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by  MENU spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures ODA by Pulpo  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures ODA by Pulpo  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures ODA by Pulpo at DesignPost Koln at the Gelderland booth spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures ODA by Pulpo at DesignPost Koln at the Gelderland booth
spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by Ontwerp Duo for & Tradition spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Ontwerp Duo for & Tradition spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by Pepe Heykoop  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Pepe Heykoop  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by Secto  at Design Post Koln spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Secto  at Design Post Koln spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by AY Illiminate by Van Mokum  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by AY Illiminate by Van Mokum  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by AY Illiminate by Van Mokum  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by AY Illiminate by Van Mokum  spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixture Vertigo by petite Friture spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixture Vertigo by Petite Friture spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Lighting fixtures by Tom Dixon spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015
Lighting fixtures by Tom Dixon spotted by C-More interiorblog at IMM Cologne 2015

Verlichting armaturen die ik gespot heb op  IMM Cologne 2015

Gisteren bezocht ik de meubelbeurs in Keulen: IMM COLOGNE
Hoewel ik veel mooie ontwerpen en meubels heb gezien, waren de verlichting armaturen toch
 een echte eye-catcher op deze beurs. Ik heb een echte trend gespot voor 2015!

Een aantal van mijn favorieten zie je hier.

Ze zijn allemaal bijzonder van vorm, gebruikte materialen, combinaties van materialen, doorschijnendheid of in grafische lijnen.

En wat vind je van mijn naamgenoot de iriserende glazen bol IRIS?
Ik vind em mooi!

Geniet !!


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Link with love 
Xo Iris

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