
Color trend seminar AW 18|19 by Hilde Francq

Color trend seminar

A|W 18-19

by Hilde Francq

Antwerp BE

&tradition inspiration | Hilde Francq Trend color seminar

&tradition inspiration | Hilde Francq Trend color seminar


If you are a bit like me and love color, then The Color Trend Seminar by Hilde Francq is something for you.

Whether you are professionally working with color or perhaps new at this, Hilde Francq will inspire you and give you lot’s of new insights into upcoming lifestyle, design and fashion trends.

Hilde’s background is in the bicycle business where she introduced color for a new kids bicycle collection, and as she says, “They sold like hot cakes”. Apparently she has a very good sense of color. With that knowledge, she started Francq Colors.

For this edition AW 18|19 trend color seminar, she walks us trough a couple of global and local changes that affect the way we live today and the nearby future. Color is one of the things that mirrors these changes in a very direct way.

A few topics are, Brexit, the Trump election, robotization…. Questions like “Where are we going” arise. Or even more important: “Where do we want to go from now…” In 6 personalities, Hilde Francq shows us how she sees our future:

The Architect

A first trend is the influence of architecture and fashion design. The society is in a construction mode. This leads to fashion and design that plays with architectural elements and abstraction. The structure is central, functionality fades into the background. The column motif is essential here, as architectural materials such as felt.

The Cynic

Where the first trend is about to build a utopia, the second is just the opposite. Here we find inspiration in the dystopia and the art of Bosch. The dark surreal atmosphere of his paintings is imitated in interiors with objects that radiate mystery. Young creatives become fascinated by the occult and alchemy. This results in a dark color palette, eroded finishes and unusual materials such as lava stone.

The Muse:

Another hot topic in our society is feminism. In fashion, this is shown in a new image on women. The woman is portrayed as an intellectual who loves art. In men fashion feminism also is palpable in fragile fabrics and flowing volumes that abandon the rigid men’s suits. In design, we see this trend especially in electronics. These products are getting feminine curves, tactile finishes and soft colors.

The Explorer

The fourth trend revolves around the growing influence of Latin America on our culture, helped by the recent expansion of the Panama Canal. Peruvian food is the latest food hype, pisco sour is on track to become a classic and peaks interest in the architecture of Barragan. This influence leads to a warm-modernist idiom, which combines sleek forms with natural materials and colors of clay and burnt earth.

The Clown

The fifth trend is a reaction to the dominance of good taste and the aesthetic status quo. Creatives search the borders: everything ugly and extreme is an inspiration. In fashion, we see this in clashing color combinations and extreme volumes, while in design it is shown in playful objects that bring out the kid in us.

The Innovator

Finally, there is also a radically futuristic trend. Virtual reality design affects the design language of the real world. We are moving into a new minimalism, full of bright colors. Transparency, subtle iridescence and glass play a key role here. In this trend, we see lots of chrome, nickel and silver. That is a reaction to the copper and brass that we now see everywhere.

During the trend seminar, Hilde Francq tells the story of these six trend personalities and trends in color, materials, shape, texture and patterns.


The Book

And last but not least: Hilde Francq launches her first and brand new book ” Kleur verkoopt” [ Dutch for “Color sells”]  edited by Lannoo Campus. “It is a unique mix between a management book and an inspirational coffee table book; a plea for applying color strategy in marketing and sale,s. It is chock full of color knowledge, gives many tips on how to use color, and contains interviews with Scholten & Baijings, Mette Hay, Erwan Bouroullec and Anne Chapelle, among many others.”


More info about the color trend seminar AW 17|18 and other trend and color events got to: Hilde Francq



&tradition | inspiration | Hilde Francq Trend color seminar

&tradition | inspiration | Hilde Francq Trend color seminar

Amanda ernesto Artillo inspiration | Hilde Francq Trend color seminar

Amanda ernesto Artillo inspiration | Hilde Francq Trend color seminar

Bolon inspiration | Hilde Francq Trend color seminar

Bolon inspiration | Hilde Francq Trend color seminar

Edda Gimnes inspiration | Hilde Francq Trend color seminar

Edda Gimnes inspiration | Hilde Francq Trend color seminar




A / W 18-19




Als je een beetje bent als ik en je houdt van kleur, dan is The Color Trend Seminar Hilde Francq echt iets voor jou.

Of u nu als professioneel werkt met kleur of het juist misschien nog allemaal nieuw is voor je, Hilde Francq zal je zeker veel inspiratie en nieuwe inzichten geven in de komende lifestyle, design en mode trends.

Hilde heeft een achtergrond in de fietsenwereld, waar ze kleur en dessins voor een nieuwe kinderen fiets collectie introduceerde. Die collectie verkocht als warme broodjes. Blijkbaar heeft ze een zeer goed gevoel voor kleur. Met die kennis, begon ze Francq Colors.

Voor deze trendlezing, editie AW 18|19, loopt ze samen met ons door een aantal wereldwijde en lokale veranderingen, die de manier waarop wij vandaag en de nabije toekomst leven beïnvloeden. Kleur is een van de uitingen die deze veranderingen op een heel directe manier weerspiegelt.

Een paar van deze onderwerpen zijn, Brexit, de Trump verkiezing, robotisering …. Vragen als “Waar gaan we heen” ontstaan. Of nog belangrijker: “Welke richting willlen we op gaan …” In 6 persoonlijkheden laat Hilde Francq ons zien hoe ze onze toekomst ziet in kleur:

De architect

Een eerste trend is de invloed van architectuur op mode en design. De maatschappij zit in constructiemodus. Dit leidt tot mode en design die spelen met architecturale elementen en abstractie. De structuur staat centraal, het functionele verdwijnt naar de achtergrond. Het motief van de zuil is hier essentieel, net als architecturale stoffen zoals vilt.eerste trend is de invloed van architectuur op mode en design. De maatschappij zit in constructiemodus. Dit leidt tot mode en design die spelen met architecturale elementen en abstractie. De structuur staat centraal, het functionele verdwijnt naar de achtergrond. Het motief van de zuil is hier essentieel, net als architecturale stoffen zoals vilt.

The Cynic

Waar de eerste trend gaat over het bouwen van een utopie, is de tweede net het omgekeerde. Hier zoeken we inspiratie in de dystopie en in de kunst van Bosch. De donkere surrealistische sfeer van zijn schilderijen wordt geïmiteerd in interieurs met objecten die mysterie uitstralen. Jonge creatieven raken geboeid door het occulte en door alchemie. Dat resulteert in een donker kleurenpalet, geërodeerde finishes en ongebruikelijke materialen als lavasteen.

The Muse

Nog een hot topic in onze maatschappij is feminisme. In de mode wordt dit zichtbaar in een nieuw vrouwbeeld. De vrouw wordt geportretteerd als een intellectueel die van kunst houdt. Ook in de mannenmode is dit feminisme voelbaar, in fragiele stoffen en vloeiende volumes die afstappen van het rigide mannenpak. In design zien we deze trend vooral in elektronica. Die krijgt vrouwelijke curves, tactiele finishes en zachte kleuren.

The Explorer

De vierde trend draait rond de toenemende invloed van Latijns-Amerika op onze cultuur, geholpen door de recente expansie van het Panamakanaal. Peruviaans eten is de nieuwste foodhype, pisco sour is goed op weg om een klassieker te worden en de interesse in de architectuur van Barragan piekt. Die invloed leidt tot een warm-modernistische vormtaal, die strakke vormen koppelt aan natuurlijke materialen en kleuren van klei en gebrande aarde.

The Clown

De vijfde trend is een reactie op de dominantie van goede smaak en het esthetische status quo. Hier zoeken creatieven de grens op. Alles wat lelijk en extreem is, vormt een inspiratiebron. In de mode zien we dit in clashende kleurcombinaties en extreme volumes, terwijl het in design gaat om speelse objecten die het kind in ons naar boven brengen.


The Innovator

Ten slotte komt er ook een radicaal futuristische trend. Hier beïnvloedt de vormtaal van virtual reality het design van de echte wereld. We evolueren naar een nieuw minimalisme vol lichte kleuren. Transparantie, subtiele iridescentie en glas spelen hier een hoofdrol. In deze trend zien we veel chroom, nikkel en zilver. Dat is een reactie op het koper en messing dat we nu overal zien.

Tijdens dit trend seminar vertelt Hilde Francq het verhaal van deze zes trend persoonlijkheden aan de hand van kleur, materiaal, vorm, textuur en patronen.


Het boek

En last but not least: Hilde Francq lanceert haar eerste en gloednieuw boek”Kleur verkoopt” uitgegeven door Lannoo Campus. “Het is een unieke mix tussen een managementboek en een inspirerend salontafel boek; een pleidooi voor het toepassen van kleur strategie in marketing en verkoop. Het staat vol met kleur kennis, geeft veel tips over het gebruik van kleur en bevat interviews met Scholten & Baijings, Mette Hay, Erwan Bouroullec en Anne Chapelle, en vele anderen.”

Meer info over het AW 17|18 trend seminar en andere trend events en adviezen ga naar Hilde Francq





2017 interior color trends by Flexa

Trend color 2017


4 inspiring color themes

revealed by Colour Futures

NL ↓


Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | New Romanticism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | New Romanticism | Color Trend

Recently Flexa revealed the new trend color for 2017 : Denim Drift. Along with this beautiful blue color, there are four extra interior colour themes to work with for the upcoming year 2017.

The overall trend for 2017 is “Life in a New Light”. In my previous blog post about the trend color Denim Drift, you can read more about that.

The four extra underlying themes with matching color palettes are:


“New Romanticism” stands for taking responsibility and connecting with  Earth, which expresses in a bohemian and eclectic style with lots of natural elements and creativity.

“Shared Individualism” theme stands for new groups, which can be a group of friends, co-workers, family or people who think alike and share their dreams and the spaces they live or work in. A very happy, playful theme.

“The Working Home” stands for the fading boundaries between work and home. With this palette, you can define and combine the different zones in your home and keeps you focused when needed.

“Considered Luxury” stands for the new way of consuming. It’s about minimalism, owning less and sharing more and making choices of what you really want to have in your home. Texture, soft textiles, pleasant scents and good music are elements of this subtle luxury. you will find lot’s of whites and natural tones in this palette.

I personally am very content with the Denim Drift Blue! I love the dark version. But also these four themes give me a lot of inspiration for the interior designs for my clients. I always translate colors to a personal palette for my clients and their homes. These inspirational colors for 2017 give enough room for a  personal interpretation.

More info at Colour Futures

Pictures by Colour Futures.

Be inspired + enjoy !


Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | New Romanticism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | New Romanticism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | New Romanticism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | New Romanticism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | New Romanticism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | New Romanticism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | New Romanticism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | New Romanticism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | New Romanticism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | New Romanticism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | New Romanticism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | New Romanticism | Color Trend

SHARED individualism

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Shared Individualism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Shared Individualism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Shared Individualism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Shared Individualism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Shared Individualism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Shared Individualism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Shared Individualism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Shared Individualism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Shared Individualism | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Shared Individualism | Color Trend



Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | TheWorkingHome | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | TheWorkingHome | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | TheWorkingHome | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | TheWorkingHome | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | TheWorkingHome | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | TheWorkingHome | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | TheWorkingHome | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | TheWorkingHome | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | TheWorkingHome | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | TheWorkingHome | Color Trend


Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Considered Luxury | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Considered Luxury | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Considered Luxury | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Considered Luxury | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Considered Luxury | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Considered Luxury | Color Trend









Onlangs onthulde Flexa de nieuwe interieur trend kleur voor 2017: Denim Drift. Naast deze mooie blauwe tint zijn er vier extra interieur kleur thema’s om mee te werken in het komende jaar 2017.

De algemene trend voor 2017 is “Het leven in een nieuw licht”. In mijn vorige blog post over de trend kleur van 2017 Denim Drift, kun je daar meer over lezen. De vier extra onderliggende thema’s met bijpassende kleurpaletten zijn:


“NEW ROMANTICISM” staat voor het nemen van verantwoordelijkheid en het verbinden met de aarde. Dit komt tot uiting in een bohemien en eclectische stijl met veel natuurlijke elementen en creativiteit.

“SHARED INDIVIDUALISM” staat voor nieuwe groepen die ontstaan, Deze kunnen bestaan uit vrienden, collega’s familie of gewoon mensen die hetzelfde denken, hun dromen delen en de ruimte waarin ze wonen of werken. Een heel vrolijk en speels thema.

“THE WORKING HOME” staat voor de vervagende grenzen tussen werk en privé. Met dit palet kun je  de verschillende zones in huis definiëren en combineeren en het houdt je gefocust wanneer dat nodig is.

“CONSIDERED LUXURY” staat voor de nieuwe manier van consumeren. Het gaat over het minimalisme, het minder bezitten en meer delen. Het maken van keuzes: wat wil je echt graag in je huis hebben staan. Textuur, zacht textiel, aangename geuren en goede muziek zijn belangrijke elementen van deze subtiele luxe. Je zult veel witten en natuurlijke tinten in dit palet zien.

Meer info op Colour Futures

Fotos van Colour Futures.

Laat je inspireren + geniet!

trend color 2017 revealed ! Denim Drift

Trend color 2017


revealed by Colour Futures

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Color Trend

Today Flexa | AkzoNobel revealed the new 2017 Interior trend color by Colour Futures: Denim Drift. Social and trend research showed that we want to celebrate the “simple things” in life.

Heleen van Gent, Colour Expert at Flexa, described it as follows: “As the world around you changes constantly, you see the ‘normal’ things in life, such as family, friends and work, with new eyes. 

In addition, the return to nature and the sheer enjoyment of experiencing the “now” is much more important.” This results in the theme ‘LIFE IN A NEW LIGHT “, a new outlook on life.

Color of the Year 2017 “DENIM DRIFT” is a pleasant, timeless, versatile gray blue, that depending on how you apply it, always looks different. Blue, used in various proportions and a variety of light and dark shades can change the atmosphere in a room can completely. 

By combining Denim Drift with a few lighter variants, the result is fresh and airy. In a darker version it creates a dramatic atmosphere. Thus, there are numerous ways to apply the color denim drift.

“Life in a New Light” is the overall trend, but there are four underlying themes with matching color palettes:


Soon more about these 4 themes.

More info soon at Colour Futures



Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Color Trend

Colour Futures 2017 | Denim Drift | Color Trend


Colour Futures

trend color 2017

Denim Drift

Vandaag onthulde Flexa | AkzoNobel de nieuwe op Colour Futuresctrend kleur 2017 voor het interieur:  Denim Drift. Trend onderzoek toont aan dat we de eenvoudige dingen in het leven willen vieren.

Heleen van Gent, Colour Expert Flexa beschrijft het als volgt: “Als de wereld om je heen voortdured verandert, zie je de ‘normale’ dingen in het leven, zoals familie, vrienden en werk, met nieuwe ogen. Daarnaast is de terugkeer naar de natuur en het pure genot van het “in het nu zijn” veel belangrijker. Dit resulteert in het thema “LEVEN IN EEN NIEUW LICHT”, een nieuwe kijk op het leven.

Kleur van het Jaar 2017 “DENIM DRIFT” is een aangenaam, tijdloos, veelzijdig grijs blauw dat, afhankelijk van hoe je het toepast, er altijd anders  uit ziet. Blauw, gebruikt in verschillende verhoudingen en verscheidene lichte en donkere kleuren,  kan de sfeer in een kamer volledig veranderen.

Door het combineren van Denim Drift met een paar lichtere varianten, wordt het resultaat fris en luchtig; in een donkere versie creëert het een dramatische sfeer. Zo zijn er verschillende manieren om de blauwe kleur Denim Drift toe te passen.

“Life in a New Light ‘is de overall trend, maar er zijn 4 onderliggende thema’s. Daarover volgende keer meer!

Meer info binnenkort op Colour Futures



Ikea magazine 2016 2017 party

Ikea magazine 2016 2017 party

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More



A day spent in a very wet cornfield for the Ikea catalogue 2016-17 is a day well spent!

Every august you know it’s coming: The new Ikea magazine. This time Ikea Netherlands organized a big launch in the middle of a cornfield, to present the newest items, and to announce some collaborations for the upcoming year, like with Dutch Designer Piet Hein Eek, Hay and Tom Dixon [ Yay!!!] Piet Hein Eek will be working on two collections: the JASSA and INDUSTRIELL collection.

Although it was raining cats and dogs, I loved the way Ikea presented itself. I can easily imagine how wonderful it would have looked, if the sun was shining that day.

In a big cornfield, Ikea made a pentagon shaped path which stands for the 5 principles they stand for: Form – Function – Quality – Sustainable and Affordable design.

The center of this pentagon was an open tent where we were served a delicious lunch. Ikea is making the food they serve in the restaurants more healthy and we got some very nice and good tasting salads and the pulled salmon sandwich for lunch.

After lunch, I walked the 5 paths and there were different stages with the new furniture, textiles and accessories. Along the way, I spotted sets of wooden boxes on high legs, with smaller objects and styling elements. Loved it!

Amongst the new designs are: the design kitchens, the funky SÄLLSKAP collection and the SLADDA bike. And of course the IKEA PS 2017 collection, with the Dutch-based,Eindhoven’s design duo Truly Truly. More info about the special collections you can find at

The new collections will be revealed during the year, but some of them are already available in the stores as of now. Below a selection of my favorite items.

Go to Ikea for more info.



ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More


ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More


ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More

ikea catalogue event 2016 2017 | by C-More



Ikea catalogus 2016-17  party

Een dag doorgebracht in een zeer nat korenveld voor de IKEA catalogus 2016 2017 launch, is een dag goed besteed!

Elk jaar in augustus je weet dat “ie” er aan komt: de nieuwe Ikea gids. Deze keer organiseerde Ikea Nederland de lancering groots, midden in een maïsveld.  De nieuwste items werden gepresenteerd en een aantal samenwerkingen met designers voor het komende jaar, werden aangekondigd. Zoals met ontwerper Piet Hein Eek, het skandinavische merkt Hay en designer Tom Dixon. [ jippie !!!] Piet Hein Eek gaat werken aan twee collecties: de Jassa en Indusriell collectie.

Hoewel het weer niet echt mee werkte, het regende pijpenstelen, vond ik de gekozen presentatie echt heel mooi en verrassend. Stel je toch voor als de zon wel had geschenen, dan zou het er nog mooier zijn geweest…..

In een groot maïsveld maakte Ikea een vijfhoekig pad, dat staat voor de 5 principes waar zij voor staan: Vorm – Functie – Kwaliteit – Duurzaam en Betaalbaar design.

Het centrum van deze vijfhoek was een open tent waar we een heerlijke lunch geserveerd kregen. Ikea is het  eten dat ze serveren in de restaurants aan het verbeteren naar meer gezonde maaltijden. We kregen een aantal  mooie en lekkere salades en de nieuw “pulled salmon sandwich” voorgeschoteld.

Na de lunch liep ik de 5 paden door. Op diverse punten waren units met de nieuwe collectie meubels, textiel en accessoires. Langs de paden stonden een aantal sets houten boxen op hoge poten, met kleinere objecten en styling elementen er in. Mooie presentatie en mooie accessoires!

Onder de nieuwe items zijn oa de nieuwe design keukens, de funky SÄLLSKAP collectie en de SLADDA fiets. En natuurlijk de IKEA PS 2017 collectie, met het in Eindhoven gesettelde ontwerp duo Truly Truly. Meer info  over deze special collecties kun je vinden op .

De nieuwe collecties zullen in de loop van het jaar worden onthuld. Sommige zijn zelfs nu al verkijgbaar in de winkels. Hierboven een selectie van mijn favorite items.

Ga naar Ikea voor meer info.


I don’t have a favourite color | Vitra |Book by Hella Jongerius

I don’t have a favourite color

a book by Hella Jongerius | Vitra

Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More


Wow. I don’t know where to start actually. I got this big chance to interview Hella Jongerius, Dutch designer and color specialist, at Casa Vitra during the Milan design week. She is my color hero. She does what I love…. Working with color, designing around color, testing and selecting color ranges… My dream job.


Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More


Ever since I was little I was drawn to color. But not just colored objects. Mostly paint color strips, or the color codes on the milk cartons and other prints. And of course colors in textiles. Again, not just the textile itself, but especially the yarns, the selvedges, the loose threads, the warp and wefts. I loved picking up the magnifying glass and study the clothes I was wearing… And still, to this day I love color arrangements. Just never had the courage to make it my profession. Although, I am an interior color specialist, and graduated on the subject color concepts and trends. So, I think you can imagine that getting the chance to talk to Hella Jongerius was one of my wishes.

Detail of stitched letters on canvas | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

Detail of stitched letters on canvas | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More


The evening of the Casa Vitra opening, I received the very exclusive book ” I don’t have a favorite colour” by Hella Jongerius for Vitra. It is beautiful. And: She signed it for me!

In the book, Hella tells about her passion for color and textiles. Although, textiles was something she was determined not to study, when she started at the design school in 1988. Crazy how things turn around, isn’t it. The books shows how she experiments and selects the colors for Vitra.


Color wheel | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

Color wheel | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More


One of the first designs she did for Vitra is the Polder Sofa. It’s one of my favorite Sofas. In this design, the concept of color is dominating, being inspired by the Dutch Polder landscape, which mainly consist of rectangle surfaces in a wide range of greens. Beautiful concept.

For Vitra Hella divided the colors into 4 main groups: The Reds, the Greens, the Lights and the Darks. During the Milan design week, Vitra launched the new book at Casa Vitra and at that unique location the interview with Hella Jongerious took place. It was a double interview with journalist Eline Haentjens from Belgium.



Color Wheel | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

Color Wheel | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More


Can you tell something about the new book: “I don’t have a favorite color”

For over 10 years, I’ve been working with color for Vitra. After these 10 years of research, we figured it would be great to combine all this work in a book. I’m not working as a stylist with color, but more as an author, a color-designer, and color-researcher. Besides working for Vitra, where my work is mostly functional, I also do my own color research. For instance, the black metal oxides project for glazings for vases and a study about daylight and color. That knowledge has always been mixed with the work for Vitra. My first project and design for Vitra was the Polder Sofa. This collaboration has developed and became a long-term commitment in which we build the line of colors and materials for Vitra.


Color Wheel | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

Color Wheel | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More


Color is obviously very important to you. Which position takes color in the design process?

That depends on the product I’m designing or working on. In textiles such as upholsteries, color is the last thing you do. But if you start with weaving research, or if you making small samples to study a particular structure, you always do this in black and white. Just look at the small samples we have here at the Casa Vitra exhibition here in Milan. In these black and white testing samples, you can quickly see what percentage of one color and of the other color is best and what the effect will be before you actually color the textiles. Color is something that is always in my mind while I’m designing, but you do not color the actual design in this stage. The final color collection is only composed at the very end of the process when all tests are done. It’s way too expensive to do everything in color when you are still in the sample stage. And even at the end of the line, there is still a lot of testing in color. Like in colors for plastics for chairs or for carpets. Even then, you can come to the conclusion that a certain color does not work well on a design, or does not get through testing. Then you have to start all over again. If you pull out an, for say orange color, then the connection in the total color-line is no longer a match. In a way, color is interwoven into the design process, but it’s also something you need to do later, because otherwise the process is too expensive, it is just not efficient.


Stitched letters on canvas  | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

Stitched letters on canvas | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More


Elaborating on what you are saying: besides the new Vitra developments and designs, many designs are “classic designs’. You also develop the renewal of colors for these classic designs. How do you handle that? You have to deal with the originals, your own and Vitra’s vision and the current “Zeitgeist”.

I will first look in the archives: what has been done in the past, what has the designer done, what was his vision. And of course, we have a nice Vitra museum where all the archives are. I make a study of the design and the original colors, we talk to relatives of the designer if possible and research it’s heritage. Then I make a suggestion. Surely it is an interpretation of mine of the design, with my statement and sign on it. I don’t believe in objectivity. I’m not “matching” the new colors with what used to be the originals. My own handwriting will be in it. I very much believe in that: The new color line only gets a high quality with this new handwriting. And I do this purely on intuition.


Stitched letters on canvas  | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

Stitched letters on canvas | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More


How do you choose color: that is purely intuitive, or based on history, theory or research? Or is it a mix? Or does everything seize together?

Yes, that’s it. It all seizes together: research, a lot of testing, color viewings, but also intuition.

You are, in my perception, not working with trend colors. Is that right?

That is right. I always wonder what good trend colors are. It’s about the context: where are the colors used? What kind of materials? Is it for a chair or for a wall? In my work, I determine the specific colors for a certain item, which is quite different than predicting colors for a large group so that all materials can be woven. So trend colors are not something I’m concerned with.


Stitched letters on canvas  | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

Stitched letters on canvas | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More


Are there certain elements that people can recognize: that’s a piece by Hella Jongerius?

That’s more something for someone else to say … I can not see how others see my handwriting in color. It is a certain conviction. I have made a certain color structure within Vitra : The reds, the Greens, the Lights and the Darks. Those four groups I use as an organizational structure, but within these groups, all colors are represented. I also think I’m designing the colors for a particular spectrum of design. For furniture, fabrics and carpets. Not all for Vitra, but also for other companies. I do not design colors for clothing or walls. It’s just a piece of the puzzle which I work with.


Color samples and stitched letters on canvas  | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

Color samples and stitched letters on canvas | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More


Is there a particular philosophy or is it all quite intuitive?

It’s all focused on the subject. From there an ideals group of colors is developed. A design always has a surface or needs upholstery. And sometimes if you see the actual color and fabric on a chair, it can still happen that it does not work at all: In that case, the color must be replaced. So, I cannot judge or say, “ This is a particular Jongerius series”.


Fabric and color samples | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

Fabric and color samples | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More


In addition to your color work, you are also working on designs. What is a good design in your opinion?

I think it’s a good design when it touches more than “just a new thing”. When it’s “beyond the new” and “beyond the object”. Like “pushing the envelope”. And that the design has deeper layers, multiple layers within itself. If it touches something in a context, in the world, for the profession, for certain materials. Just creating a new thing, is not good enough …


The Reds, The Greens, The Lights and The Darks|  Color| Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

The Reds, The Greens, The Lights and The Darks| Color| Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More


That shows in your work. The deeper layers make it special.

Yes…. A bigger story than the thing it self.

Is there a design in the Vitra collection that stands out at that level?

On a product level, it’s very difficult to choose one design. I still find it very difficult. I’m not a huge furniture fan. I have to relate with it design-wise, but it’s “just a chair” … I am not actually drawn to it. I think for me the process is far more important. For example, I could not style and furnish a showroom, like Casa Vitra. That’s not my job. My home is also not decorated like a home of a stylist. But when I look around here at the showroom, find it very beautiful. [Show Casa Vitra Milan 2016]


Color and textile samples | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

Color and textile samples | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More


Is there something you want to tell the young designers and students, at the (design) academies?

Well, it’s just very difficult for them I think. What can you as a designer contribute in a world where everything already exists? You can only do that by answering bigger questions on an abstract level. There are now added new disciplines in design land, such as food design. But the everyday things, we all live with, and in the industry, in the ordinary and core business of design, there is still a lot to do. Very few designers go work in the industry, which is also very difficult. I often have young people with me in the studio. But I speak a whole other language then they do. The knowledge “gap” is so big. And the industry is perhaps less sexy to work in. When you’re young, you can do start-ups, you can do a lot along the edges of design. But if you want to work in the industry, that’s is a whole different discipline and not so sexy, but it’s a very important industry.


I don't have a favourite colour | Book | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

I don’t have a favourite colour | Book | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More


Time is up… Other journalists are waiting and we have to finish. Can’t believe the interview is over yet. I had so much more to ask. Luckily there is the book, filled with beautiful pictures and more personal stories about Vitra, Hella Jongerius, design and color… It will be my color bible..!

Thanks Hella, Vitra and Eline. Hope we meet again soon.


I don't have a favourite colour | Book | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

I don’t have a favourite colour | Book | Casa Vitra Milan 2016 | Expo colors by Hella Jongerius | by C-More

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