Piet Boon

NEW | Piet Boon kitchen design | Tailored to Taste


Piet Boon kitchen design

“Tailored to Taste”

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Piet Boon Kitchen Photo by C-More i 6

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Yesterday I was invited to a very exclusive lunch for the launch of the new kitchen line by Piet boon and the opening of the new showroom, located next to the Piet Boon Studio in Oostzaan NL. We were with a small group the first to see the 7 new kitchens Piet Boon designed.

The designs are based on the Studios philosophy and you recognize it as a Piet Boon kitchen immediately. The use of rich natural materials and natural colors contribute to that feeling.

The kitchen is Piet Boon’s favorite spot in his house. It’s the place where you start and end your day and where you actively live. That’s why he designed the collection with different users and, therefore, different functionalities in mind.

As you can see in the pictures marble in various colors is a frequently used material, but also there is a patinaed brass for the “Mono” kitchen. The kitchen lines are very new: the curved corner line of the ” Contour” kitchen is an example of that.

While enjoying the delicious lunch, I asked Piet Boon what his favorite design is. “That’s hard to say”, he told me. “I designed them all!” I can only agree with that. Although the 7 lines are very different, there are also similarities like the royal dimensions and exceptional details.

I can tell you my favorites: The curved “Contour” line is on top of my list, closely followed by the “Minimal” kitchen, which will not be a surprise to you I guess. But also the brass “Mono” I like very much. Last but not least: The “Brutal” line with it’s bold and big marble upper part of the kitchen counter belongs to my top 4.

If you like to see the kitchen designs yourself, you can visit the showroom in Oostzaan NL. There are a total 17 different versions showcased there so there must be one just for you!




Kitchen design: Piet Boon |  Studio Piet Boon

Styling: Karin Meyn and John Biesheuvel | Studio Piet Boon

More information and all different designs: Piet Boon Kitchen


Photo’s © C-More


Ps: even more pictures in the slider below…



Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  14

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  11

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  12

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  6

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  5

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  4

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More


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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  18

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  15

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen Photo by C-More i 5

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen Photo by C-More i 4

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen Photo by C-More i 2

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  32

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  31

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  29

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  28

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  27

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  26

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  25

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  24

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  23

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  21

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  16

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  36

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More




All pictures in a slider:

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

[soliloquy id=”6821″]



“Tailored to Taste”

Gisteren was ik uitgenodigd voor een zeer exclusieve lunch ter ere van de lancering van de nieuwe keuken lijn door Piet Boon en de opening van de nieuwe showroom, gelegen naast de Piet Boon Studio in Oostzaan.  Met een select gezelschap kregen we als een van de eersten de 7 nieuwe keukens van Piet Boon te zien.

De ontwerpen zijn gebaseerd op de Studios filosofie en je herkent het onmiddelijk als een Piet Boon keuken. Het gebruik van rijke natuurlijke materialen en natuurlijke kleuren dragen bij aan dat gevoel.

De keuken is Piet Boon’s favoriete plek in zijn huis. Het is de plek waar je de dag begint en afsluit en waar je actief leeft. Dat is de reden waarom hij de collectie met verschillende gebruikers en dus verschillende functies in het achterhoofd heeft ontworpen.

Zoals je kunt zien op de foto’s is marmer in verschillende kleuren een vaak gebruikt materiaal. Ook is er een gepatineerd messing uitvoering van de “Mono” keuken. De belijning van de keukens is vernieuwend: de gebogen hoeklijn van de “Contour” keuken is een voorbeeld daarvan.

Terwijl we genieten van de heerlijke lunch, vroeg ik Piet Boon wat zijn favoriete ontwerp is. “Dat is moeilijk te zeggen”, vertelde hij me. “Ik ontwierp ze allemaal!” Ik kan het daar alleen maar mee eens zijn. Hoewel de 7 keuken lijnen zeer verschillend zijn, zijn er ook overeenkomsten zoals de royale afmetingen, die kenmerkend voor de Piet Boon stijl zijn, en de uitzonderlijk mooie details.

Ik kan je wel vertellen wat mijn favorieten zijn: De gebogen “Contour” lijn staat boven aan mijn lijst, op de voet gevolgd door de “Minimal” keuken, wat  vast geen verrassing voor jullie  zal zijn. Maar ook de messing “Mono” versie vind ik prachtig. Last but not least: De “Brutal” lijn,met het gedurfde hoge marmeren bovendeel van het aanrecht, behoort tot mijn top 4.

Als je graag de keuken ontwerpen zelf wilt zien, dat kunt je een bezoek brengen aan de showroom in Oostzaan. Er zijn in totaal 17 verschillende versies tentoongesteld zodat er vast één voor je bij moet zijn!


Keuken ontwerp:  Piet Boon | Studio Piet Boon

Styling: Karin Meyn en John Biesheuvel | Studio Piet Boon

Meer informatie en alle ontwerpen: Piet Boon keuken


Foto’s © C-More

Ps: nog meer fotos in de fotoslider!

Linteloo | Delicatessen | Design and Food | Milan Tortona | Salone delmobile 2015 |

Linteloo | Delicatessen | Design and Food

Milan Tortona | Salone del mobile 2015

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Linteloo Delicatessen | Furniture, Food & Fun
A collection by Paola Navone and Sjoerd Vroonland.
Milaan design week 2015 | Salone del Mobile | Zona Tortona | photo’s by © C-More

What has food to do with interior, design and furniture?

Well: Paola Navone, Sjoerd Vroonland and Linteloo presented a Delicatessen Store during the Milan Design Week, Salone del Mobile at the Zona Tortona District. ” Furniture, Food & Fun: A real delicatessen marketplace where the finest Italian and Dutch food and furniture meet.” as Linteloo says.
Paola turned the whole space around and filled it with Italian salami, mortadella and big fishes. Perhaps the de Saltuffo was the inspiration for the matching carpets! Black and white tiles contributed to the whole butcher, delicatessen feeling. Even the music played was personal picked by Paola and was all about  food! And don’t forget the special wallpaper.
In this beautiful and light space, the newest furniture designes by Paula were presented. A collection of sofas and side tables, to bring people together and create an informal and playful atmosphere.
Besides Paola’s designs called “Take it Easy” Linteloo also teamed up with Dutch designer Sjoerd Vroonland. He designed the “Butcher collection”

“Sjoerd Vroonland translated Linteloo’s feelgood factor and passion for food into the Butcher collection. “Think of an artisan baker, or the butchers of the past,” he says. “They were real craftsmen who made high-quality products with lots of love and attention. I’ve brought the same passion and attention to detail to the Butcher collection for Linteloo as these butchers and bakers. Also the details of their high-quality tools as a baking tray or a chopping block inspired me.”

The table he designed has clearly the form of a bulls head. The whole series is made out of light blond wood. Totally different of what you’re used to see from Linteloo, but I really like this new addition to the collection. A fresh look!
Upstairs in the Milan showroom, there was a more toned down and luxurious presentation of the interior line with lot’s of blue, grey and green tones, velvet fabrics, dark wood and XXXL knitted plaids. This collection showed the cast terrazzo table Hexagon and the Kigi tables by Roderick Vos and the new collection by Marcel Wolterinck for Verden by Linteloo.
What I like about Linteloo is the loose feeling of the designs.They feel so relaxed that you just want to jump right on the couch, cuddle up and stay there for a long time. Also the natural materials like linnen used as upholstery are my favourite: they wrinkle and contribute to that free and loose look. Perfect for a gathering with family and friends for a real ” Feel good factor!”
More info at Linteloo 
Would you like to read and see more about the Design Week Milaan or about Linteloo on my blog? Thank maybe you like yo see this:
Linteloo Delicatessen | Furniture, Food & Fun
A collection by Paola Navone and Sjoerd Vroonland.
Milaan design week 2015 | Salone del Mobile | Zona Tortona | photo’s by © C-More

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Design week Milan | Graypants | Scraplights | lighting | Illumination | inspiration

Design week Milan

 Graypants Scraplights

 lighting | illumination


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Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination  lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen photo's © C-More
Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination
lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen
photo’s © C-More

At the Milan design week 2015 and the Zona Tortona, Graypants [You know… the Seattle-based architects Seth and Jon,  that design these wonderful cardboard lamps “Scrap Lights”] presented the latest collection. This collection of lamps consists an LED system and is inspired by the breathtaking natural phenomenon: murmurations.

“The avian spectacle is translated into dynamic installations, with captivating three-dimensional forms. Each LED pendant within the “flock” is harmoniously connected to its neighbors, creating varying compositions from every viewpoint. By composing light in this way, we create a powerful collection that’s poised to tip, always on the verge of instant transformation.

The murmuration collection will be compromised of several different pendants, and will debut during Milan Design Week 2015 with a site specific installation featuring the moa pendant. The moa pendant is an organic shape made from graypants’ signature material; precision layers of repurposed cardboard. Moa is an extinct wingless and flightless bird, belonging to the ancient forests of New Zealand. Finding beauty in every corner of nature, we saw an opportunity to finally give the moa a chance to soar.

The collection will be available in two very unique ways: individual and standardized arrangements, and custom designed / bespoke installations by the graypants team.

The murmuration collection is a highly adaptable system that can dramatically transform the interior of any space. Whether trying to make an iconic statement in a hotel lobby, restaurant, office or home, these pieces will instantly create a focal point of light and wonder.”

 I find it a beautiful collection…

What do you think…?

photo’s  © C-More

More information: Graypants

More about the Milan Design week 2015 you can find here:

Piet Hein Eek | Leff at Design Week Milan 2015

 Piet Boon at Design Week 2015 Milan

Vitra | Gstar Raw at Design week 2015 Milan 


Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination  lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen photo's © C-More
Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination
lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen
photo’s © C-More



Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination  lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen photo's © C-More
Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination
lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen
photo’s © C-More


Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination  lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen photo's © C-More
Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination
lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen
photo’s © C-More


Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination  lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen photo's © C-More
Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination
lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen
photo’s © C-More


Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination  lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen Piet Hein Eek Tube Watch  photo's © C-More
Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination
lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen
Piet Hein Eek Tube Watch
photo’s © C-More


Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination  lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen Piet Hein Eek Tube Watch  photo's © C-More
Graypants Scraplights | Design week Milan 2015 | lighting | illumination
lampen van hergebruikt karton | verlichting en armaturen
photo’s © C-More

Design week Milan 


lampen van hergebruikt karton

 verlichting en armaturen



Op de designweek Milaan 2015 op de Zona Tortona, presenteerde Graypants, [ je weet wel de Seattle based architecten Seth en Jon, van die prachtige kartonnen lampen  “Scraplights” ] de nieuwste collectie. Deze bestaat uit een LED-systeem en is geïnspireerd op het adembenemende natuurverschijnsel: murmurations.

“Dit vogel spektakel ” murmurations”  wordt vertaald in dynamische installaties, met boeiende driedimensionale vormen. Elke LED hanger binnen de “zwerm” is harmonieus verbonden met zijn buren, en creëert wisselende samenstelling vanuit elk gezichtspunt. Door het samenstellen van licht op deze manier creëren we een krachtige collectie op de rand van instant transformatie.

De murmuration collectie zal debuteren tijdens de Milan Design Week 2015 met een locatie specifieke installatie van het Moa hang armatuur. De Moa hanglamp is een organische vorm, gemaakt van Graypants ‘ signature materiaal: precies gesneden lagen hergebruikt karton.

Moa is een uitgestorven loopvogel zonder vleugels, die behoort tot de oude bossen van Nieuw-Zeeland. Zoekend naar schoonheid in elke hoek van de natuur, zagen wij een kans om de Moa te laten opvliegen.

De collectie is verkrijgbaar in individuele en gestandaardiseerde opstellingen, op maat ontworpen of maatwerk installaties in overleg met het Graypants team.

De murmuration collectie is een zeer flexibel systeem dat elk interieur of ruimte dramatisch kan transformeren. Of het nu gaat om een ​​iconische statement in een hotel lobby, restaurant, kantoor of thuis, deze items zullen direct een punt van licht en verwondering creëren.”

Ik vind deze collectie prachtig…  Wat vind jij….?

Meer informatie: Graypants
Wil je meer lezen over de Milaan Design week 2015?
Kijk dan hier:

photo’s  © C-More

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Xo Iris

Milan Design Week 2015 | Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | © C-More

Piet Boon | Zona Tortona

Styling by Karin Meyn and John Biesheuvel

Milan Design Week 2015

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Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More

Softness, texture, tactile, touch, feel, relax, wood, shades of soft greens, blues and greys and a small touch of the trendcolors of 2015 : Reddish brown Marsala [Pantone] and Copper Orange [ Colour Futures ]
That’s what I saw at the Piet Boon presentation in Milan Designweek 2015 Zona Tortona.
Big chairs, xl sofa’s and coffee tables covered with a big box of glass [great for styling!!] or with marble tops, and a new cast aluminium side table “Klink”.
Beautiful fabrics, textiles and plaids, a mixture of materials and carpets with a touch of gleam and lots of “life” in it… Soft tones of colours are giving the rooms a relaxed and quite but also rich feeling.
Combined with the pure and personal interior accessoires and styling by Karin Meyn en John Biesheuvel, it makes this a place where you come to yourself, unwind and recharge after a bussy day …
photo’s  © C-More
Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More
Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More
Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More
Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More


Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More
Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More
Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More
Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More


Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More
Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More


Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More


Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More


Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More


Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More



Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More


Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More


Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More


Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More
Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More

Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More
Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More


Piet Boon | Zona Tortona | Milan  Design Week 2015 | Photo © C-More


Piet Boon | Zona Tortona 

Styling van Karin Meyn and John Biesheuvel

Milaan Design Week 2015 

Zachtheid, textuur, tactiliteit aanraken, voelen, ontspannen, hout, tinten van zacht groen, blauw en grijs en een hint van de trend kleuren van 2015: het roodbruine Marsala [Pantone] en Copper Orange [Colour Futures]
Dat is wat ik zag tijdens de Piet Boon presentatie in Milaan Designweek 2015 Zona Tortona.
Grote stoelen, xl sofa’s en salontafels bedekt met een grote box van glas [prachtig voor styling !!] of met marmeren bladen en: een nieuw bijzettafeltje “Klink” van gegoten aluminium.


Mooie stoffen, textiel en plaids, een mengsel van materialen en tapijten met een vleugje glans en veel “leven” in het materiaal … Zachte kleurtinten geven de kamers een ontspannen en rustig maar ook rijk gevoel.
In combinatie met de pure en persoonlijke interieur accessoires en styling van Karin Meyn en John Biesheuvel, maakt dit het een plek waar je weer tot jezelf komt komt en kunt ontspannen en opladen na een drukke dag …
photo’s  © C-More


Meer lezen over Piet Boon op mijn blog?


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Xo Iris

My pictures in the Piet Boon Collaboration magazine brochure | Huys New York

I’m very proud that my pictures are in the 
Huys New York 

I’m very proud that my pictures are in the 
More pictures by C-More of this wonderful apartment 
” Huys” by Piet Boon in New York
you can find here

Ik ben erg trots dat mijn foto’s in de

Piet Boon Collaboration magazine brochure  staan!

Meer foto’s door C-More van dit prachtige appartement
“Huys” door Piet Boon in New York
vind je hier.

Meer van Piet Boon is hier te vinden.

Geniet  !!!


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Xo Iris
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