Piet Boon

Xmas at Piet Boon Studio



Piet Boon Studio


Xmas at Piet Boon Studio Kerst Christmas

Xmas at Piet Boon Studio


Last week I joined the Xmas event at Piet Boon Studio. It’s always a pleasure to visit their showroom. Is so calming and of a very high quality. The showroom was styled with beautiful designs, made out of nice textured materials in ton-sur-ton colors. This year the studio shows a bit more of it’s feminine side: round forms, soft colors and lot’s of textile, but still in the recognizable Piet Boon Style.

Also the Piet Boon Kitchen showroom was opened and styled for Christmas. A few tables were set, inspired by the Old Dutch Masters and Golden Ages. I loved it! Unfortunately, I didn’t bring my camera, so I only can show you these snapshots made with my Iphone. But still I thought these are worth sharing with you.

For more info : Piet Boon

I wish you all a merry Christmas!



Xmas at Piet Boon Studio Kerst Christmas

Xmas at Piet Boon Studio

Xmas at Piet Boon Studio Kerst Christmas

Xmas at Piet Boon Studio

Xmas at Piet Boon Studio Kerst Christmas

Xmas at Piet Boon Studio

Xmas at Piet Boon Studio Kerst Christmas

Piet Boon Studio

Samples at Piet Boon Studio

Samples at Piet Boon Studio

Bathroom at Piet Boon Studio

Bathroom at Piet Boon Studio

Bathroom at Piet Boon Studio

bathroom at Piet Boon Studio


nice colors and styling at Piet Boon Studio

nice colors and styling at Piet Boon Studio

Kitchens at Piet Boon Studio

Kitchens at Piet Boon Studio

Beautiful styling and colors at Piet Boon Studio

Beautiful stuling and colors at Piet Boon Studio

Beautiful table styling at Piet Boon Studio Kitchens

Beautiful table styling at Piet Boon Studio Kitchens


Beautiful white table styling at Piet Boon Studio Kitchens

Beautiful white table styling at Piet Boon Studio Kitchens

Beautiful sofa at Piet Boon Studio

Beautiful sofa at Piet Boon Studio

XMAS in green at Piet Boon Studio

XMAS in green at Piet Boon Studio






Vorige week was ik bij het kerst event bij Piet Boon Studio. Het is altijd een genot om hun showroom te bezoeken. Zo rustgevend en van een zeer hoge kwaliteit. De showroom is ingericht met prachtige ontwerpen, gemaakt van fijne materialen in mooie texturen en in ton-sur-ton kleuren. Dit jaar laat de studio een beetje meer van zijn vrouwelijke kant zien: rondere vormen, zachte kleuren en veel textiel, maar nog steeds in de herkenbare Piet Boon Stijl.

Ook de Piet Boon keuken showroom was geopend en gestyled voor Kerstmis. Er stonden een aantal gedekte tafels, geïnspireerd door de oude Dutch Masters en de Gouden Eeuw. Ik vond het geweldig! Helaas had ik niet mijn camera bij me, dus ik kan alleen deze “snapshots’ laten zien, met mijn Iphone. Maar ik vond ze toch de moeite waard ze te delen met jullie.

Meer info : Piet Boon

Ik wens jullie allemaal hele fijne kerstdagen!


absolute musthave | Piet Boon | Book review | Interior Design | Coffee table book

absolute musthave

Piet Boon Book review

Interior Design | Coffee table book

[ don’t forget to put this book on your X-Mas wishlist!]

Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review

During the Milan Design Week last April, Studio Piet Boon launched their newest book. And what a book it is! 8 Projects, work in progress, a brand partnership with Range Rover, the new PB kitchen line “Tailored to Taste” and the Piet Boon Collection, are presented in this big coffee table book.

One of the projects HUYS in New York I visited myself and is stunningly beautiful. Sergio Herman’s Restaurant “The Jane” in Antwerp is still on my wishlist!

In this book, Studio Piet Boon shows us a bit more luxury, but still with a minimal touch. No multi-color, over the top designs, but a stylish, high quality, less is more mentality.

Lot’s and lots of full page printed pictures, with material, color, styling and interior inspiration, that will inspire you for your own projects or home. Or maybe you just want to dream away with it during these cold winter evenings.

Take a look and make sure it’s on your Christmas wishlist! It’s a great gift to give and to receive.

More info : Piet Boon Studio

Where to buy: De Bijenkorf | Bol.com



Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review



Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review



Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review


Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review


Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review


Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review


Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review


Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review


Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review


Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review


Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review


Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review


Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review


Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review


Interior design | Studio Piet Boon newest book review






[vergeet niet om dit boek op je sint of kerst verlang lijstje te zetten!]

Tijdens de Milan Design Week afgelopen april, lanceerde Studio Piet Boon hun nieuwste boek. En wat een boek! 8 Projecten, work in progress, een partnership met Range Rover, de nieuwe PB keuken lijn  “Tailored to Taste”  en de Piet Boon Collection, worden in dit dikke koffietafel boek getoond.

Een van de projecten Huys in New York bezocht ik zelf en is overweldigend mooi. Sergio Herman’s Restaurant “The Jane” in Antwerpen staat nog steeds op mijn verlanglijstje.

In dit boek, Studio Piet Boon toont ons een wat meer luxe kant, maar nog steeds  met een Hollandse nucherheid en minimalistische inslag. Geen multi-color, over de top ontwerpen, maar stijlvolle, hoogwaardige kwaliteit en “minder is meer”  mentaliteit.

Heerlijk veel volle pagina foto’s, met materiaal, kleur, styling en interieur inspiratie, dat je zeker zal inspireren voor je eigen projecten of huis. Of misschien wil je wel gewoon enkel wegdromen  bij dit boek, het tijdens de komende koude winteravonden.

Neem een kijkje en zorg ervoor dat het op je Sint of Kerst verlanglijstje komt te staan! Het is een fantastisch  cadeau om te geven en om te krijgen!

Meer informatie: Piet Boon Studio

Waar te koop: De Bijenkorf Bol.com



XMAS table styling with Serax | Piet Boon | Pascale Naessens | Brass

XMAS table styling

with Serax

 Piet Boon | Pascale Naessens

brass + black + white

Serax tableware collection by Piet Boon and Pascale Naessens and Chris Mestdagh and Niels Datema | gold white black brass xmas table styling by C-More interiorblog

Serax tableware collection by Piet Boon, Pascale Naessens, Chris Mestdagh and Niels Datema | gold white black brass xmas table styling by C-More interiorblog


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Piet Boon at Marriott Amsterdam | Design Hotel

Piet Boon

at Marriott Amsterdam

Design Hotel

scroll naar beneden voor NL
Piet Boon Marriott Amsterdam 3

Piet Boon at Marriott Amsterdam | Design Hotel | by C-More


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The new Luxury living trend| Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum

The new Luxury living trend

Salon Residence Event

at the Dutch Singer Museum

10-13 sept 2015

[scroll naar beneden voor nl]

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Edward v Vliet | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More


Yesterday I visited the Salon Residence event in the Singer Museum in Laren NL. This event is organized by the Dutch interior magazine Residence.

It’s not comparable with any other Dutch interior event. This is a place  where you wonder around rooms, full with design, fabrics, unique pieces, artwork, paintings and so on…

A bit of a contrast to my own taste about design and more minimalistic style, but on the other hand it triggered me too. As a color and textile lover, I couldn’t be in a better place. And as a moody color and Dutch Master painting lover, it was even better. All rooms looked like if they were styled for a movie and furnished by famous Dutch Interiordesigners an curators.

I show you the pictures of the rooms that appealed to me the most, but there is many more! Go over to Salon Residence for more information.





Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Edward van Vliet | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Piet Boon Studio | John Biedheuvel | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Studio Piet Boon | John Biesheuvel | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Studio Piet Boon | John Biesheuvel | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More

Salon Residence Event | Singer Museum | Photo By C-More





10-13 SEPTEMBER 2015

Gisteren bezocht ik het Salon Residence evenement in het Singer Museum in Laren. Dit evenement wordt georganiseerd door het Nederlandse interieur tijdschrift Residence. Het is niet te vergelijken met andere Nederlandse interieur evenementen. Dit is een plek waar je dromend door de kamers, vol met design, stoffen, unieke stukken, kunstwerken, schilderijen en ga zo maar door, dwaalt…

Een beetje een contrast met mijn eigen design smaak en minimalistische stijl, maar aan de andere kant prikkelt en intrigeert het  me ook.  Als kleur en textiel lover, kon ik niet op een betere plek zijn. En als een “moody” kleuren en Hollandse Meesters liefhebber, was het zelfs nog beter. Alle kamers zagen eruit alsof ze voor een film gestyled zijn en zijn ingericht door bekende Nederlandse interieur ontwerpers en curators.

Ik laat je de foto’s van de kamers die me het meest aanspraken zien, maar er is nog veel meer! Ga naar Salon Residence voor meer informatie.





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