
Trend report M A I S O N & O B J E T Paris September 2015

 Trend report

M A I S O N & O B J E T

Paris September 2015



Maison Et Objet Sept 2015 Trend report

Are you not able to go to Maison & Objet but do want to know what’s hot and happening?
Next weekend I’m off to Paris to spot the trends and novelties!

You can now order my exclusive

#MO15 trend report presentation

and you are instantly updated!

Contact me for more information:
Info at Or fill in the form below.
Enjoy!  XO Iris



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Fritz Hansen | Milan Design week 2015 | Color | Texture | Material | Interior | Design

Fritz Hansen

Milan Design week 2015

It feels like home…

Color | Texture | Material | Interior | Design 

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Fritz Hansen | Milan Design week 2015 | Color | Texture | Material | Interior | Design | It feels like home…

 styling by Christine Rudolph | Photo by C-More 


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Linteloo | Delicatessen | Design and Food | Milan Tortona | Salone delmobile 2015 |

Linteloo | Delicatessen | Design and Food

Milan Tortona | Salone del mobile 2015

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Linteloo Delicatessen | Furniture, Food & Fun
A collection by Paola Navone and Sjoerd Vroonland.
Milaan design week 2015 | Salone del Mobile | Zona Tortona | photo’s by © C-More

What has food to do with interior, design and furniture?

Well: Paola Navone, Sjoerd Vroonland and Linteloo presented a Delicatessen Store during the Milan Design Week, Salone del Mobile at the Zona Tortona District. ” Furniture, Food & Fun: A real delicatessen marketplace where the finest Italian and Dutch food and furniture meet.” as Linteloo says.
Paola turned the whole space around and filled it with Italian salami, mortadella and big fishes. Perhaps the de Saltuffo was the inspiration for the matching carpets! Black and white tiles contributed to the whole butcher, delicatessen feeling. Even the music played was personal picked by Paola and was all about  food! And don’t forget the special wallpaper.
In this beautiful and light space, the newest furniture designes by Paula were presented. A collection of sofas and side tables, to bring people together and create an informal and playful atmosphere.
Besides Paola’s designs called “Take it Easy” Linteloo also teamed up with Dutch designer Sjoerd Vroonland. He designed the “Butcher collection”

“Sjoerd Vroonland translated Linteloo’s feelgood factor and passion for food into the Butcher collection. “Think of an artisan baker, or the butchers of the past,” he says. “They were real craftsmen who made high-quality products with lots of love and attention. I’ve brought the same passion and attention to detail to the Butcher collection for Linteloo as these butchers and bakers. Also the details of their high-quality tools as a baking tray or a chopping block inspired me.”

The table he designed has clearly the form of a bulls head. The whole series is made out of light blond wood. Totally different of what you’re used to see from Linteloo, but I really like this new addition to the collection. A fresh look!
Upstairs in the Milan showroom, there was a more toned down and luxurious presentation of the interior line with lot’s of blue, grey and green tones, velvet fabrics, dark wood and XXXL knitted plaids. This collection showed the cast terrazzo table Hexagon and the Kigi tables by Roderick Vos and the new collection by Marcel Wolterinck for Verden by Linteloo.
What I like about Linteloo is the loose feeling of the designs.They feel so relaxed that you just want to jump right on the couch, cuddle up and stay there for a long time. Also the natural materials like linnen used as upholstery are my favourite: they wrinkle and contribute to that free and loose look. Perfect for a gathering with family and friends for a real ” Feel good factor!”
More info at Linteloo 
Would you like to read and see more about the Design Week Milaan or about Linteloo on my blog? Thank maybe you like yo see this:
Linteloo Delicatessen | Furniture, Food & Fun
A collection by Paola Navone and Sjoerd Vroonland.
Milaan design week 2015 | Salone del Mobile | Zona Tortona | photo’s by © C-More

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nousDECOR | Interior design Collage maker | BlogtourNYC

 Interior design Collage maker 
nousDECOR | inspiration mood-board | blogtourNYC 
I love exploring and finding new things for interior decoration and design! I’m always looking for inspiration and at nousDECOR, one of the blogtourNYC sponsors, you can do just that!
But there is more!
You know when you want to decoratie your house, change the interior, you’re looking for inspiration online and in magazines. Nothing new with that. You make collages (sure I do!) and look for furniture, lighting, carpets, colors, tables and so on, that go with that look and feel you created on your collage, or from that one incredibly inspirational picture from your favourite magazine… And then…
You got the look, but then….. Where can you buy the actual pieces?  How much does it cost?? And there you go on your mission looking for the needle in a haystack… Sounds familiar?

Then I got news for you!

At nousDECOR you can create a mood-board [or collage] and at the same time there’s a list created in the background with al the furniture, accessories, flooring, colouring you choose with the price and all the information where to purchase the items. How great is that?
Here I show you some examples I made, but be sure to go over to nousDECOR to create your own mood-board. It’s really great!
First choose your inspiration picture, or upload one of your own. Then go look for fitting items and place them on your board et voila! 
nousDECOR just launched this platform and is still adding new items.
I don’t think the items are available outside USA yet, but I hope they are working on that.
Would be great, since I live in Europe…[ and some of you readers of my blog are too, I know]
More information at nousDECOR

Have fun!

nousDECOR | inspiration mood-board | blogtourNYC 
lease CLICK BELOW for more pictures 
and the DUTCH version!! 
THX and Enjoy!!

nousDECOR | inspiration mood-board | blogtourNYC 

nousDECOR | inspiration mood-board | blogtourNYC 

nousDECOR | inspiration mood-board | blogtourNYC

 Interior design Collage maker 

Mijn hele leven kijk ik al overal om mij heen, opzoek naar inspiratie. Natuurlijk ook voor interieur en design. En bij nousDecor, een van de blogtourNYC sponsors, kun je dat naar hartelust doen!

Maar er is meer!

Als je je huis wilt gaan restylen, je interieur wilt veranderen, ga je online en in tijdschriften opzoek naar inspiratie. Niets nieuws toch? Je maakt collages ( tenminste dat doe ik..)  gaat opzoek naar meubilair, verlichting, tapijten, kleuren, tafels en ga zo maar door, die passen bij de sfeer die je hebt gecreëerd op je collage, of die van die ene ongelooflijk inspirerende foto uit jouw favoriete magazine. .. En dan …
Je hebt de look, maar … waar kan je de items en meubelen nu kopen? Hoeveel kost het?
En daar ga je, op je missie op zoek naar de speld in een hooiberg … Klinkt dat bekend?

Dan heb ik nieuws voor je!

Bij nousDECOR kun je een mood-board [of collage] maken en tegelijkertijd wordt er op de achtergrond een lijst gemaakt met al de meubels, accessoires, vloeren, kleur die je kiest MET de prijs en al de informatie waar je de items kunt kopen. Hoe fantastisch is dat?

Hierboven een paar voorbeelden die ik heb gemaakt, maar je kunt veel beter gelijk zelf aan de slag gaan op nousDECOR met je eigen moodboard. 

Kies eerst je inspiratie foto, of upload een van uw eigen inspiratiebeelden.  
Ga dan op zoek naar passende items en plaats ze op je board et voila!

nousDECOR is net gestart met dit platform en is nog steeds nieuwe items aan het toevoegen.
Ik denk dat de items nog niet beschikbaar zijn buiten de VS, maar ik hoop dat ze daar snel aan gaan werken. Het zou geweldig zijn, want ik woon [net als jullie wellicht] in Europa …

Meer informatie op nousDECOR
Veel plezier!


  • Donghia

  • DXV

  • Blanco

  • Mr. Steam

  • Wilsonart

BlogtourNYC by Modenus is sponsored by 
DXV | MR STEAM BLANCO | Donghia | WilsonArt | nousDECOR |
Thanks so much! 
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Then follow me and stay updated :-)
And feel free to respond here on my blog!

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Link with love 
Xo Iris

Create a relaxed feeling with Linteloo furniture | IMM14 | Designpost

Create a relaxed feeling with Linteloo furniture  IMM14 | Designpost 
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Last IMM Cologne 2014 furniture fair there was also the DesignPost fair, right behind the big IMM Cologne building. [Between you and me I must say… for several years now, I find this the most inspiring place of the interior design week for design lovers… so make sure to go there too  …]

So, I visited several brands and for this year for me the most appealing stand was the one of Linteloo. This Dutch brand is internationally well known already. They make very comfortable and relaxed sofa’s and beautiful tables, small cabinets and chairs. 
I’ve had a couch of Linteloo myself a few years ago. It was “The Ibiza” and I loved it very much. It’s no longer in the collection, but they have so much beautiful new designs, like the green leather Hamptons sofa on the picture above, that it might be very possible that this modular design will be my next one!  I love the fact that you can play around with it, and make different compositions.
I’ve tried to make some nice pictures at the Design Post Cologne, during the fair, but it was to crowded to get the items on picture… And in the end it’s not a pity, because the brochure of Linteloo is so beautiful, that I love to share their pictures with you.
For a few years now, Linteloo works with “kamer 465” for the color picking and the styling and I think this combination makes it even more beautiful! One more example of 1+1=3 I think.
So, sit back and enjoy! I for sure do so, when I see these inspiring houses, furniture and interiors…I could really live there :-)

In januari bezocht ik IMM Cologne 2014 en onder ons gezegd en gezwegen was ik het meest enthousiast over de Design Post, dat in een prachtig pand, vlak achter het grote beursgebouw te vinden is. Mocht je de beurs bezoeken, ga dan zeker ook naar de Design Post, mocht je daar nog niet geweest zijn…

Ik heb verschillende merken bezocht en was over het algemeen erg enthousiast, maar dit jaar sprong Linteloo er erg boven uit.  Dit Nederlandse merk is internationaal al flink bekend. Ze maken zeer comfortabel en relaxte banken, mooie tafels, kleine kasten en stoelen.

Ik heb zelf een paar jaar geleden een bank van Linteloo gehad. Het was ” De Ibiza ” en ik was er gek op. Het model is niet langer in de collectie, maar ze hebben zoveel mooie nieuwe ontwerpen zoals de groene lederen ” Hamptons” sofa op de foto hierboven aan de post, dat het heel goed mogelijk zou kunnen zijn dat dit modulaire ontwerp mijn volgende bank is! Ik hou van het feit dat je de indeling kunt wisselen en er mee kan spelen. Zo maak je steeds een andere samenstelling.

Ik heb geprobeerd om wat mooie foto’s te maken bij Design Post in Keulen tijdens de beurs, maar het was te druk om de items op de foto te krijgen … En uiteindelijk is het niet eens erg, want de brochure van Lintello is zo mooi, dat ik graag hun foto’s deel op mijn blog.

Sinds een paar jaar werkt Linteloo samen met ” Kamer 465 ” voor de kleur keuzes en de styling en ik denk dat deze combinatie het alleen maar nog mooier maakt! 
Weer een voorbeeld van 1 +1 = 3 vind ik.

Dus, leun achterover en geniet ! 
Ik in ieder geval wel, als ik deze inspirerende huizen, meubels en interieurs bekijk …
 Ik zou er echt in kunnen wonen :-)
All pictures and brochure by Linteloo
Like more of this? 
Then follow me and stay updated :-)
Link with love 
Xo Iris
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