kleur en interieur

Book review | Abigail Ahern | Colour

Book review

 Abigail Ahern | Colour

Abigail Ahern book Colour

Abigail Ahern book Colour


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Big news: The Loft Amsterdam is back 

Big news:

The Loft Amsterdam

is back

Scroll naar beneden voor NL
The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 living sofa plant green

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | plant object styling | photo by © C-More



Have you heard of The Loft Amsterdam before? It’s a great interior concept by Floris Koch, Kassandra Schreuder and Maarten van Huijstee. In a big, light and beautiful space in an old building in the center of Amsterdam this team curates a complete interior as if there actually lives someone. Someone with good taste! And keep your eyes and ears open: The Loft is only for a short time: 22 August 2015 – 6 September 2015. 

It’s is really one of the best interior events I’ve seen. Not only the team picked out such unique and special items, also the styling is perfect. That’s what makes it so personal. For some a bit too personal, since people hesitate to actually pick up and buy the items they love. But please do: all items at The Loft are for sale. You can take most of them directly home with you. And if you’re not able to visit the loft in person, you can always order online at The Loft Shop


My personal favorites of The Loft summer 2015 are

  • The many many books…. I’m a real book addict….
  • the stunning marble and green kitchen with blue steel wall by Eginstill, Dornbracht and Gaggenau
  • the leather pillows and magazine baskets by Philomijn
  • the leather strapped sofa by Stephen Kenn

Be inspired by the pictures I took of The Lofts Amsterdam summer 2015 edition.





I also visited The Loft by The Playing Circle last summer 2014 and during wintertime 2014.

You can read the blogpost and see the many photos’s I took over here:


The Loft by The Playing Circle summer 2014

The Loft by The Playing Circle winter 2014.


More information:  Enter The Loft Amsterdam  and The Loft Amsterdam Facebook page 


The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 Green plants copper styling

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green plants copper styling

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 portret textile styling inspiration

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | styling portrait | textile | inspiration| photo by © C-More

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 Green bench plants pillow black and white photo

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green bench plants pillow black and white photo


The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 leather pillow cushion sofa plants green

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | leather pillow cushion | sofa | plants green| photo by © C-More

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 living

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | living | plant object styling | vintage | photo by © C-More

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 Green bench plants leather pillow black and white photo

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green bench plants pillow black and white photo




More pictures and inspiration after the READ MORE button!!!

Meer foto’s en inspiratie en de NL tekst na de READ MORE knop !!!!

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Vitra Interior | Design Kwartier | Studio van t Wout

Vitra Interior

Design Kwartier Den Haag

Studio van t Wout

Scrol naar beneden voor NL
Vitra Design Kwartier Den Haag Studio van t Wout

Vitra Design Kwartier Den Haag Studio van t Wout Living room | Photo by C-More

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Remy Meijers Designs 16 hotel rooms for The Dylan Amsterdam

Remy Meijers Designs 16 rooms 
for hotel The Dylan Amsterdam!
Scoll naar beneden voor Nederlands.

Dutch Interior designer Remy Meijers designs 
16 beautiful hotel rooms for The Dylan Hotel Amsterdam. 
Remy is one of my favorite interior designers. He is a master at combining pure materials and minimalistic shapes
 with “just” a palette of grey’s and browns. 
His designs feel very calm to me, very in balance. 
For some of you it might be dull, but for me it’s luxury. 
In these kind of interiors you just must work with high quality 
and contrasting materials and very clear lines. 
If you don’t, every flaw will draw all attention to it. 
So it looks very simple, but in fact it’s not…
Take a look at the pictures below. I ‘m curious what you think of it. 
Ps you can also see his work 
in the Dutch television show RTL Woonmagazine!  

The Dylan hotel Amsterdam |  © Remy Meijers

The Dylan hotel Amsterdam |  © Remy Meijers
The Dylan hotel Amsterdam |  © Remy Meijers
The Dylan hotel Amsterdam |  © Remy Meijers
The Dylan hotel Amsterdam |  © Remy Meijers
The Dylan hotel Amsterdam |  © Remy Meijers
The Dylan hotel Amsterdam |  © Remy Meijers
The Dylan hotel Amsterdam |  © Remy Meijers

The Dylan hotel Amsterdam |  © Remy Meijers
The Dylan hotel Amsterdam |  © Remy Meijers

Interieur ontwerper Remy Meijers ontwerpt 16 prachtige hotelkamers

Remy is een van mijn favoriete interieur ontwerpers. 
Hij is een meester in het combineren van pure materialen en minimalistische vormen 
met ‘slechts’ een palet van grijs en bruin tinten. 
Zijn ontwerpen voelen zeer in balans en rustig voor mij. 
Voor sommigen van jullie is het misschien saai, 
maar voor mij is het pure luxe. 

In dit soort interieurs moet je echt werken met een hoge kwaliteit en contrasterende materialen en met zeer duidelijke, 
minimalistische lijnen. 
Als je dat niet doet, zal elke fout alle aandacht 
op zich weten te vestigen. 
Dus het ziet er erg simpel, maar dat is het feite niet … 

Bekijk de foto’s maar eens met deze informatie in je achterhoofd…. 
Ik ben nieuwsgierig wat je er van vindt.
PS: Hij is ook te zien in het programma RTL Woonmagazine! 

All photo’s:  The Dylan hotel Amsterdam |  © Remy Meijers
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Link with love 
Xo Iris


Interieur kleur trends 2014 | by C-More | Interior color trends 2014

Interieur kleur trends 2014  | by C-More | Color trends 2014

Speciaal voor Stylink heb ik vier collages gemaakt 
met de kleurtrends voor interieur 2014
Hieronder een “sneakpeek”. 
Klik door naar de site van Stylink 
om de collages te zien samen met die van:

Color trend 2014 | C-More

Color trend 2014 | C-More

Color trend 2014 | C-More

Color trend 2014 | C-More
Kijk voor meer inspiratie op Stylink 
I hope you’ve enjoyed it!
Link with love 
Xo Iris

ps: follow me via mailfacebook twitter or bloglovin and stay updated ! 

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