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Book Review | Abigail Ahern | Decorating with Style

Book Review

Abigail Ahern

Decorating with Style

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Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 01 kopie

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog

Yes, another book review! Again a book by Abigail Ahern : ” Decorating with Style “. She is the queen of styling and moody colors in my opinion. Although I’m more of a minimalist, I certainly love working with color and styling. Even if you don’t use much color or props in your home, you still need to make it look and feel good.

And that’s where Abigail comes in. She as no other shows in this book how you can learn to create vignettes and styling your decorative items in your home. I think this book is for everyone who loves to be creative and needs some inside information about  “how to…” Even I myself!

I’m an interior designer and love to work with the big picture, how and where to put the walls, furniture, lighting fixtures and to make an interior work well, to feel good and make everything coherent . Even I struggle with the styling sometimes. Thats why I’m convinced an interior and the styling has to grow.

Every now and then you change the items, add some new and kill some of your darlings. Try, play, analyse, change and repeat… that’s the only way you learn, and develop your own style.

But to get a bit on the right track, Abigail reveals a lot of her styling secrets and tips in this book. She helps you to find your style, keeps pushing you to just do it and to make mistakes and learn from them. “Don’t play safe” she says. I agree.

She tells you all about how to combine colors, textiles and patterns, how to be creative with small spaces, where to put your furniture, use texture, storage tips, lighting fixtures, decorative paint…..  I can go on forever. So keep in mind that even if Abigail Ahern’s style is not yours, you can still learn a lot from this book. I think it will be my styling bible for a long time!

So: go grab this book, put it on your Christmas wish-list, ask it for your birthday…. and read it from the from to the back, or as I do, from the back to the front and then again and again, whenever you need some inspiration, courage and a boost in the right direction.

The Decorating with style book by Abigail Ahern is available at Abigails store and for the Dutchies at


Ps in the film even more pages!!

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 01

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

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Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

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Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

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Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 08

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 10

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 11

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 13

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 14

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More


Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 16

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 17

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 20

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 21

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More


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Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 24

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 25

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 26

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 27

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 28

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

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Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 30

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

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Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

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Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

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Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More








Ja, ee boek revieuw! En dit keer weer een boek van Abigail Ahern : “Decorating with Style “. Zij is naar mijn mening, de koningin van de styling en donkere, stemmige kleuren. Hoewel ik ben meer van een minimalistisch interieur houd, werk ik wel graag met kleur en styling. Zelfs als je niet veel kleur of accessoires wilt gebruiken in huis, moet het weinige dat je toepast nog steeds mooi zijn, inspireren en goed voelen.

En dat is waar Abigail er bij komt kijken. Zij, als geen ander, toont je in dit boek hoe je zelf kunt leren hoe je styling stillevens creëert en hoe je je decoratieve voorwerpen en je meubels kunt stylen.  Ik denk dat dit boek heel geschikt is voor iedereen die graag creatief is maar ook wel wat “inside” informatie kan gebruiken.

Zelfs ik! Ik ben een interieur ontwerper en houd mij meestal bezig met het grote geheel: hoe en waar de muren komen, de plek van de meubels, de verlichting plannen, de materialen, eigenlijk alle voorwaarden om een interieur goed te laten werken, je er goed in te voelen en het een goede samenhang heeft. Maar ook ik kan soms wel eens worstelen met de styling. Dat is waarom ik  ervan overtuigd ben dat een interieur en de styling echt moet groeien.Zo nu en dan moet je de items te veranderen, wisselen, wat nieuws toevoegen en wat van je lievelings items weg doen. Probeer, spelen, analyseren, vanderen en dit riedeltje opnieuw herhalen … dat is de enige manier om het te leren en je eigen stijl te ontwikkelen.

Maar om je een beetje op het juiste spoor te krijgen, onthult Abigail veel van haar styling geheimen en tips in dit boek. Ze helpt je om jouw stijl te vinden, blijft je uitdagen om het te proberen en om fouten te maken en daarvan te leren. “Niet te veilig spelen”, zegt ze. Ik ben het daar mee eens!

Ze vertelt je alles over hoe je kleuren, stoffen en patronen, combineert, hoe je creatief met kleine ruimtes omgaat, waar je je meubels zet, je textuur toepast, opruim tips, verlichting, decoratieve verf … .. Ik kan eeuwig doorgaan. Dus hou in gedachten dat zelfs als Abigail Ahern’s stijl is niet jouw stijl is, kun je nog heel veel leren van dit boek. Ik denk dat het mijn styling bijbel voor een lange tijd gaat zijn!

Dus: ga voor dit boek, zet het op je kerst verlanglijstje, vraag het voor je verjaardag ….

Het Decorating with Style boek van Abigail Ahern is verkrijgbaar via Abigails store en voor NL bij




Ps : in het filpje nog veel meer blz van het boek!

Trend report M A I S O N & O B J E T Paris September 2015

 Trend report

M A I S O N & O B J E T

Paris September 2015



Maison Et Objet Sept 2015 Trend report

Are you not able to go to Maison & Objet but do want to know what’s hot and happening?
Next weekend I’m off to Paris to spot the trends and novelties!

You can now order my exclusive

#MO15 trend report presentation

and you are instantly updated!

Contact me for more information:
Info at Or fill in the form below.
Enjoy!  XO Iris



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Big news: The Loft Amsterdam is back 

Big news:

The Loft Amsterdam

is back

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The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 living sofa plant green

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | plant object styling | photo by © C-More



Have you heard of The Loft Amsterdam before? It’s a great interior concept by Floris Koch, Kassandra Schreuder and Maarten van Huijstee. In a big, light and beautiful space in an old building in the center of Amsterdam this team curates a complete interior as if there actually lives someone. Someone with good taste! And keep your eyes and ears open: The Loft is only for a short time: 22 August 2015 – 6 September 2015. 

It’s is really one of the best interior events I’ve seen. Not only the team picked out such unique and special items, also the styling is perfect. That’s what makes it so personal. For some a bit too personal, since people hesitate to actually pick up and buy the items they love. But please do: all items at The Loft are for sale. You can take most of them directly home with you. And if you’re not able to visit the loft in person, you can always order online at The Loft Shop


My personal favorites of The Loft summer 2015 are

  • The many many books…. I’m a real book addict….
  • the stunning marble and green kitchen with blue steel wall by Eginstill, Dornbracht and Gaggenau
  • the leather pillows and magazine baskets by Philomijn
  • the leather strapped sofa by Stephen Kenn

Be inspired by the pictures I took of The Lofts Amsterdam summer 2015 edition.





I also visited The Loft by The Playing Circle last summer 2014 and during wintertime 2014.

You can read the blogpost and see the many photos’s I took over here:


The Loft by The Playing Circle summer 2014

The Loft by The Playing Circle winter 2014.


More information:  Enter The Loft Amsterdam  and The Loft Amsterdam Facebook page 


The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 Green plants copper styling

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green plants copper styling

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 portret textile styling inspiration

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | styling portrait | textile | inspiration| photo by © C-More

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 Green bench plants pillow black and white photo

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green bench plants pillow black and white photo


The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 leather pillow cushion sofa plants green

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | leather pillow cushion | sofa | plants green| photo by © C-More

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 living

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | living | plant object styling | vintage | photo by © C-More

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 Green bench plants leather pillow black and white photo

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green bench plants pillow black and white photo




More pictures and inspiration after the READ MORE button!!!

Meer foto’s en inspiratie en de NL tekst na de READ MORE knop !!!!

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My visit to The Loft Amsterdam | masculine interior | the playing circle

The Loft Amsterdam | Playing Circle

 masculine interior

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The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More
Last weekend I visited The Loft by The Playing Circles in Amsterdam and I couldn’t stop taking pictures! I love this space.
 It’s a loft located at “De Prinsengracht” with a very high ceiling and one open space. Normally you can rent this space for meetings and congresses, but for a period of one month this appartement is furnished with some very nice hand picked items. 
I find this apparent very masculine but definitely not only for men. The items shown all have some character. Some because they’re aged, some because of the material or color choice. There are also a lot of great styling elements and art pieces. 
And the good news is : everything is for sale!!
You can visit this loft yourself until the 15th of august. So if you are in Amsterdam: Don’t miss it! More info like opening hour on the Facebookpage of the Loft by The Playing Circle. This great styling job is done by Dominique ter Mors and Kassandra Schreuder.
The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

Art | The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

Styling | metal | vase | cabinet | The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

Beautiful piece of art | The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More
The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

Bed by Coco-Mat | The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

Styling | glas and metal vase | The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

Ceramics | The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

Leather sofa | The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

Styling details | The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

Dining table and chairs | The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft Amsterdam | Playing Circle 
  en stoer en mannelijke interieur 

Afgelopen weekend bezocht ik The Loft by The Playing Circles in Amsterdam en ik kon niet stoppen met het nemen van foto’s! Ik vind het er fantastisch! 

  Het is een loft liggend aan de Prinsengracht met een zeer hoog plafond en een compleet open ruimte. Normaal gesproken kun je deze ruimte huren voor vergaderingen en congressen. Voor de periode van een maand is dit appartement ingericht en gestyled met een aantal zeer mooie persoonlijk uitgezochte items. 

Zelf vind ik het een zeer stoer en mannelijk interieur,  maar zeker niet alleen voor mannen. Mij spreekt het heel erg aan. De getoonde items hebben allemaal karakter. Sommige omdat ze op leeftijd zijn, sommige vanwege het materiaal of kleur keuze. Ook zijn er super veel prachtige en bijzondere styling elementen en kunstwerken te bekijken. De loft is ingericht en gestyled door Dominique ter Mors en Kassandra Schreuder.

En het goede nieuws is: Alles is te koop!!

Je kunt nog tot 15 augustus een bezoek brengen aan deze prachtige loft. Dus als je in Amsterdam bent: Mis het niet! 

Meer info zoals openingstijden zijn te vinden op de Facebookpagina van de Loft by The Playing Circle. De loft is ingericht en gestyled door Dominique ter Mors en Kassandra Schreuder.


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Link with love 
Xo Iris

Leren vaas | Ontwerper Pepe Heykoop | fotografe Annemarijne Bax | Design | Styling | Color |

Leren Matka vaas |Paper vase Cover  
Ontwerper Pepe Heykoop | fotografe Annemarijne Bax 
Design | Styling | Color
Deze foto moest ik gewoon met jullie delen: 
Een prachtige leren vaas van ontwerper 
de foto is van foto Annemarijne Bax 
(thx Anita van SPRDLX voor de tip )
 Matka Vase | Skin Collection
ontwerp Pepe Heykoop|foto Annemarijne Bax 

 De vaas is gemaakt van reststukjes leer dat eigenlijk afval is van het leer uit de meubelindustrie. Prachtig leer eigenlijk, dat zonde is om weg te gooien. Het leer komt om en een oude Matka : een traditionele Indiase waterdrager.

The vase is made out of little pieces of leather that actually are waste of the furniture industry. Beautiful leather actually,  a pity to throw away. The leather is wrapped around an old Matka: a traditional Indian water carrier.
Matka Vase | Skin Collectionontwerp Pepe Heykoop|foto Annemarijne Bax 
In de sloppenwijken van Bombay in India heeft Pepe Heykoop een project opgezet ism Tiny Miracles Foundation, waar de vazen handmatig gemaakt worden. De opbrengst van de verkoop wordt deels gebruikt om straatkinderen naar school te kunnen laten gaan. 

In the slums of Mumbai in India  Pepe Heykoophas launched a project in collaboration with Tiny Miracles Foundation, where the vases are made manually. The earnings of the sale will be partly used to let street children go to school.
Matka Vase | Skin Collection
ontwerp Pepe Heykoop|foto Annemarijne Bax 
Pepe, in 2008 afgestudeerd aan de Design Academie Eindhoven, heeft nog een aantal prachtige ontwerpen op zijn naam staan, zoals de Paper Vase Cover: een huls van gecoat papier dat je om een fles heen schuift.

Deze vaas is ook gemaakt in India ism Tiny Miracles Foundation en winnaar van Interior Innovation Award 2013. 

Pepe, graduated in 2008 from the Design Academy Eindhoven, has a number of beautiful designs to his name, including the Paper Vase Cover: a sleeve of coated paper that you put around an empty bottle.

This vase is made ​​in India in collaboration with Tiny Miracles Foundation and winner of Interior Innovation Award 2013.

Paper Vase Cover
ontwerp Pepe Heykoop|foto Annemarijne Bax 
Paper Vase Coverontwerp Pepe Heykoop|foto Annemarijne Bax 
Paper Vase Coverontwerp Pepe Heykoop|foto Annemarijne Bax 

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