
Doctor Doctor give me the news…| Interior Styling | Housedoctor

New styling, interior and accessoires collection by House Doctor
Doctor Doctor give me the news! I got a bad case of lovin’you!
And I mean it!!
I just went over to the site of Housedoctor and looked in the new catalogue and I’m so in love with the new collection I just wanted to share it immediatly on my blog.

Heb je de nieuwe collectie interieur items en accessoires van HouseDoctor al gezien??? Ik viel er als een blok voor! Bekijk de catalogus hier.

After the Xmas tree and styling is out of the house I can use some new fresh colors and styling items.
I love the bluegreyish paint, the coper facet pendant, the glass color vases and the fresh and clean look.
Do you like it?
 You can find more inspiration and the items on Housedoctor
Nadat alle kerst items de deur uit zijn had ik wel behoefte aan wat nieuwe en frisse styling items. Ik vind het blauwgrijze van de wanden fantastisch ( lievelings kleuren zijn bij mij veel blauw, grijs, turqoise en petrol achtige tinten) En de glazen gekleurde objecten en vazen vind ik ook prachtig. Maar het meest “in love” ben ik met de facet koper lamp.

En jij? vind meer inspiratie op HouseDoctor.

Link with love 
Xo Iris
ps: follow me via mailfacebook twitter or bloglovin and stay updated !

New Year | Tip 2014 | Design | Trend spotting | Alexa Lixfeld | Glasswood

A New Year 
Tip 2014 | Design | Trend spotting | Alexa Lixfeld | Glasswood

Alexa Lixfeld | Glasswood
I know when I spot something special…
And this is definitely one of them:
The work of Alexa Lixfeld.
I’ve seen her work at DDW13 at Piet Hein Eek’s place and knew it immediately….. 
This is something different…
So for the new start of 2014 I wanted to share her work with you:

Glasswood by Alexa Lixfeld

Please look, read and enjoy!

Alexa Lixfeld | Glasswood

The glass elements are mouth-blown and handmade in the Czech Republic. And the wooden molds normally give the glass their shape, but Alexa combined these two elements:

“I was struck by the relationship that grows during production between these beautiful oak molds and the hot glass, each leaving its mark on the other,“ says Lixfeld. “Working with existing shapes has always been a point of interest to me. These molds, just fuel for the kilns after they were discarded, had a beauty of their own, which is never seen. Keeping the glass pieces and their molds together once the production was over offered me an opportunity to put that beauty on display. It also provided a much greater tension to the glass, because of the contrast in texture between its shiny and colorful skin and the worn out appearan- ce of the mold. It equally gave me the opportunity to show the process that led to the finalized product. Alexa`s productions have always been non-industrial, away from the standard and norm. GlassWood is no exception: each duo comes a perfect couple, with a unique identity. I re- use an old mold to serve as a base for one glass object. It creates a unique mold-glass combina- tion, and you cannot have the same coupling twice.”

Please click below and read more!

Alexa Lixfeld | Glasswood
In the process of making this work, Alexa Lixfeld gives coincidence and surprise a big role:

 “I chose the color of the glass, and decided where and how to cut it, but after that the project became an interaction with the surroundings, finding potential in what was given, working hands-on with the artisans. My work is essentially about bringing together what is already there, but which remained disconnected. A great number of de- signers start from scratch, and then define the product in every detail. If you take that as a norm, I’m less a product designer than a process designer, a facilitator, someone who makes things possible.”

Alexa Lixfeld | Glasswood

Alexa Lixfeld | Glasswood
Alexa Lixfeld | Glasswood

All photos by Brigitta de Vos for Alexa Lixfeld

See also her tablewear overhere.

I love it! 
Especially the combination of the old wooden molds that have aged, cloved and has scars, 
in combination with the new, young and fresh and “perfectly” smooth glass..

Do you?
Let me know!

All the best wishes for 2014!
XO Iris 


Link with Love

ps: follow me via mailfacebook twitter or bloglovin and stay updated !

agenda tip: Trend Seminar | David Shah en Christine Boland | 15 oktober2013 | Appletizer

agenda tip: 
Trend Seminar |  Consumenten trends
 David Shah en Christine Boland 
15 oktober 2013  
door Appletizer

Wil je ook altijd weten wat de nieuwste trends zijn? Ga dan net als ik naar het trendseminar van David Shah en Christine Boland op 15 oktober 2013 in Amsterdam, georganiseerd door Appletizer

Clearly, consumers are feeling disappointed, disaffected and disconnected by the crisis of capitalism, by the banking systems and by digital ubiquity. Luxury and middle-level consumers alike, are taking a deep breath, standing back from their busy, hyper-connected lifestyles and asking themselves; what really matters to me? Consumers are seeking an escape from their busy lifestyle and aspiring to a new set of values.
(David Shah).

Of u nu designer bent of directeur, retailer of fabrikant, werkzaam in fashion of non-fashion, om morgen ook succesvol te zijn zal uw bedrijf oplossingen moeten bieden om te voorzien in de nieuwe mind-set van consumenten; van nieuwe manieren om de digitale opdringerigheid te regulieren, via holistische spirituele locaties, naar producten en diensten die (oprecht) het welzijn van de consument nastreven. Dit seminar is bedoeld voor iedereen die zich bezighoudt met de toekomst van zijn of haar organisatie en wie trends & toekomstverkenningen als succesfactor daarvoor wil inzetten.

Wil je ook naar dit seminar?
Kijk dan op de site van Appletizer voor meer info.

Zie ik je daar?

Ps: hou mijn blog in de gaten voor een verslag van dit Seminar
Geef je op voor de nieuwsbrief bovenaan of onderaan deze blog,
dan mis je niks. 

agenda tip: Brussel Design September | design week | 2013

Design agenda tip: 

Design liefhebbers opgelet:
Geen kans gehad om naar de Paris Design week en Maison et Objet te gaan?
Dan kun je  de hele maand september naar de

Brussel design week:

High-lights Maison et Objet 2013 part 2 | wall-covering | By C-more

High-lights Maison et Objet 2013 part 2 | by C-More
Wat zullen we op de muur doen?
In ieder geval geen saaie bedoeling!
Mijn inspiratie gezien op Maison et Objet 2013:
van tegels tot betonnen ornamenten ( mijn favoriet!) 
van papieren kunstwerken tot houten panelen, van behang van steen tot kratjes en schalen. 
So… what shall we put on the wall?

One thing is for sure: it isn’t boring!  
My finds at Maison et Objet 2013:
From tiles to concrete ornaments ( my favorites!)
from paper artwork made out of magazine, to wooden panels, 
from wallpaper made of stone to crates and plates.

Dark tiles
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Wooden panels
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Paper magazine artwork by Guy Leclef
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Paper magazine artwork by Guy Leclef
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Paper magazine artwork by Guy Leclef
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Paper  artwork by Guy Leclef
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

geometric metallics
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

quotes in frames
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Concrete ornaments by Taporo
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Concrete ornaments by Taporo
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Concrete ornaments by Taporo
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Concrete ornaments by Taporo
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More
wallpaper made out of stone, by Slate Lite
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

wooden wall
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

flower ornament
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

wooden wall
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

crates on the wall
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

New-old paintings by Ibride
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

Plates | vase by Ibride
Maison Objet ’13 | C-More

So what do you think of all these finds from Paris? Like it?
Maybe you want to see some more? Take a look over here for more Maison et objet 2013.
Have fun with it!

Share with love

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