
IIttala’s fairytale decor Tanssi by Klaus Haapaniemi

IIttala’s new fairytale decor Tanssi 

by Klaus Haapaniemi 

iittala | Tanssi 

scroll naar beneden voor NL

The inspiration for this dessin comes from the Opera 
The Cunning Little Vixen by Leoš Janáček.
The sad and yet beautiful story about animals, 
people and the eternal life cycle
comes to life in the warm designs by Haapaniemi 
on tableware that was designed by the eminent Finnish designer Heikki Orvola.
“The earth tones of the collection Tanssi -brown, 
gray and reddish fit perfectly with the Iittala new glass color desert. 
The nostalgic brown color was inspired by the hot summers as a child 
and the Iittala glass dinnerware from the fifties. 
Desert from January will be included in the Aalto collection. 
The Cabinet Helmi scale and atmospheric lighting 
will be available in the new color.”
What I love about this series is that these kind of dessins 
can light up a more basic interior like in the pictures above. 
Using a tone-on-tone color palette keeps it calm, but also adds some warmth 
and the interior is a bit more playful. 
What do you think of the new decor? 
Let me know!
More info at iittala Tansi
Pictures by iittala

iittala | Tanssi 
iittala | Tanssi 

Iittala sprookjesachtige decor 

Tanssi door Klaus Haapaniemi

De inspiratie voor dit dessin komt van de Opera
Het Sluwe Vosje van Leoš Janáček.

Het trieste en toch prachtig verhaal over dieren, mensen en de eeuwige levenscyclus
komt tot leven in de warme ontwerpen door Haapaniemi 
op servies dat werd ontworpen door de vooraanstaande Finse ontwerper Heikki Orvola.

“De aardtinten van de Tanssi collectie –bruin, grijs en rood– passen perfect bij de Iittala’s nieuwe glaskleur desert. De nostalgische bruine kleur is geïnspireerd op de hete zo- mers als kind en de Iittala glasserviezen uit de jaren vijftig. Desert zal vanaf januari in de Aalto collectie worden opgenomen. Ook de Kastehelmi schaal en het sfeerlicht zullen in deze nieuwe kleur leverbaar zijn.”

Wat ik leuk vind aan deze serie is dat dit soort dessins
een meer basic interieur kan oplichten zoals te zien op de foto hierboven.
Met behulp van een ton-sur-ton kleurenpalet blijft het rustig, 
voegt het ook wat warmte toe
en daar door is het interieur ook een beetje speelser.

Wat vind je van de nieuwe dessin?
Laat het me weten!

Meer info op iittala Tansi
Foto’s door iittala


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Link with love 
Xo Iris

The Loft Amsterdam | The playing Circle | interior design inspiration | Vintage

The Loft Amsterdam
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More



Last summer the Playing Circle organised “The Loft” in Amsterdam  for the first time. It was a real gem. This time they did it again… Other location, other items, other furniture and accessories but again: a gem!  What a great concept to show how one can live, in this extraordinary space. And the nice thing is: everything is for sale! See for yourself and make sure you pay a visit to the live location until 4 januari 2015 or on their website:

Enter the Loft



This is my last post in 2014. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and see you in 2015!! Best wishes!!

 XO Iris
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More
Enter the Loft | Amsterdam | By C-More



The Loft Amsterdam



Afgelopen zomer organiseerde The Playing Circle  ” The Loft” voor de eerste keer. Het was een echt juweeltje.  Deze keer is het weer raak …  Andere locatie, andere items, andere meubels en accessoires,  maar: weer een juweeltje! Wat een geweldig concept om in deze buitengewoon mooie ruimte te laten zien hoe je kunt wonen. En het leuke is: alles is te koop Kijk zelf maar. En ga ook echt even life kijken in Amsterdam!  Dat kan tot en met 4 januari 2015 Op de website: Enter the Loft
Dit is mijn laatste post voor 2014 tenzij ik iets zie dat ik echt nog voor 2015 met jullie moet delen … 
Hele fijne kerstdagen en tot ziens in 2015 !! De beste wensen !!
XO Iris

All pictures by C-More 

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Xo Iris

First or Second store by April and May | Second floor + Kitchen | Bloggerslunch | Concept store

First or Second store by April and May

Second floor + Kitchen

Bloggerslunch | Concept store

First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Vintage Bureau| By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Vintage Bureau|  By C-More


As I promised you here are the pictures of the second floor at First or Second store by April and May.
The first floor I showed here in this previous blogpost about my visit to Alkmaar.I visited the in September opened shop while having this wonderful Scandinavian lunch during the Bloggerslunch organised by Sandra Meier of Accessorize your Home

and Femke + Eddy Ditmars of Hééérlijk.
First or Second store sells new and vintage design items, as the name and signs tell us, in a very inspiring environment. If you are in the neighbourhood of Alkmaar, pay a visit, You won’t regret it.Enjoy!

First or Second

Update:  First or Second  is now  Dintra design. 

First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | storage By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | storage  By C-More

There is more!
click below


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor |  By C-More


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Bathroom | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor |  Bathroom | By C-More


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Kitchen by KVIK | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor |  Kitchen by KVIK | By C-More


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Kitchen by KVIK | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor |  Kitchen by KVIK | By C-More


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Wall | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor  | Wall | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Fireplace | Concrete floor | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor  | Fireplace | Concrete floor | By C-More


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Wooden vintage drawer cabinet | Concrete floor | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor  | Wooden vintage drawer cabinet | Concrete floor |
By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Wooden vintage drawer cabinet | Concrete floor | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor  | Wooden vintage drawer cabinet | Concrete floor |
By C-More


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Wooden picture frames | Concrete floor | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor  | Wooden picture frames | Concrete floor | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor | Vintage Eames chairs | Vitra | Concrete floor | By C-More
First or Second store | April and May | Second floor  | Vintage Eames chairs | Vitra | Concrete floor | By C-More


First or Second store | April and May | Second floor  | Plywood | HAY | Vitra | Concrete floor | By C-More


First or Second store by April and May 

Tweede verdieping + Keuken 



Bloggerslunch | Concept store

Zoals ik jullie beloofde, hier zijn de foto’s van de tweede verdieping van First or Second store by April and May.

De eerste verdieping kun hier in deze eerdere blogpost over mijn bezoek aan Alkmaar bekijken.

Ik bezocht de in september geopende winkel tijdens de smakelijke en mooie Scandinavische lunch bij de Bloggerslunch,  georganiseerd door Sandra Meier van Accessorize your Home

en Femke + Eddy Ditmars van Hééérlijk.

First or Second store verkoopt nieuwe en vintage design items, zoals de naam en tekens al vertellen, in een zeer inspirerende omgeving. Als je in de buurt van Alkmaar,  ga er dan zeker even langs, je zult er geen spijt van krijgen. 


First or Second


Update:  First or Second  is overgegaan in Dintra design. 

all pictures by C-More 

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And feel free to respond here on my blog!

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Link with love
Xo Iris

First or Second store by April and May | First floor | Bloggerslunch |Concept store

First or Second store by April and May

Bloggerslunch | Concept store

First floor

First or Second store by April and May Bloggerslunch | Concept store First floor

First or Second store by April and May Bloggerslunch | Concept store First floor

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

These April and May Girls nailed it! This in September renewed interior design shop is styled and designed by April and May. They sell new design and vintage items and that really works well together.

I visited First or Second concept store during the Bloggerslunch organised by Sandra Meier of Accessorize your Home and Femke + Eddy Ditmars of Hééérlijk. I enjoyed this wonderful Scandinavian lunch and the companie of fellow bloggers.

April and May’s Jantine and Vivian showed us around the store.
It’ s a nice open, industrial and light space where besides the nice furniture the styling is very inspiring.

Pictures speak more than a thousand words,
So take a look at the photo’s I’ve made to get an impression.

Also stick around a bit here at my blog, because this is only the first floor.
The second floor will be shown in a new blogpost.


Update:  First or Second  is now Dintra design. 


First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-MoreThere is more!
click below

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store by April and May 

Bloggerslunch | Concept store

First floor

DApril and May girls hebben het geflikt! De in september vernieuwde interieur design winkel is Gestyled en ontworpen door April and May. Ze verkopen nieuw design en vintage items en dat werkt erg goed samen.

Ik bezocht First or Second concept store voor de Bloggerslunch organiseert door Sandra Meier van Accessorize your Home en Femke + Eddy Ditmars van  Hééérlijk Ik heb genoten van deze mooie en smakelijke Scandinavische lunch en van de collega-bloggers.

April and May’s Jantine en Vivian showden ons de winkel.
Het is een mooi open, industriële en lichte ruimte waar naast de mooie meubels de styling ook heel inspirerend is. 

Beelden zeggen meer dan duizend woorden,
Dus neem een kijkje hierboven bij de foto’s die ik heb gemaakt om een indruk te krijgen van deze prachtige winkel.

Blijf ook nog een beetje rondhangen hier op mijn blog, want dit is pas de eerste verdieping!
De tweede verdieping laat ik zien in een nieuwe blogpost.

First or Second 

Update:  First or Second  is overgegaan in Dintra design. 


all pictures by C-More

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And feel free to respond here on my blog!

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Link with love
Xo Iris

Nice design hotel in Antwerp | Tryp by Wyndham

Nice design hotel in Antwerp Belgium
Tryp by Wyndham

 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
Are you looking for a nice place to stay in Antwerp Belgium?
Than you’d like this I think! 
A few weeks ago I stayed at the Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp.
It’s situated in the nice “Zurenborg” Art Nouveau District near to the center and the central station.
I liked it very much! The rooms are styled with XL pictures of historic paintings. All rooms have a different painting and matching color schemes.
Throughout the whole hotel you find these paintings in bigger or smaller sizes. Combined with the design furniture and dark colours, it gives the hotel a very luxurious feeling.
The rooms have a comfortable bed, a nice black and white bathroom 
and there is a lounge area, a restaurant and a bar downstairs. 
After a good night sleep we went for breakfast that was served in the restaurant, where you can also dine, and spend the rest of the day in Antwerpen City for a shopping tour.
See for yourself… 
Do you like it as much as I do?
If wou would like to book a room you can find the 
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp

There is more! 
click below

 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp

Leuk design hotel in Antwerpen

Tryp by Wyndham

Ben je op zoek naar een leuke plek om te overnachten in Antwerpen?
Dan vind je dit wel leuk denk ik!

Een paar weken geleden verbleef ik in het Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerpen.
Het is gelegen in het mooie “Zurenborg” Art Nouveau district
in de buurt van het centrum en het centraal station.
Ik vond het erg leuk! 

De kamers zijn ingericht met XL afbeeldingen van historische schilderijen.
Alle kamers hebben een ander schilderij en bijpassend kleurenschema.

Door het gehele hotel kom je deze schilderijen in grotere of kleinere afmetingen tegen. In combinatie met de design meubelen en donkere kleuren, geeft het het hotel een zeer luxe gevoel.

De kamers zijn voorzien van comfortabele bedden, mooie zwarte witte badkamers
en er is een lounge, een restaurant en een bar beneden.

Na een goede nachtrust gingen we aan het ontbijt dat werd geserveerd in het restaurant waar je ook kunt dineren. 

De rest van de dag zijn we Antwerpen City in gedoken voor een gezellige shopping tour.
Kijk zelf maar …
 En… Wat vind je er van?

Als  je een kamer wilt boeken,



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Xo Iris
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