
First or Second store by April and May | First floor | Bloggerslunch |Concept store

First or Second store by April and May

Bloggerslunch | Concept store

First floor

First or Second store by April and May Bloggerslunch | Concept store First floor

First or Second store by April and May Bloggerslunch | Concept store First floor

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

These April and May Girls nailed it! This in September renewed interior design shop is styled and designed by April and May. They sell new design and vintage items and that really works well together.

I visited First or Second concept store during the Bloggerslunch organised by Sandra Meier of Accessorize your Home and Femke + Eddy Ditmars of Hééérlijk. I enjoyed this wonderful Scandinavian lunch and the companie of fellow bloggers.

April and May’s Jantine and Vivian showed us around the store.
It’ s a nice open, industrial and light space where besides the nice furniture the styling is very inspiring.

Pictures speak more than a thousand words,
So take a look at the photo’s I’ve made to get an impression.

Also stick around a bit here at my blog, because this is only the first floor.
The second floor will be shown in a new blogpost.


Update:  First or Second  is now Dintra design. 


First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-MoreThere is more!
click below

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store | April and May | First floor | By C-More

First or Second store by April and May 

Bloggerslunch | Concept store

First floor

DApril and May girls hebben het geflikt! De in september vernieuwde interieur design winkel is Gestyled en ontworpen door April and May. Ze verkopen nieuw design en vintage items en dat werkt erg goed samen.

Ik bezocht First or Second concept store voor de Bloggerslunch organiseert door Sandra Meier van Accessorize your Home en Femke + Eddy Ditmars van  Hééérlijk Ik heb genoten van deze mooie en smakelijke Scandinavische lunch en van de collega-bloggers.

April and May’s Jantine en Vivian showden ons de winkel.
Het is een mooi open, industriële en lichte ruimte waar naast de mooie meubels de styling ook heel inspirerend is. 

Beelden zeggen meer dan duizend woorden,
Dus neem een kijkje hierboven bij de foto’s die ik heb gemaakt om een indruk te krijgen van deze prachtige winkel.

Blijf ook nog een beetje rondhangen hier op mijn blog, want dit is pas de eerste verdieping!
De tweede verdieping laat ik zien in een nieuwe blogpost.

First or Second 

Update:  First or Second  is overgegaan in Dintra design. 


all pictures by C-More

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Xo Iris

Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design

Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 

 Where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design

scoll naar beneden voor NL
Who could have dreamed that two of my great inspiration themes that are so far apart, could combine so well together. As you know I love the paintings by Vermeer and other Dutch masters. I also am very fond of Dutch Design and one of my favourite designers is Piet Hein Eek. He designs furniture and interior accessoires from a very personal perspective. If you are in The Netherlands you really should go and visit Piet Hein Eek’s shop and workplace in Eindhoven.
Last DDW14 I was invited by NLXL [ very well known by the Piet Hein Eek scrap wood wallpaper, the Studio Job wallpaper and the Merci Brooklyn tiles wallpaper] and Piet Hein Eek at their party. I met some great friend and people I hadn’t seen for a long long time! It was a great evening.  It was also the launch of some new products design by Piet Hein Eek. 
Like the Plywood Print Stool. 
Can you imagine I fell in love with it immediately? 
Doesn’t it fit in my design-passion in all forms?
It would be the perfect stool for in my home. 
It’s where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design.
It’s on my wish list!
The good thing is: 
It’s available for you too!
Just go over to the NLXL site to shop. 
There are 10 different designs, from Rembrandt to Vermeer.
The price is € 169,- 
[or  US $ 219 
| UK £ 169
 | ROW US $ 219 ]
And with this stool you have a original Dutch Design piece by Piet Hein Eek with artwork, courtesy of Rijksmuseum Amsterdam!
Now available worldwide at 
Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
I have two favourites: the one with the asparagus No 9 and the one with the flowers No 5.
What is your favourite one? 
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design

Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 

waar de Dutch Masters Dutch en Design ontmoeten

Wie had kunnen dromen dat twee van mijn grote inspiratie thema’s die zo ver uit elkaar liggen,  toch zo goed combineren. Ik hou van de schilderijen van Vermeer en andere Nederlandse Meesters. Ik ben ook dol op Dutch Design en een van mijn favoriete ontwerpers is Piet Hein Eek. Hij ontwerpt meubels en interieur accessoires vanuit een heel persoonlijk perspectief. Als je in Nederland bent moet je echt Piet Hein Eek’s winkel en werkplaats in Eindhoven bezoeken

Laatst tijdens DDW14 was ik uitgenodigd door NLXL [bekend van het Piet Hein Eek sloophout behang, het Studio Job behang en de Merci Brooklyn tiles wallpaper] en Piet Hein Eek bij hun  feestje.  Ik ontmoette een aantal fijne vrienden en mensen die ik al heel lang niet had gezien! Het was een gezellige avond.  Het was ook de lancering van een aantal nieuwe producten ontworpen door Piet Hein Eek.

Een daarvan is de Plywood Print Stool.
Kun je je voorstellen dat ik daar gelijk verliefd op werd?
Pat het niet perfect bij mijn Design -passie in alle vormen?
Het zou een perfecte krukje voor in mijn huis zijn.
Het is waar de Nederlandse meesters  Nederlands Design ontmoet.
Dus: op mijn verlanglijstje!

Het mooie is:
Het is ook voor jou bereikbaar!

Er zijn 10 verschillende designs, van Rembrandt tot Vermeer.
De prijs is € 169, –
[of US $ 219 | UK £ 169 | RIJ US $ 219]

En met deze kruk heb je een origineel Dutch Design stuk , ontworpen door Piet Hein Eek [met dank aan het Rijksmuseum Amsterdam een echt kunstwerk van de Dutch Masters[met dank aan het Rijksmuseum Amsterdam] in huis!
Nu wereldwijd verkrijgbaar bij

Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam


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Xo Iris

DDW | Dutch Design Week | Westwing | Rolf Benz

DDW | Dutch Design Week | Westwing 

Westwing loves Dutch Design Elke van der Berg
The Dutch Design Week has already begun. 
This fair is highly recommended if you love design, 
so if you have not yet made ​​plans: 
You still have a chance to go this week!! 
It’s from 18 until 26 October 2014
The DDW14 is so big that you never can see it completely in one day: 
you have to make choices, or maybe go several days. 
Fortunately, Westwing invited seven special Dutch designers for an interview, Dirk van der Kooij with his 3D printed furniture, FLINK with the hip knits for the home, Elke van den Berg [I am a big fan of her!] with beautiful porcelain, gems jewellery by Petra Reijrink, affordable bulbs of BOOO,  storage options Strackk and tiles to conceal your socket by Suit’d®.
Westwing loves Dutch Design and celebrates that every day 
by not only offer a stage for these seven Dutch Designers, 
but also with their own shop for this week.
on Sunday October 19th at 
In addition, the online magazine brings a glimpse 
into the creative mind and kitchen of the designers. 
Every day there will be a Dutch Designer in the spotlight, 
with the uniqueness that you can go to the shop of your choice to purchase the products!
the Dutch Designer shops and for the fantastic design offers 
they sell temporarily on the website. 
This week you have for instance the opportunity 
to buy the Rolf Benz furniture  at a very attractive price!

Westwing loves Dutch Design Dirk van der Kooij
Westwing loves Dutch Design Booo

Westwing loves Dutch Design FLINK

Westwing loves Dutch Design Petra Reijrink

Westwing loves Dutch Design Strackk

Westwing loves Dutch Design Suited

Westwing Rolf Benz meubelen

DDW | Dutch Design Week | Westwing 

De Dutch Design Week is al volop aan de gang. 
Het is een echte aanrader als je van Design houdt, 
dus mocht je nog geen plannen gemaakt hebben: Doe dit dan alsnog! 
De DDW14 is zo groot dat je het nooit in één dag helemaal kunt gaan zien, 
dan moet je keuzes maken, of toch meerdere dagen gaan.
De DDW is van 18-26 oktober 2014.

Gelukkig heeft Westwing zeven bijzondere Nederlandse ontwerpers uitgenodigd voor een interview, Dirk van der Kooij met zijn 3D geprint meubilair, FLINK met de hippe breisels voor in huis, Elke van den Berg [ ben ik groot fan van!]prachtig porselein, juweeltjes van sieraden van Petra Reijrink, betaalbare bulbs van BOOO, strakke opbergmogelijkheden van Strackk en tegels om je stopcontact te verhullen van Suit’d®.

Westwing loves Dutch Design en viert dat deze week mee door elke dag een andere Nederlandse ontwerper niet alleen een podium, maar ook eigen shop te bieden.

De ‘Westwing loves Dutch Design’ week begint op zondag 19 oktober op
Daarnaast brengt het online magazine een kijkje in het creatieve brein en de keuken van de ontwerpers. Elke dag zal er een Dutch Designer in de schijnwerpers staan, met als unicum dat je meteen door kunt gaan naar de shop van je keuze om de producten aan te schaffen.

Kijk op de site van Westwing voor de DDW designer interviews, 
de Dutch Designer shops én voor de fantastische design aanbiedingen
die ze steeds tijdelijk op de website verkopen. 

Deze week zijn oa de Rolf Benz meubelen 
voor een zeer aantrekkelijke prijs te bestellen. 


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Xo Iris

VT Wonen at the Woonbeurs | interior inspiration

VT Wonen at de woonbeurs
Hi there, it’s Louise from 30s Magazine again with another guest blog post. Because Iris couldn’t make it to the annual furniture & lifestyle fair ‘de Woonbeurs’ , I offered to report back from one of the highlights of the fair, the inspirational house by Dutch interior magazine VT Wonen. This year is the magazine’s 50th anniversary. The house showcased the latest trends and new designs. Moody blue, and a dark colour palette of shades of grey and burgundy accents paired with copper characterized the VT Wonen style this year. Their trompe d’oeuil wallpaper that mimics wood panels or tiles were the most striking features. To celebrate their anniversary they launched a collection of plates that were on display on the kitchen wall.

VT-Wonen at the “Woonbeurs” Amsterdam by 30s Magazine 

VT-Wonen at the “Woonbeurs” Amsterdam by 30s Magazine 

VT-Wonen at the “Woonbeurs” Amsterdam by 30s Magazine 

VT-Wonen at the “Woonbeurs” Amsterdam by 30s Magazine 

VT-Wonen at the “Woonbeurs” Amsterdam by 30s Magazine 

VT-Wonen at the “Woonbeurs” Amsterdam by 30s Magazine 

VT-Wonen at the “Woonbeurs” Amsterdam by 30s Magazine 

VT-Wonen at the “Woonbeurs” Amsterdam by 30s Magazine 

VT-Wonen at the “Woonbeurs” Amsterdam by 30s Magazine 

VT-Wonen at the “Woonbeurs” Amsterdam by 30s Magazine 

VT-Wonen at the “Woonbeurs” Amsterdam by 30s Magazine 

All pictures of VT-Wonen at the “Woonbeurs” Amsterdam by 30s Magazine

Thanks so much Louise!!


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Xo Iris

Hectic eclectic procrastinator Interiorator | inspiration

Hectic eclectic procrastinator Interiorator
When Iris asked me to write a guest post on C-More a while ago, I jumped at the opportunity and decided to immediately do nothing for two weeks. Well, not really. You see, I can be a bit of a procrastinator – and so here I am now, offering my apologies to Iris for my tardiness before the eyes of everyone on the internet. The thing is, it’s fall – a season that to interior design professionals is as hectic as those final days before Christmas. Still hectic or not, here I am to tell you a bit about my blog. It’s called Interiorator and it’s just what the doctor ordered if you’re into eclectic, colorful and unusual design-y stuff. To get you in the mood, I’ve put together my top ten personal Interiorator favorites. 
1 Maddnes
Let me start with a bang – the notorious Amsterdam-based designers Maddnes are my all-time design heroes. That giant blue head they designed is now the most eye-catching of eyecatchers in my living room.
2 Abigail Ahern
Hero number is Abigail Ahern. This enfant terrible of the interior design world taught me everything I needed to know to give my home a much-needed makeover. She also inspired me to paint out my walls and ceiling in dark blue! You can see the pictures I took at Abigail Ahern’s home right here.
3 My hallway
Well, here it is. Home! It took me forever to paint the hallway but the result looks quite fetching, doesn’t it? Here are the before pictures. Pretty shocking huh?
4 VTwonen
My home was featured in Dutch interior design magazine VTWonen earlier this year, quite an honor! You can see more pictures here.
5 Les Puces
I love Paris. I love vintage. And I love Rod Stewart. 
Well, not really – but I did run into him when we were both shopping for 
vintage design at Les Puces de Saint Ouen. 
6 Designmuseum Gent
Another city I love is Ghent. The local Designmuseum has a formidable collection of Seventies and Eighties furniture – you should check it out some time! 
7 Wanderlust
I usually think up my own interior design trends, thank you very much. That being said, I have to say I was quite impressed by this Wanderlust trend space at last summer’s Elle Festival in Amsterdam.
8 Farrow & Ball
I had a blast recently painting an old bar cart in orange 
and then styling it for Farrow & Ball. You like?
9 Tropicana Rotterdam
Remember the old Tropicana subtropical swimming paradise in Rotterdam? It was abandoned about five years ago – which didn’t keep me from sneaking in a while ago to take these pictures.
10 Mickey Easterling
Sure, I make a lot of content myself for Interiorator. But once in a while, I also see something online that grabs my attention and practically forces me to write about it – like this all-pink apartment I once saw on the New York Social Diary website.
Anyhoo, I hope you enjoyed this little introduction. See you soon on Interiorator, okay? Buh-bye!
Almost all pictures by INTERIORATOR
Thank you so much Patrick!
XO Iris
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