
NEW | Piet Boon kitchen design | Tailored to Taste


Piet Boon kitchen design

“Tailored to Taste”

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Piet Boon Kitchen Photo by C-More i 6

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Yesterday I was invited to a very exclusive lunch for the launch of the new kitchen line by Piet boon and the opening of the new showroom, located next to the Piet Boon Studio in Oostzaan NL. We were with a small group the first to see the 7 new kitchens Piet Boon designed.

The designs are based on the Studios philosophy and you recognize it as a Piet Boon kitchen immediately. The use of rich natural materials and natural colors contribute to that feeling.

The kitchen is Piet Boon’s favorite spot in his house. It’s the place where you start and end your day and where you actively live. That’s why he designed the collection with different users and, therefore, different functionalities in mind.

As you can see in the pictures marble in various colors is a frequently used material, but also there is a patinaed brass for the “Mono” kitchen. The kitchen lines are very new: the curved corner line of the ” Contour” kitchen is an example of that.

While enjoying the delicious lunch, I asked Piet Boon what his favorite design is. “That’s hard to say”, he told me. “I designed them all!” I can only agree with that. Although the 7 lines are very different, there are also similarities like the royal dimensions and exceptional details.

I can tell you my favorites: The curved “Contour” line is on top of my list, closely followed by the “Minimal” kitchen, which will not be a surprise to you I guess. But also the brass “Mono” I like very much. Last but not least: The “Brutal” line with it’s bold and big marble upper part of the kitchen counter belongs to my top 4.

If you like to see the kitchen designs yourself, you can visit the showroom in Oostzaan NL. There are a total 17 different versions showcased there so there must be one just for you!




Kitchen design: Piet Boon |  Studio Piet Boon

Styling: Karin Meyn and John Biesheuvel | Studio Piet Boon

More information and all different designs: Piet Boon Kitchen


Photo’s © C-More


Ps: even more pictures in the slider below…



Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  14

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More


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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen Photo by C-More i 5

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen Photo by C-More i 4

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen Photo by C-More i 2

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

Piet Boon Kitchen photo by C-More  36

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More




All pictures in a slider:

Piet Boon Kitchen Design | Styling by Karin Meyn + John Biesheuvel | photo © C-More

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“Tailored to Taste”

Gisteren was ik uitgenodigd voor een zeer exclusieve lunch ter ere van de lancering van de nieuwe keuken lijn door Piet Boon en de opening van de nieuwe showroom, gelegen naast de Piet Boon Studio in Oostzaan.  Met een select gezelschap kregen we als een van de eersten de 7 nieuwe keukens van Piet Boon te zien.

De ontwerpen zijn gebaseerd op de Studios filosofie en je herkent het onmiddelijk als een Piet Boon keuken. Het gebruik van rijke natuurlijke materialen en natuurlijke kleuren dragen bij aan dat gevoel.

De keuken is Piet Boon’s favoriete plek in zijn huis. Het is de plek waar je de dag begint en afsluit en waar je actief leeft. Dat is de reden waarom hij de collectie met verschillende gebruikers en dus verschillende functies in het achterhoofd heeft ontworpen.

Zoals je kunt zien op de foto’s is marmer in verschillende kleuren een vaak gebruikt materiaal. Ook is er een gepatineerd messing uitvoering van de “Mono” keuken. De belijning van de keukens is vernieuwend: de gebogen hoeklijn van de “Contour” keuken is een voorbeeld daarvan.

Terwijl we genieten van de heerlijke lunch, vroeg ik Piet Boon wat zijn favoriete ontwerp is. “Dat is moeilijk te zeggen”, vertelde hij me. “Ik ontwierp ze allemaal!” Ik kan het daar alleen maar mee eens zijn. Hoewel de 7 keuken lijnen zeer verschillend zijn, zijn er ook overeenkomsten zoals de royale afmetingen, die kenmerkend voor de Piet Boon stijl zijn, en de uitzonderlijk mooie details.

Ik kan je wel vertellen wat mijn favorieten zijn: De gebogen “Contour” lijn staat boven aan mijn lijst, op de voet gevolgd door de “Minimal” keuken, wat  vast geen verrassing voor jullie  zal zijn. Maar ook de messing “Mono” versie vind ik prachtig. Last but not least: De “Brutal” lijn,met het gedurfde hoge marmeren bovendeel van het aanrecht, behoort tot mijn top 4.

Als je graag de keuken ontwerpen zelf wilt zien, dat kunt je een bezoek brengen aan de showroom in Oostzaan. Er zijn in totaal 17 verschillende versies tentoongesteld zodat er vast één voor je bij moet zijn!


Keuken ontwerp:  Piet Boon | Studio Piet Boon

Styling: Karin Meyn en John Biesheuvel | Studio Piet Boon

Meer informatie en alle ontwerpen: Piet Boon keuken


Foto’s © C-More

Ps: nog meer fotos in de fotoslider!

Ode to JEE-O |Design |Luxury | Bathroom | Spa | Manna Design Hotel

Ode to JEE-O

Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa

at award-winning Design Hotel



Jee-O bath shower wellness spa Design bathroom Manna awardwinning Design Hotel NL 06

Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

How special is that!

JEE-O a brand who designs minimalistic baths, sinks and showers for a luxurious and relaxing spa feeling, appears to be stationed just around the corner of my hometown. So I headed over to meet up with concept and product designer and founder of JEE-O Lammert Moerman, to get a look at te collection and the headquarter office.

JEE-O is on the top the list of my favourite bathroom designs. I love the smooth lines and the soft material, which is a combination of quartz rock and resin named DADOquartz. That makes the solid surface. The freestanding baths are just a gem to the eye and the basins are just as beautiful.

But what I also like so much about the JEE-O series are more sturdy, bold and masculine showers and faucets. Made out of stainless steel, they also have this minimal design.  With the “JEE-O 365 all weather frost free” application, some designs are suitable for outdoor use.

While talking to Lammert, we came to speak about Manna, the award-winning Design Hotel that is located in the center of my hometown Nijmegen NL. I visit Manna often for dinner or lunch or a meeting with my clients for an interior design. It is a beautiful hotel and I’m not surprised they won the Luxury Hotel Awards for Best Europe Hotel Restaurant.

During the opening of Design hotel Manna, a few years back, I got a sneak peek at the hotel rooms and then also spotted the JEE-O baths in the rooms.

Although Manna is on my list for a sleepover, I didn’t stay there yet… It’s just a 5-minute walk from my own home. But happily I took the chance to hop over and take some pictures of the JEE-O bathrooms in the hotel studio’s and suites. They were even more beautiful then I remembered… Nice surprise to see the HAY styling items there.

While I’m making plans to renovate my own bathroom [ And yes, I definitely have JEE-O on my wishlist,] I’m sharing the JEE-O designs at Manna with you.

I hope you enjoy it!

Ps: Since I took so many pictures and couldn’t choose, I made a selection below and put the rest in the slider.

More information about JEE-O | they ship worldwide!! | you can find here: JEE-O

More information about Manna Hotel, booking a room, breakfast, lunch, brunch or dinner: just visit the website of Manna. 

Looking for Design Hotels?  I can recommend  TripAdvisor | Design Hotel  and | Design Hotels

Enjoy!! XO Iris

© Pictures by C-More

Jee-O bath shower wellness spa Design bathroom Manna awardwinning Design Hotel NL 05

Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

Jee-O bath shower wellness spa Design bathroom Manna awardwinning Design Hotel NL 04

Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

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Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

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Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

Jee-O bath shower wellness spa Design bathroom Manna awardwinning Design Hotel NL 07

Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

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Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

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Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

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Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

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Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

Jee-O bath shower wellness spa Design bathroom Manna awardwinning Design Hotel NL 18

Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

Jee-O bath shower wellness spa Design bathroom Manna awardwinning Design Hotel NL 22

Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

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Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

Jee-O bath shower wellness spa Design bathroom Manna awardwinning Design Hotel NL 25

Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

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Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

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Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

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Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

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Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

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Ode to JEE-O Design | Luxury | Bathroom | Spa at award-winning Design Hotel Manna | © Picture by C-More

Slider | Dia show below

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Hoe bijzonder is dat!

JEE-O, een merk dat minimalistische baden, wastafels en douches voor een luxe en ontspannen spa gevoel ontwerpt, blijkt vlak in de buurt van mijn woonplaatste zijn gevestigd. Dus ik ging op weg naar het hoofdkantoor om met concept en product designer en oprichter van JEE-O Lammert Moerman af te spreken en de collectie te bekijken.

JEE-O staat aan top van mijn lijst met favoriete badkamer designs. De vloeiende lijnen en het zachte materiaal, dat een combinatie van kwarts rock en hars genaamd DADOquartz is, spreken mij enorm aan. De vrijstaande baden zijn een juweeltje voor het oog en de bassins zijn al net zo mooi.

Maar wat ik mooi vind aan de JEE-O-serie zijn stoere, douches en kranen. Gemaakt van roestvrij staal, hebben toch ze ook dat minimalistische design. Met de “JEE-O 365 all weather vorstvrij” applicatie, zijn sommige ontwerpen zelfs geschikt voor gebruik buitenshuis.

Terwijl ik aan de praat raak met Lammert, komen we op Manna, het bekroonde Design Hotel, dat in het centrum van mijn woonplaats Nijmegen ligt. Ik bezoek Manna regelmatig voor een diner, lunch of een ontmoeting met mijn klanten voor een interieuradvies. Het is een mooi hotel en ik ben niet verbaasd dat ze de Luxury Hotel Awards voor Beste Europeese Hotel Restaurant hebben gewonnen.

Tijdens de opening van Design hotel Manna, een paar jaar terug, ik heb een sneak-peek in de hotelkamers gehad en spotte de JEE-O baden toen in al de kamers.

Hoewel Manna op mijn lijst voor een sleepover staat, heb ik er nog niet overnacht … Het is slechts 5 minuten lopen van mijn eigen huis. Maar ik ben er wel vast heen gegaan om foto’s te nemen van de JEE-O badkamers in de hotel studio’s en suites.  Ze waren nog mooier dan ik me herinnerde ….En leuk dat ze HAY meubels en accessoires  hebben toegepast!

Terwijl ik plannen aan het maken ben om mijn eigen badkamer te gaan renoveren [ en ja, JEE-O staat zeker op mijn verlanglijstje! ] deel ik hier alvast de JEE-O designs bij Manna.

Ik hoop dat je ervan geniet!

Meer informatie over JEE-O | ze leveren wereldwijd !!  | kunt u hier vinden: JEE-O

Meer informatie over Manna Hotel, het boeken van een kamer, ontbijt, lunch, brunch of diner: alleen de website te bezoeken van  Manna. 

Opzoek naar Design Hotels?  Ik kan je zoeken via  TripAdvisor | Design Hotel  of aanraden!

Geniet!! XO Iris


ps: Ik heb zoveel foto’s genomen dat je hier slechts een selectie ziet. De rest heb ik in de slider/ diashow geplaatst onder de laatste foto. Kun je toch nog alles zien!


© Pictures by C-More

Trend report M A I S O N & O B J E T Paris September 2015

 Trend report

M A I S O N & O B J E T

Paris September 2015



Maison Et Objet Sept 2015 Trend report

Are you not able to go to Maison & Objet but do want to know what’s hot and happening?
Next weekend I’m off to Paris to spot the trends and novelties!

You can now order my exclusive

#MO15 trend report presentation

and you are instantly updated!

Contact me for more information:
Info at Or fill in the form below.
Enjoy!  XO Iris



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Big news: The Loft Amsterdam is back 

Big news:

The Loft Amsterdam

is back

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The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 living sofa plant green

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | plant object styling | photo by © C-More



Have you heard of The Loft Amsterdam before? It’s a great interior concept by Floris Koch, Kassandra Schreuder and Maarten van Huijstee. In a big, light and beautiful space in an old building in the center of Amsterdam this team curates a complete interior as if there actually lives someone. Someone with good taste! And keep your eyes and ears open: The Loft is only for a short time: 22 August 2015 – 6 September 2015. 

It’s is really one of the best interior events I’ve seen. Not only the team picked out such unique and special items, also the styling is perfect. That’s what makes it so personal. For some a bit too personal, since people hesitate to actually pick up and buy the items they love. But please do: all items at The Loft are for sale. You can take most of them directly home with you. And if you’re not able to visit the loft in person, you can always order online at The Loft Shop


My personal favorites of The Loft summer 2015 are

  • The many many books…. I’m a real book addict….
  • the stunning marble and green kitchen with blue steel wall by Eginstill, Dornbracht and Gaggenau
  • the leather pillows and magazine baskets by Philomijn
  • the leather strapped sofa by Stephen Kenn

Be inspired by the pictures I took of The Lofts Amsterdam summer 2015 edition.





I also visited The Loft by The Playing Circle last summer 2014 and during wintertime 2014.

You can read the blogpost and see the many photos’s I took over here:


The Loft by The Playing Circle summer 2014

The Loft by The Playing Circle winter 2014.


More information:  Enter The Loft Amsterdam  and The Loft Amsterdam Facebook page 


The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 Green plants copper styling

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green plants copper styling

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 portret textile styling inspiration

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | styling portrait | textile | inspiration| photo by © C-More

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 Green bench plants pillow black and white photo

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green bench plants pillow black and white photo


The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 leather pillow cushion sofa plants green

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | leather pillow cushion | sofa | plants green| photo by © C-More

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 living

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | living | plant object styling | vintage | photo by © C-More

The Loft Amsterdam The Playing Circle August 2015 Green bench plants leather pillow black and white photo

The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green bench plants pillow black and white photo




More pictures and inspiration after the READ MORE button!!!

Meer foto’s en inspiratie en de NL tekst na de READ MORE knop !!!!

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CitizenM Schiphol Amsterdam | Design Hotel | I did it again

CitizenM Amsterdam Schiphol
I did it again!

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CitizenM Schiphol Amsterdam  245

Design Hotel lobby | Lounge | CitizenM Schiphol Amsterdam | pictures by © C-More

On my way to Milan design week 2015 last April, I stayed at the CitizenM design hotel at Schiphol airport Amsterdam. I had to jump on the plane very early and had a busy day ahead of me in Milan and this was a welcome start of my trip.

This design hotel is situated directly in front of the airport, a 2-minute walk, so I could leave as late as possible to catch my plane. One of the other reasons why I love this hotel is that the hotel lobby is such a nice place when traveling alone. I don’t like to be stuck at my hotel room and this place and the staff make me feel so relaxed and welcome.

The hotel lounge has lot of cosy corners where your can relax or watch some tv, read or chat with your travel mate. It is furnished with the beautiful design icons by Vitra.  There’s lots to see too: in the open cupboards there are showcased the most exquisite, stylish home deco objects and accessories as an collection of curiosities. So no time to be bored.. If you like there are several Imac’s available to work on too. So, CitizenM and I did it again…. And I’m sure we will be doing it for al long time in the future too…

Book a stay at one of the CitizenM hotels here.

Enjoy! XO Iris

Ps: let me know if you like CitizenM too and which city you stayed!

Like to read about other CitizenM places I stayed? Look over here:

CitizenM Tried + Tested :

CitizenM New York | NYC   Tried + Tested

CitizenM Rotterdam Tried + Tested

CitizenM Amsterdam  Tried + Tested


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Link with love Xo Iris

All pictures by © C-More



CitizenM Schiphol Amsterdam  3

Design Hotel lobby | Lounge | CitizenM Schiphol Amsterdam | pictures by © C-More


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