
Book Review | Abigail Ahern | Decorating with Style

Book Review

Abigail Ahern

Decorating with Style

[scroll naar beneden voor NL]


Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 01 kopie

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog

Yes, another book review! Again a book by Abigail Ahern : ” Decorating with Style “. She is the queen of styling and moody colors in my opinion. Although I’m more of a minimalist, I certainly love working with color and styling. Even if you don’t use much color or props in your home, you still need to make it look and feel good.

And that’s where Abigail comes in. She as no other shows in this book how you can learn to create vignettes and styling your decorative items in your home. I think this book is for everyone who loves to be creative and needs some inside information about  “how to…” Even I myself!

I’m an interior designer and love to work with the big picture, how and where to put the walls, furniture, lighting fixtures and to make an interior work well, to feel good and make everything coherent . Even I struggle with the styling sometimes. Thats why I’m convinced an interior and the styling has to grow.

Every now and then you change the items, add some new and kill some of your darlings. Try, play, analyse, change and repeat… that’s the only way you learn, and develop your own style.

But to get a bit on the right track, Abigail reveals a lot of her styling secrets and tips in this book. She helps you to find your style, keeps pushing you to just do it and to make mistakes and learn from them. “Don’t play safe” she says. I agree.

She tells you all about how to combine colors, textiles and patterns, how to be creative with small spaces, where to put your furniture, use texture, storage tips, lighting fixtures, decorative paint…..  I can go on forever. So keep in mind that even if Abigail Ahern’s style is not yours, you can still learn a lot from this book. I think it will be my styling bible for a long time!

So: go grab this book, put it on your Christmas wish-list, ask it for your birthday…. and read it from the from to the back, or as I do, from the back to the front and then again and again, whenever you need some inspiration, courage and a boost in the right direction.

The Decorating with style book by Abigail Ahern is available at Abigails store and for the Dutchies at


Ps in the film even more pages!!

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 01

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 02

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 03

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

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Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 08

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 10

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 11

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 13

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 14

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More


Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 16

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 17

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 20

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 21

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More


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Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 24

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 25

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 26

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 27

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 28

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 29

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 30

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 31

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 32

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More interiorblog 33

Decorating With Style | Abigail Ahern | Book Review by C-More








Ja, ee boek revieuw! En dit keer weer een boek van Abigail Ahern : “Decorating with Style “. Zij is naar mijn mening, de koningin van de styling en donkere, stemmige kleuren. Hoewel ik ben meer van een minimalistisch interieur houd, werk ik wel graag met kleur en styling. Zelfs als je niet veel kleur of accessoires wilt gebruiken in huis, moet het weinige dat je toepast nog steeds mooi zijn, inspireren en goed voelen.

En dat is waar Abigail er bij komt kijken. Zij, als geen ander, toont je in dit boek hoe je zelf kunt leren hoe je styling stillevens creëert en hoe je je decoratieve voorwerpen en je meubels kunt stylen.  Ik denk dat dit boek heel geschikt is voor iedereen die graag creatief is maar ook wel wat “inside” informatie kan gebruiken.

Zelfs ik! Ik ben een interieur ontwerper en houd mij meestal bezig met het grote geheel: hoe en waar de muren komen, de plek van de meubels, de verlichting plannen, de materialen, eigenlijk alle voorwaarden om een interieur goed te laten werken, je er goed in te voelen en het een goede samenhang heeft. Maar ook ik kan soms wel eens worstelen met de styling. Dat is waarom ik  ervan overtuigd ben dat een interieur en de styling echt moet groeien.Zo nu en dan moet je de items te veranderen, wisselen, wat nieuws toevoegen en wat van je lievelings items weg doen. Probeer, spelen, analyseren, vanderen en dit riedeltje opnieuw herhalen … dat is de enige manier om het te leren en je eigen stijl te ontwikkelen.

Maar om je een beetje op het juiste spoor te krijgen, onthult Abigail veel van haar styling geheimen en tips in dit boek. Ze helpt je om jouw stijl te vinden, blijft je uitdagen om het te proberen en om fouten te maken en daarvan te leren. “Niet te veilig spelen”, zegt ze. Ik ben het daar mee eens!

Ze vertelt je alles over hoe je kleuren, stoffen en patronen, combineert, hoe je creatief met kleine ruimtes omgaat, waar je je meubels zet, je textuur toepast, opruim tips, verlichting, decoratieve verf … .. Ik kan eeuwig doorgaan. Dus hou in gedachten dat zelfs als Abigail Ahern’s stijl is niet jouw stijl is, kun je nog heel veel leren van dit boek. Ik denk dat het mijn styling bijbel voor een lange tijd gaat zijn!

Dus: ga voor dit boek, zet het op je kerst verlanglijstje, vraag het voor je verjaardag ….

Het Decorating with Style boek van Abigail Ahern is verkrijgbaar via Abigails store en voor NL bij




Ps : in het filpje nog veel meer blz van het boek!

Design Inspiration spotted at the Dutch Design Week 2015 | DDW15

Design Inspiration

spotted at the

Dutch Design Week 2015 | DDW15



DDW15 Dutch Design Week 2015 by C-More 3

DDW15 Dutch Design Week 2015 | Design Inspiration| © pictures by C-More | From L to R: Dyed Wood Aqyarel by Meike Harde |  Knitted steak by Bistro In Vitro | Leather vases by Studio Daan | 3D printed textile by Plott |  Shylights by Studio Drift | Leather from 

palm! By Studio Tjeerd Veenhoven 

The Dutch Design Week was a blast!!! So sorry it’s over yet and we have to wait a whole year for the next DDW16 !

But in the meantime you can sit back and enjoy the designs I spotted and shared on Instagram and Steller here on my blog. In the upcoming months, I will also share more designs and stories I spotted during DDW15 .

Also see my previous post about DDW15 | Dutch Design Week 2015 HERE.

and about DDW14 | Dutch Design Week 2014 HERE.

and about  DDW13 | Piet Hein Eek | HERE



DDW15 Dutch Design Week 2015 by C-More 2

DDW15 Dutch Design Week 2015 | Design Inspiration| © pictures by C-More | From L to R: Concrete Coffee table by Renate Vos | Golden ring by Mischa Vos | Carpet Oxidation Aftermath by Handmade Industrials Marlies van Putten and Rutger de Regt   |  Proplamp by Margje Teeuwen | wooden shelf and mirror by FIGRI | ceramics by StudioElke van den Berg


DDW15 Dutch Design Week 2015 by C-More

DDW15 Dutch Design Week 2015 | Design Inspiration | © pictures by C-More | From L to R: Partition Table by Zoe Costes Design Academy  | Gold round sofa at expo Li Edelkoort Kazerne  | Textile Pigeons by Christien Meindertsma | Soap Bubbles textile by Studio Sybrandy | Sip and Eat at Kazerne Cheese Still-life | Serving trolley Chariot by Gamfratesi for Casamania at Li Edelkoort expo Kazerne




GESPOT tijdens de

Dutch DESIGN WEEK 2015 | DDW15


De Dutch Design Week was een succes !!! Zo jammer dat het al weer voorbij is en we nu een heel jaar moeten wachten op volgende DDW16!

Maar in de tussentijd kunt je achterover leunen en genieten van de ontwerpen die ik gezien en gedeeld heb op Instagram en Steller en nu hier op mijn blog. In de komende maanden zal ik regelmatig meer ontwerpen, designers en verhalen delen die ik gespot heb tijdens DDW15.


 DDW15 | Dutch Design Week 2015 HIER.

 DDW14 | Dutch Design Week 2014 HIER.

DDW13 | Piet Hein Eek | HIER



© all pictures by C-More



Dutch Design week 2015 | DDW15 | design inspiration

Dutch Design week 2015 | DDW15

 design inspiration



Don’t miss the Dutch Design week in Eindhoven NL this week! Are you not able to go, or like to see what I spotted there?

Then you can follow me on C-More Instagram or C-More Facebook for updates.


I’ve made some inspiration Collages. Enjoy!



DDW15 Dutch Design Week 2015 collage by C-More interior blog | L-R | Rossana Orlandi + Martil Laforet | Design academy > Bottle Up | Klokgebouw > Tokihero Sato at Piet Hein Eek > NLXL + Piet Hein Eek marble wallpaper > Ontwerpduo at Piet Hein Eek > Brass vase by Piet Hein Eek

DDW15 Dutch Design Week 2015 collage by C-More interior blog | L-R | Rossana Orlandi + Martil Laforet | Design academy > Bottle Up | Klokgebouw > Tokihero Sato at Piet Hein Eek > NLXL + Piet Hein Eek marble wallpaper > Ontwerpduo at Piet Hein Eek > Brass vase by Piet Hein Eek


DDW15 Dutch Design Week 2015 collage by C-More interior blog | L-R | Pieke Bergmans at The Kazerne > Sanne Schuurman at The Design Academy > Lidewij Edelkoort expo at The Kazerne > Nel Verbeke at the Design Academy > Daniela Trelja at The Design Academy > Bori Kovacs at the Design Academy

DDW15 Dutch Design Week 2015 collage by C-More interior blog | L-R | Pieke Bergmans at The Kazerne > Sanne Schuurman at The Design Academy > Lidewij Edelkoort expo at The Kazerne > Nel Verbeke at the Design Academy > Daniela Trelja at The Design Academy > Bori Kovacs at the Design Academy



Vergeet niet de Dutch Design Week 2015 te bezoeken deze week! Ben je niet in de gelegenheid te gaan, of vind je het leuk te zien wat ik allemaal gespot heb? Volg me dan op C-More Instagram of C-More Facebook voor de updates.


Ik heb vast wat inspiratie collages gemaakt.



Stop the Presses | New Design Hotel INK Amsterdam

 Stop the Presses!

New Design Boutique Hotel:

INK Amsterdam



 Entry Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More

Entry Ink Hotel Amsterdam | Tried + Tested | Design Hotel | Boutique Hotel | Picture © By C-More


The design hotel | Ink hotel Amsterdam

I didn’t know what to expect when I entered the 4* Design Hotel INK in Amsterdam for a tested-and-tried review. It looked like a small hotel in the middle of the center of Amsterdam, but it turned out to be a big gem, with perfect hideaways, lounge spots and a lovely outdoor space. I was welcomed in the hall by a very friendly staff, dressed in Gstar Ink blue aprons. The entry is filled with giant old-school press letters on the wall. This links back to the history of the hotel building, where in 1904 Dutch newspaper “De Tijd” was established.

Read More

Marble , black brick and burnt wood wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek for NLXL


New wallpaper designs

White and black marble

black brick | burnt wood

by Dutch Designer Piet Hein Eek

and NLXL


Roll Wallpaper

Marble wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL


My heart skipped a beat when I saw this new marble wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek for NLXL! What a great design! Marble is seen everywhere these days, so its very trendy, but it also has this minimal look. You can use it in many ways and in many interior styles. And now with this NLXL wallpaper you can create an instant minimal or even luxe interior. The white and black wallpaper is a print of an original marble floor  of an old building in Amsterdam. For these kind of old buildings, the marble was cut in slabs and flipped to create a mirrored look. Very beautiful! NLXL and Piet created the roll just like this: “There’s one roll of marble wallpaper, another roll that’s the mirror image of it, and in marble they call this an open book. It becomes almost a kind of graphical illustration.”

Saturday the wallpaper will be lounged at Piet Hein Eek in Eindhoven NL during the famous Dutch Design Week  DDW15 along with some other beautiful new wallpaper designs like the Black Brick, which is great too, the Silver Grey Brick and Burnt wood, [ love it!] and Blue Scrapwood Wallpapers.

More info at: NLXL

If you want to buy the NLXL Piet Hein Eek Wallpaper you can find it here.

All pictures by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL


Roll Wallpaper

Marble wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL

Roll Wallpaper

Marble wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL

Roll Wallpaper

Marble wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL

Roll Wallpaper

Marble wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL

Roll Wallpaper

Marble wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL

Roll Wallpaper

Marble wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL

Roll Wallpaper

Marble wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL


Roll Wallpaper

Marble wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL

Roll Wallpaper

Blue Scrapwood wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL

Roll Wallpaper

Blue Scrapwood wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL

Roll Wallpaper

Burnt Wood wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL

Roll Wallpaper

Burnt Wood wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL

Roll Wallpaper

Silver Brick wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL

Roll Wallpaper

Silver Brick wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL

Roll Wallpaper

Black Brick wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXLRoll Wallpaper

Roll Wallpaper

Silver Brick wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek and NLXL



Nieuw behang designs

wit en zwart marmer

zwart baksteen en bebrand hout

van Dutch Designer Piet Hein Eek



Mijn hart sloeg over toen ik dit nieuwe marmer behang van Piet Hein Eek voor NLXL zag. Wat een geweldig design! Marmer is nu overal te zien, dus het is heel trendy, maar het heeft ook een heel minimalistische look. Je kunt het op heel veel manieren toepassen en in vele interieurstijlen. En nu met dit NLXL behang kun je super eenvoudig een groot gebaar maken en een minimalistich, strak of zelfs luxe interieur creëren. De witte en zwarte print is een afdruk van een originele marmeren vloer van een oud gebouw in Amsterdam. Voor dit soort van oude gebouwen werden de marmeren platen gesneden en “geflipt” om een gespiegelde look te creëren. Erg mooi! NLXL en Piet creëerde de behangrol volgends dit zelfde principe: “Je hebt de ene rol marmer behang, en de andere rol behang, die het spiegelbeeld daarvan is.  In marmer  noemen ze dit een “open boek”. Het wordt bijna een soort grafische illustratie. “

Zaterdag wordt het behang gelanceerd bij Piet Hein Eek in Eindhoven  tijdens de beroemde Dutch Design Week | DDW15 , samen met nog een aantal andere mooie nieuwe behang ontwerpen, zoals de Black Brick, die ook prachtig is, en de Silver Grey Brick, het Burnt Wood, [love it!] en de Blue Scrapwood behangen.

Meer info op: NLXL

Wil je het behang van NLXL | Piet Hein Eek ? Dan kan hier.

Foto’s via Piet Hein Eek en NLXL


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