IMM Cologne 2014 | More inspiration | design | Lighting

Some more inspiration from the 
IMM Cologne 2014 design furniture fair.
This time: Lighting! 
Vitra | MDF Italia | Tom Dixon | Muuto | IMM14 Lighting trend
IMM Cologne 2014 | Light | MDF Italia

IMM Cologne 2014 | Light | MDF Italia

IMM Cologne 2014 | Light | White

IMM Cologne 2014 | Light | Black and gray

IMM Cologne 2014 | Light | Muuto | Color

IMM Cologne 2014 | Light | Vitra
IMM Cologne 2014 | Light | Tom Dixon | Black

IMM Cologne 2014 | Light | Tom Dixon | Silver | Black

IMM Cologne 2014 | Light | Tom Dixon | Messing

IMM Cologne 2014 | Light | Tom Dixon | Copper | White | Metal
More IMM Cologne 2014 inspiration? 
Take a look overhere.
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Xo Iris

Design Icons Amsterdam 8 + 9 februari 2014 | Agenda tip | C-More Amsterdam City Guide

Design Icons | Agenda tip | 
Het event dat je als design liefhebber niet moet missen !
scroll down for English!
Design Icons 8 + 9 feb 2014 Amsterdam 
Blok je agenda want op 8 en 9 februari is er DESIGN ICONS in Amsterdam !
Deze vintage design beurs moet je als design liefhebber eigenlijk echt bezoeken want de mooiste special items zijn hier te vinden.
Het Design Icons evenement vind plaats aan De Overkant in Amsterdam.

Wat ga je er vinden? 
Populaire klassiekers en onbekend design. 
Eames naast Mies van der Rohe en vele andere beroemde designers.
Alles van Italian-chic tot de industriële Bauhaus stijl. 

Design Icons 8 + 9 feb 2014 Amsterdam 

Info van Design Icons:

De langverwachte vervolg-editie van Design Icons vindt plaats op 8 + 9 februari, opnieuw bij De Overkant. Deze voormalige scheepsmotorenfabriek is compleet gerenoveerd tot een karakteristieke evenementenlocatie. Gelegen in Amsterdam-Noord direct aan ‘t IJ, heeft men een prachtig uitzicht op het stadscentrum.

De industriële uitstraling van De Overkant laat de designs uit de 20e eeuw goed tot hun recht komen. 60 handelaren uit heel Europa komen samen om hun collectie van vintage designstukken uit de jaren 1930 – 1980 aan te bieden. Een divers aanbod wordt verwacht: van de bekende klassiekers tot onbekend design, met Eames naast Mies van der Rohe en van Italian-chic tot stoer industrieel.

Info van Design Icons: 

Zaterdag 8 Febr 2014 | 14 – 20 uur* | Entree € 10,-
Zondag 9 Febr 2014 | 10 – 18 uur | Entree € 5,-
* Voor liefhebbers en professionals is er een exclusieve preview tijdens de stand-opbouw op de zaterdag vanaf 12 uur. Preview tickets zijn bij binnenkomst verkrijgbaar voor €25. 
Gratis entree voor kinderen jonger dan 16 jaar. 
Gratis parkeren op locatie (beperkt) en in de directe omgeving. 
Let op: geen PIN-automaten dichtbij.


De Overkant
Gedempt Hamerkanaal 96 1021 KR Amsterdam-Noord 
Design Icons 8 + 9 feb 2014 Amsterdam  


Block your calendars because on February 8 and 9, there’s the DESIGN ICONS event
in Amsterdam! 

If you are a design furniture lover, you actually really should visit this vintage design fair, since the most special items can be found here.  The Design Icons event will take place at  ” De Overkant ” in Amsterdam. 

What will you find there? 
Popular classics and unknown design, 
Eames, Mies van der Rohe and many other famous designers 
All of Italian chic to industrial Bauhaus style.

Design Icons 8 + 9 feb 2014 Amsterdam 
Design Icons 8 + 9 feb 2014 Amsterdam 

Info Design Icons :

After a successful first edition in 2012, Design Icons will return annually as of 2014. The much awaited upcoming edition will take place on February 8 + 9, once again in the beautiful venue of De Overkant. This former marine engine factory has been restored into a charming event location. Situated on the North shore of ’t IJ, there is a beautiful view to the city center.

The industrial atmosphere of  De Overkant is the ideal setting to showcase the design icons of the past century. 60 dealers from all over Europe will gather, offering their finest vintage design pieces from the 1930s – 1980s. A diversity of objects will be presented: from well-known classics to anonymous designs, with Eames next to Mies van der Rohe and from Italian-chic to raw industrials.

Info Design Icons :

Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014 | 14-20 hours * | Admission € 10 , –
Sunday, Feb. 9, 2014 | 10-18 hours | Admission € 5 , –
* For collectors and professionals there will be a preview during stand build-up on Saturday at 12h00. Preview tickets will be available at arrival for € 25.

Children under 16 will have free entrance. Free car parking available on site (limited) and in the direct area. 
Please note: no ATM machine nearby.

location :
De Overkant
Gedempt Hamerkanaal 96 
1021 KR Amsterdam-Noord 
Want to see more design events in 2014? Look over here.

Design Icons 8 + 9 feb 2014 Amsterdam 
Design Icons 8 + 9 feb 2014 Amsterdam 
Design Icons 8 + 9 feb 2014 Amsterdam 
Design Icons 8 + 9 feb 2014 Amsterdam 
Design Icons 8 + 9 feb 2014 Amsterdam 
Design Icons 8 + 9 feb 2014 Amsterdam 

Al het beeldmateriaal | all photo’s via Design Icons
wil je naar meer design, interieur en woon beurzen of events?
Want to see more design events in 2014? 
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Then follow me and stay updated :-)
Link with love 
Xo Iris

IMM14 | interior and furniture fair IMM Cologne | Inspiration + Trends

@random inspiration 
in no particular order
Interior and + Design fair IMM Cologne 2014
Inspiration + Trends
| lights | textile | wood wall | hallway |  chair |  workspace at home |

IMM14 | IMM Cologne | Lighting

IMM14 | IMM Cologne | Hallway inspiration

IMM14 | IMM Cologne  tools

IMM14 | IMM Cologne | wooden wall

IMM14 | IMM Cologne | workspace at home

IMM14 | IMM Cologne | Textiles

IMM14 | IMM Cologne | textiles

IMM14 | IMM Cologne | chair

IMM14 | IMM Cologne | Pepe Heijkoop vases
follow me! There’s more to come…
and stay updated ! 
Link with love 
Xo Iris

LikeThis + Jaimie Van Teije | Fashion + Food | Concept | Inspiratie|Design

LikeThis + Jaimie Van Teije | Fashion + Food | Concept | Inspiratie | Design

I loved

LikeThis + Jaimie Van Teije 
 Fashion + Food 
[voor Nederlands, scrol naar beneden]


LikeThis Fashion + Food Chocolat
LikeThis Fashion + Food
Food is an important source of inspiration for LikeThis.
Since season 1, each garment  is named after food and the pockets are shaped as oven gloves. 
For the SS14 season LikeThis took this concept a step further and teamed up with Top Chef Jaimie van Heije. Van Heije made matching dishes, ​​inspired by the shape, color and material of the garments in the collection.

The shopping list for these dishes are printed on a label on the inside of the garment and as soon as the garments are available in the store, the new owner can get the Jaimie van Heije recipes at  the website.

I also think the clothes are beautiful. A unique and a somewhat sporty look made out of beautiful fabrics, special prints and contrasting colors. I LikeThis!!

LikeThis Fashion + Food

The LikeThis pilot store is located in Amsterdam Westerstraat 70. Here, in addition to its own 
label brands, also brands like as Henrik Vibskov, Uniforms for the Dedicated, the 
Apartamento magazine and bags from the Japanese brand Bag ‘n’ Noun are sold..
 Also, this is the only outlet for  special scents of the house ‘CB I hate perfume. 
more info:

LikeThis Fashion + Food

Eten is een belangrijke inspiratiebron voor LikeThis
Al sinds seizoen 1 wordt ieder kledingstuk
vernoemd naar voedsel en zijn de zakken gevormd als ovenwantjes. 

Voor seizoen SS14 gaat LikeThis een stap verder en ging een samenwerking aan met Top Chef Jaimie van Heije. Van Heije maakte op basis van vorm, kleur en materiaal bij de kledingstukken uit de collectie een bijpassend gerecht. Het boodschappenlijstje voor deze gerechten verwerkt LikeThis aan de binnenkant van de kleding en vanaf het moment dat de kleding in de winkel hangt, staan op de bijbehorende Jaimie van Heije recepten.

Daarnaast vind ik de kleding ook erg mooi. Uniek en ietwat sportieve uitstraling van mooie stoffen, bijzondere prints en contrasterende kleuren. Dus voor mij: I LikeThis!

LikeThis Fashion + Food

De LikeThis pilot store is gevestigd in Amsterdam aan de Westerstraat 70. 
Hier worden naast het eigen label ook merken verkocht zoals Henrik Vibskov, Uniforms for the dedicated, het hippe magazine Apartamento en de tassen van het Japanse merk Bag ‘n’ Noun. Ook is dit het enige verkooppunt voor bijzondere geuren van het huis ‘cb I hate perfume’.

meer info:

LikeThis Fashion + Food
My personal favorites of the 
collection are:
LikeThis Fashion + Food |  SS14 collection

LikeThis Fashion + Food |  SS14 collection

LikeThis Fashion + Food |  SS14 collection

LikeThis Fashion + Food |  SS14 collection

LikeThis Fashion + Food |  SS14 collection

LikeThis Fashion + Food |  SS14 collection

LikeThis Fashion + Food |  SS14 collection

LikeThis Fashion + Food |  SS14 collection

LikeThis Fashion + Food |  SS14 collection

LikeThis Fashion + Food |  SS14 collection

LikeThis Fashion + Food |  SS14 collection

I hope you’ve enjoyed it!
Link with love 
Xo Iris
ps: follow me via mail, facebook twitter or bloglovin 
and stay updated ! 

IMM cologne furniture + design fair 2014 | inspiration | Louise Campbell | Das Haus | Trends

I’ve visited IMM Cologne furniture and design fair last week
Here are some inspiring items I found.
“Das Haus” is a trend and inspiration area at the fair. This year Louise Campbell designed it and created the concept. Louise is a Danish furniture and lighting designer. She created Das Haus from the inside out. You can feel the feminin touch in the colors, textiles and shapes she used.
Lamp by Louise Campbell | textiles by Kvadrat + Kinnasand
Das Haus | Louise Campbell | Trend | IMM Cologne 2014 | By C-More
Stool by Cappellini | Lamp by Artek |
Das Haus | Louise Campbell | Trend | IMM Cologne 2014 | By C-More

Detail of graphics at table |  Das Haus | Louise Campbell |
Trend | IMM Cologne 2014 | By C-More

Textile | Texture | Wall | Das Haus | Louise Campbell |
Trend | IMM Cologne 2014 | By C-More

Textile | Beds | Baby bed by Soren Ulrik Petersen |
 Das Haus | Louise Campbell | Trend | IMM Cologne 2014 | By C-More

Textile | Bed | Das Haus | Louise Campbell | Trend | IMM Cologne 2014 | By C-More

Lamp | Bed | Textile | Color | Das Haus | Louise Campbell |
Trend | IMM Cologne 2014 | By C-More

Das Haus | Louise Campbell | Trend | IMM Cologne 2014 | By C-More

Lamps by Louise Campbell | Tools
Das Haus | Louise Campbell | Trend | IMM Cologne 2014 | By C-More

Wooden wall by Schindelzentum |
Das Haus | Louise Campbell | Trend | IMM Cologne 2014 | By C-More

Colored wooden wall by Schindelzentum |
Das Haus | Louise Campbell | Trend | IMM Cologne 2014 | By C-More

Want to know more about Das Haus by Louise Campbell: go here and here.
Beautiful film about Louise Campbell’s vision and design.
Some more information about Das Haus and Louise Campbell: 

Louise Campbell is a Danish furniture and lighting designer with an English instinct for interior design. She is undoubtedly one of the leading protagonists in a new avant-garde generation of designers who are evolving the grand tradition of Scandinavian Modernism not only with respect but with new-found self-confidence as well. Between the poles of traditional minimalism and a far more playful approach that exhibits great courage in its willingness to experiment with forms and materials, she creates furniture and luminaires that owe their appeal just as much to their clear forms as to their emotional aesthetics. Louise Campbell’s works are anything but austere – instead, for all the stringency of their forms, their warmth and the playful, sometimes even humorous way she reinterprets everyday objects exudes an irresistible fascination.

In Louise Campbell’s hands, “Das Haus” is set to become a theatre stage
A totally new interpretation of “Das Haus” can be expected from the Danish designer. It is no coincidence that she mainly made a name for herself with lamps that are as classic as they are poetic. Today she is regarded as a specialist for using light to stage spaces. On the other hand, her furniture and objects always tell a story too, so that the architecture and interior design of “Das Haus” will probably have a strong narrative character as well. But one thing is certain: the “house” created in the midst of Pure Village at the imm cologne 2014 looks set to become a fascinating stage for Louise Campbell’s dream of home living, somewhere between Alice’s Wonderland, Austen’s “Sense and Sensibility”, the music of The Cure and the architecture of tomorrow.
“I want to try and create a very special, cosmopolitan, gentle voice,” says Louise Campbell in an almost mysterious announcement of her intentions. “Something that every ideal home has, without which the constant, gentle dialogue between the helpful house and its greedy occupants wouldn’t be possible.” It will be interesting to see what story she is going to tell us. [ text by IMM Cologne]

I hope you’ve enjoyed it!
Link with love 
Xo Iris

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