Fritz Hansen | Milan Design week 2015 | Color | Texture | Material | Interior | Design

Fritz Hansen

Milan Design week 2015

It feels like home…

Color | Texture | Material | Interior | Design 

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Fritz Hansen | Milan Design week 2015 | Color | Texture | Material | Interior | Design | It feels like home…

 styling by Christine Rudolph | Photo by C-More 


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AVENUE #357 | Dutch fashion and design magazine | special edition


Dutch fashion and design magazine

special edition

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Dutch fashion magazine Avenue by C-More blog




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rENs | Milan Design Week 2015 inspiration | Lambrate | Crowdy House

Milan Design week 2015 Lambrate
Crowdy House

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Milan Design Week 2015 Lambrate rENs Photo by C-More Interior design blog07

rENs | Reddish | Milan Design week 2015 Lambrate | photo by C-More

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The beautiful pictures made by Carole of Mademoiselle Poirot blog

     The beautiful pictures made by Carole of

Mademoiselle Poirot blog.

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Ginger+&+Lime+Crème+Brûlée mademoisellepoirot

GINGER & LIME CRÈME BRÛLÉE by Mademoiselle Poirot

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Dutch Designer Ineke Hans designs Plektra stool for IIttala | minimal | functional | natural

Dutch Designer Ineke Hans designs the Plektra stool for iittala.

It’s minimal  + functional  + natural

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New stool annex side-table “Praktis” by Ineke Hans for iittala


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