
Kitchen and Bath trends spotted at KBIS Las Vegas 2019

Kitchen and Bath trends

spotted at

KBIS Las Vegas 2019



KBIS | Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design


So …. What is going on these days in North America in the Bath and Kitchen design industry?

That’s what I wanted to find out when I was invited for the NKBA Global Connect program to visit KBIS show in Las Vegas. What are the trends and what is the hottest news?

So I visited the KBIS show, attended some of the KBIS NEXT STAGE events, talked to many interior designers and exhibitors of the show and even was a panelist at the popular Design Milk X Modenus Talks Lounge | DMM Talks at the New Salon by KBIS.


What trends did I spot for Bath and Kitchen?

Techniques and conveniences

Definitely on top of the list is the new techniques integrated into the kitchen. And these are not only the gadgets but also really useful techniques. For instance, I discovered a new feature which opens the drawers of your kitchen or bathroom cabinet with a foot sensor.

At the big appliances brands, I spotted a lot of new inventions in this area. I particularly liked the Samsung Connected Living app where all your home appliances are connected and presented in the same way on every device. It is more natural and intuitive to use the app if it looks and feels the same on your phone, IPad or even the screen on your refrigerator door. Samsung calls this screen on the refrigerator door the Samsung Family Hub. Here, everything comes together.

Design wise the look and feel of this Family Hub refrigerator is not “my thing”. For me this would need still a bit of design work: I would love a more minimal look, more integrated into the kitchen design. But the techniques I’ll welcome in my home with open arms.

We can definitely learn here from the North Americans, by implementing a bit more conveniences in our homes. Of course, the houses and therefore the kitchens and bathrooms are much smaller here in Europe, but we still can adapt some of the helpful techniques.


Eclectic Luxury

Secondly, I spotted the new trend “Eclectic Luxury” as I‘d like to call it myself. It’s a mix of luxurious styles from different periods of time, combined in one kitchen or bathroom. We in Europe are not common to combine these diversified styles together,  but this is a much more natural way of decorating and designing in North America. For me, it was a very refreshing way to see these combinations of colors, tiles, materials, forms and styles.

Normally I wouldn’t select them, but when put together in a good way, it works! Like the kitchens Richard Anuszkiewicz  designed for Monogram. The style is very outstanding and bold, in luxury design. Monogram and Richard use the quote: “ Elevate Everything”. That says it all. Chapeau to award-winning Richard who is THE master in this field.

At the Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista’s booth I also spotted a few beautiful “Eclectic Luxurious” designed kitchens and bathrooms. The picture of the beautiful green-tiled, marble countertop kitchen is made there. My personal favorite of the whole KBIS show.

For more info visit NKBA Global Connect program and KBIS show in Las Vegas and look for #NKBAglobalconnect .

Stay tuned for more design updates…



KBIS | Richard Anuszkiewicz + Monogram | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Richard Anuszkiewicz + Monogram | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Richard Anuszkiewicz + Monogram | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Richard Anuszkiewicz + Monogram | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Richard Anuszkiewicz + Monogram | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Richard Anuszkiewicz + Monogram | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Richard Anuszkiewicz + Monogram | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Richard Anuszkiewicz + Monogram | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista | EEclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design

KBIS | Kohler, Ann Sacks and Kallista | Eclectic Luxury | C-More interior design


Keuken en badkamer trends

gespot bij

KBIS Las Vegas 2019


Wat gebeurt er in Noord-Amerika op het gebied van badkamer en keuken design?

Dat wilde ik gaan bekijken toen ik werd uitgenodigd voor het NKBA  Global Connect-programma, om de KBIS  show in Las Vegas te gaan bezoeken. Wat zijn de trends en wat is het nieuwste van het nieuwste?

Dus bezocht ik de KBIS-show, woonde een aantal van de KBIS NEXT STAGE-evenementen bij, sprak met veel interieurontwerpers en exposanten van de show en was zelfs panellid bij de populaire Design Milk X Modenus Talks Lounge | DMM Talks at the New Salon by KBIS.

Welke trends heb ik gespot?

Technische snufjes en gemak

Bovenaan de lijst staan de nieuwe technische snufjes die in de keuken worden geïntegreerd. En dit zijn echt niet alleen de gave gadgets maar juist de echt handige technische hoogstandjes. Ik ontdekte bijvoorbeeld een nieuwe functie die de laden van de keuken- of badkamerkast opent met een voetsensor. Hoe handig is dat!

Bij de grote electronica merken zag ik heel veel nieuwe uitvindingen op dit gebied. Ik vond vooral de Samsung Connected Living-app, waarbij op al je devices de app op dezelfde manier wordt gepresenteerd erg interessant. Het ziet er vanzelfsprekender uit en voelt veel intuïtiever, om de app te gebruiken als het overal, zoals op je telefoon, iPad of zelfs het scherm op je koelkastdeur, hetzelfde er uitziet en aanvoelt. Je kunt dus heel veel apparaten in je huis met deze app bedienen. Samsung noemt het scherm op de koelkastdeur trouwens de Samsung Family Hub. Hier komt alles op samen.

Qua design is het uiterlijk van deze Family Hub-koelkast niet echt “mijn ding”. Voor mij zou het design-wise nog wel een beetje aandacht mogen krijgen: ik zou graag een minimalistische look willen, en meer geïntegreerd in het overall keukenontwerp. Maar de techniek zal ik met open armen bij mij thuis ontvangen.

Wij hier in Europa kunnen zeker nog wat leren van de Noord-Amerikanen: Iets meer van deze gemakken in onze huizen implementeren. Natuurlijk zijn de huizen en dus ook de keukens en badkamers hier veel kleiner in Europa, maar we kunnen best wat van deze nuttige technieken inpassen.

Eclectic Luxury

Ook spotte ik de nieuwe trend “Eclectic Luxury” zoals ik het zelf ben gaan noemen. Het is een mix van luxe stijlen uit diverse perioden, gecombineerd in één keuken of badkamer. In Europa zijn we het niet gewend om deze verschillende stijlen samen te brengen, maar het is een veel vanzelfsprekendere manier van decoreren en ontwerpen in Noord-Amerika.

Voor mij was het heel verfrissend om deze combinaties van kleuren, tegels, materialen, vormen en stijlen met andere oven te bekijken. Normaal gesproken zou ik ze niet selecteren, maar als het op een goede manier wordt gecombineerd, werkt het verrassend genoeg wel!

Zoals bv de keukens die Richard Anuszkiewicz ontwierp voor Monogram. De stijl is zeer opvallend en gedurfd, in een zeer luxueuse design uitvoering. Monogram en Richard noemen het: “Elevate Everything”. Dat zegt alles. Chapeau voor Richard die DE master is op dit gebied.

Bij de Kohler, Ann Sacks en Kallista’s stand spotte ik ook een paar prachtige ‘Eclectic Luxurious’  keukens en badkamers. De foto’s van de prachtige keuken met groene tegels, messing kastjes en marmeren aanrechtblad is daar gemaakt. Mijn persoonlijke favoriet van de hele KBIS-show..


Kitchen trends spotted at Living Kitchen Cologne | Imm Cologne 2019 Part 2 | Cabinets and Tech

Kitchen trends

spotted at

Living Kitchen Cologne | Imm Cologne 2019

Part 2

Cabinets + Tech


Last January I was invited by the NKBA Global Connect program to visit visited the Living Kitchen show that is biannual with IMM Cologne, the interior and furniture design fair held in Cologne. I finally found the time to write these 2 posts. For part 1 see over here.

Besides the material and color trend, I wrote about in blogpost part 1, I also spotted a few interesting kitchen cabinets and tech trends that I’ll show you below.

As said: The fair was very crowdy, so I apologize upfront for the not always so beautiful pictures taken with my “old” iPhone, but nevertheless, I definitely wanted to share these insights I spotted at the show with you.

I’ve made 2 posts out of it since there was so much to share. Here is part 2!

For more info also visit NKBA Global Connect program and KBIS show in Las Vegas and look for the #NKBAglobalconnect


Nobilia | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nobilia | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nobilia | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nobilia | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nolte | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nolte | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Ballerina Kuchen | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Ballerina Kuchen | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nobilia| Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nobilia | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Ballerina Kuchen| Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Ballerina Kuchen| Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog


Trend 10:

Cabinets with a living room feeling

Open metal cabinets

Minimal fronts in black and wood




Nobilia | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nobilia | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Trend 11:

Minimal all in one color kitchens


Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Trend 12:

Green green green.

Integrated in the kitchen



Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog


Trend 13:

Beautiful lighting in cabinets and drawers


Blanco | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Blanco | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog


Trend 14:

matching cutting boards


Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

 Trend 15:

Automatic measurements in your faucets


Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Trend 16:

New techs!

Open drawers and cabinets

with the movement of your foot.


Ballerina Kuchen | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Ballerina Kuchen | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog


Ballerina Kuchen | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Ballerina Kuchen | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog



Trend 17:

Removable wooden crates for your groceries:

directly from the supermarket

into your car into the kitchen



Well, that was it!

Hope you like what I’ve picked out of the fair for you.




Keuken trends
gespot op
Living Kitchen Keulen | Imm Keulen 2019
Deel 2
Kasten + Tech

Afgelopen januari bezocht ik de Living Kitchen-show die tweejaarlijks tegelijkertijd met IMM Cologne, de beurs voor interieur- en meubelontwerp in Keulen is. Ik heb eindelijk de tijd gevonden om deze 2 berichten te schrijven. Zie voor deel 1 hier.

Naast de materiaal- en kleurentrends die ik heb gezien en gedeeld in blogpost deel 1, heb ik ook een paar interessante keukenkastjes en technische trends gespot die ik hieronder laat zien.

Zoals gezegd: de beurs was erg druk, dus ik bied bij voorbaad mijn excuses aan voor de niet altijd zo mooie foto’s die ik heb gemaakt met mijn “oude” iPhone, maar toch wilde ik zeker deze trends delen die ik met jullie die ik op de show heb gezien.

Ik heb er 2 posts van gemaakt omdat er zoveel te delen was. Hier is deel 2!



Tekst bij foto’s vertaald:

Trend 10:
Kasten met een woonkamergevoel. Open metalen kasten. Minimalistische fronten in zwart en hout

Trend 11:
Minimalistisch en alles in één kleur

Trend 12:
Groen groen groen.
Geïntegreerd in de keuken

Trend 13:
Mooie verlichting in kasten en laden

Trend 14:
bijpassende snijplanken

Trend 15:
Automatische afmeting in kranen ingebouwd

Trend 16:
Nieuwe techs! Open laden en kasten met de beweging van je voet

Trend 17:
Uitneembare houten kisten voor je boodschappen: rechtstreeks vanuit de supermarkt in je auto de keuken in.Nou, dat was het!

Ik hoop dat je het leuk vindt wat ik voor je uitgekozen heb.


Kitchen trends spotted at Living Kitchen Cologne | Imm Cologne 2019 | Part 1

Kitchen trends

spotted at

Living Kitchen Cologne | Imm Cologne 2019

Part 1

Material + Color



Last January I was invited by the NKBA Global Connect program to visit visited the Living Kitchen show that is biannual with IMM Cologne, the interior and furniture design fair held in Cologne. I finally found the time between my interior projects, teaching classes, traveling and my own C-More Concept Store to write this post.

I spotted a few interesting kitchen trends that I’ll show you below. The fair was very crowdy, so I apologize upfront for the not always so beautiful pictures taken with my “old” iPhone, but nevertheless, I definitely wanted to share these insights I spotted at the show with you.

I’ve made 2 posts of it since there was so much to share.

For more info also visit NKBA Global Connect program and KBIS show in Las Vegas and look for #NKBAglobalconnect .




Florim Florim | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Florim | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog


My personal favorite of the Living Kitchen show!

Trend 1:

Kitchen by Florim entirely made out of

black decorative marble slabs

also suitable for outdoor use.


Nolte | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nolte | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Blanco | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Blanco | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog


Trend 2:

Concrete like materials, illusion of floating,

a lot of black details


Nobilia | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nobilia | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nobilia | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nobilia | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nobilia | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nobilia | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Trend 3:

Beautiful black glass cabinets

combined with wood and matt black


Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Trend 4:

All kinds of highly decorative marbles,

stones and rich woods


Ballerina | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Ballerina | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Trend 5:

White marble, white small industrial tiles,

industrial black metal open cabinets, matt black cabinets


Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Leicht | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Trend 6:

Matt black nano material [as Fenix] cabinets

and countertops


Nolte | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nolte | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Trend 7:

Imperfect handmade styling in earthy colors


Nolte | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nolte | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Trend 8:

Grey marble countertops, white sinks,

white textured tiles


Nolte | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Nolte | Living Kitchen | Jan 2019 | Trend spotted by C-More interior design blog

Trend 9:

Matt black table, cabinets and countertops,

black and white plus wood,

natural materials and textures as styling



Hope you’ve enjoyed it.

Look out for part 2 with more trends I spotted

coming up on my blog soon.




Keuken trends gespot tijdens

Living Kitchen Keulen | Imm Keulen 2019

Deel 1 Materiaal + Kleur

Afgelopen januari bezocht ik de Living Kitchen beurs die tweejaarlijks tegelijkertijd met IMM Cologne, de beurs voor interieur- en meubelontwerp in Keulen, is. Ik heb eindelijk de tijd tussen het lesgeven, mijn interieur projecten, het reizen en mijn winkel C-More Concept Store door gevonden om deze blogpost te schrijven.

Ik heb een paar interessante keukentrends gespot die ik hierboven laat zien. De beurs was erg druk, dus ik verontschuldig me voor de niet altijd even mooie foto’s die ik heb gemaakt met mijn “oude” iPhone, maar ik wilde ik deze trends die op de show heb gezien graag delen met jullie.

Ik heb er 2 blogpost van gemaakt, omdat er zoveel te zien was.


Teksten bij de foto’s vertaald:

Mijn persoolijke favoriet van de Living Kitchen show! Zwarte decoratieve marmeren platen, ook geschikt voor gebruik buitenshuis

Beton ” achtige”  materialen, illusie van vrijangende kasten, veel zwarte details

Prachtige zwarte glazen kasten gecombineerd met hout en mat zwart

Allerlei zeer deccorative marmer en steen soorten en rijk hout.

Wit marmer, witte kleine industriële tegels, industriële zwart metalen open kasten, matzwarte kasten

Mat zwart nano-materiaal [zoals Fenix] kasten en werkbladen

Imperfecte, handgemaakte styling in aardse kleuren

Grijze marmeren werkbladen, witte gootstenen, witte getextureerde tegels

Mat zwarte tafel, keukenkasten en aanrechtbladen, zwart en wit combinaties, met hout, natuurlijke materialen en texturen als styling

Ik hoop dat je ervan hebt genoten. Kijk uit naar deel 2 dat binnenkort op mijn blog verschijnt.

String | Stylish and functional workplace kitchen bathroom and living room


A stylish and functional workplace, kitchen, bathroom and living room



String | Grid + Organizer

String | Grid + Organizer


When you work from home and are a creative person, well I think you can probably relate to my “problem”. How and where do you organize and store all your work and daily stuff.  I’ve tried several options but are not satisfied yet. I like to have things around me for inspiration.

So the String System and String Works are definitely options for me. What I like about String is that is a proven system. It’s designed by Nils Strinning in 1949 and the look and feel of it is still accurate, minimal and timeless.

What I also like is that you can use the system throughout the whole house or apartment. It’s suitable for your living room as shelving system a bookcase or home office, but also for kitchens and dining rooms.

Even the bathroom can have it’s own: The String Plex, with transparent Plexiglass panels. and the last new added items, the String Grid & Organizer are definitely beautiful and multifunctional.

More info and inspiration: String

All pictures by String.


String Pocket

String Pocket

String Plex | Bathroom

String Plex | Batroom

String Plex | Bathroom

String Plex | Bathroom

String Pocket | Bookshelves

String Pocket | Bookshelve

String System | Black | Kitchen

String System | Black | Kitchen

String System | Black | Kitchen

String System | Black | Kitchen

String System | Black | Kitchen | Organize

String System | Black | Kitchen | Organize

String System | Black | Home Office | Organize

String System | Black | Home Office | Organize





Wanneer je vanuit huis werkt en een creatief persoon bent, denk ik dat je je waarschijnlijk wel kunt verplaatsen in mijn “probleem”: Hoe en waar bewaar en organiseren je je werk en de dagelijkse dingen om je heen?

Ik heb al verschillende opties geprobeerd, maar ben nog niet tevreden. Ik wil graag van alles om me heen hebben voor inspiratie. Dus de String Systeem en String Works zijn zeker opties voor mij.

String is een bewezen systeem. Het is al in 1949 ontworpen door Nils Strinning en de look en feel is nog steeds krachtig, minimalistisch en tijdloos.

Wat ik ook leuk vind is dat je het systeem door het hele huis of appartement kunt gebruiken. Het is geschikt voor de woonkamer als kastensysteem en boekenkast of in een kantoor aan huis, maar ook voor keukens en eetkamers.

Zelfs de badkamer heeft een eigen variant: String Plex, met transparante plexiglazen panelen. En de laatste nieuwe toegevoegde items, de String Grid & Organizer zijn zeker zo mooi en super multifunctioneel.

Meer informatie en inspiratie: String.

Alle foto’s via String.

Diesel Living | Milan design week 2017

Diesel Living

Pop-up Home

Milan design week 2017



Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More



Well… Milan was a blast! I enjoyed every minute of it. Especially this beautiful Diesel Living pop-up home, where I felt at home the minute I walked in.

After a few days of wandering through Milan, design and trend spotting with Desiree of Vosgesparis and Wendy of Beeldsteil [we shared an Airbnb in Zona Tortona…Such fun!! ] we arrived at the Diesel Living Pop-up home. All three of us loved it instantly.

The Diesel Living furniture is a special line by Diesel and Moroso. The two combine very well. Moroso always works with outstanding designers, and stick their head out, showing extraordinary pieces. They dare to do something different. Diesel does that too. Diesel’s style is very well represented by the Rock and Roll feeling, with dark colors, studs, leather and metal, that is used in the cabinets and chairs, but with a fashion feeling mixed within it. Bold, but stylish… My style :-)

The Lighting fixtures are by Diesel Living – Foscarini. Beautiful pieces! The accessories are by Diesel Living-Seletti and last bust not least the kitchen byDiesel Living – Scavolini. All not the worst brands don’t you think!

The used colors and materials are a combination of pink, green, blue, dark browns and black in leather, wood, velvet, cotton-linen combinations, which gives the apartment a rough edge with soft touch. See for your self…. Do you like the Diesel Living pop up home?




Ps: Did you know that Ynske + I just opened our own C-More Concept Store at HonigComplex Nijmegen NL, where we sell interior design furniture and lifestyle designs directly from the designers we spot and select? We also create a ROOM | LOFT in the store, that we change every three months. Chech it out at C-More Concept Store. You are more than welcome to visit us live or online :-) We are also on Instagram + Facebook


Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More


Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More

Diesel Living Pop-up Home | Milan design week 2017 | By C-More


Diesel Living

Pop-up Home

Milan design week 2017


Nou … Milan was weer geweldig! Ik heb genoten van elke minuut. Vooral het prachtige Diesel Living pop-up Home, waar ik  me thuis voelde, direct op het moment dat ik binnenkwam lopen.

Na een paar dagen van design en trend spotten met Desiree Vosgesparis en Wendy van Beeldsteil  [we deelden weer een Airbnb in Zona Tortona … Zo leuk !! ] Kwamen we aan bij de Diesel Living Pop-up huis. Wij alle drie vonden het meteen een van de mooiere design spots in Milaan.

De Diesel Living meubel collectie is een speciale lijn van Diesel en Moroso. De twee combineren heel goed samen: Moroso werkt altijd met goede en soms nog maar net ontdekte ontwerpers. Dat blijkt wel uit de buitengewone stukken die ze vaak op de beurs in mIlaan presenteren.. Ze durven om het net iets anders te doen. Diesel doet dat ook. Diesel’s stijl is in de Diesel Living collectie zeer goed vertegenwoordigd door het Rock and Roll gevoel, met donkere kleuren, studs, leer en metaal, dat oa wordt gebruikt in de kasten en stoelen, maar gemixt met een zeer modisch gevoel. Stoer, maar stijlvol … Mijn stijl :-)

De verlichting is van Diesel Living – Foscarini. Mooie stukken! De accessoires zijn van Diesel Living-Seletti en last bust not least de keuken van Diesel Living – Scavolini. Allen niet de slechtste merken vind je ook niet!

De gebruikte kleuren en materialen zijn een combinatie van roze, groen, blauw, donker bruin en zwart, in leer, hout, fluweel, en oa katoen-linnen combinaties, waardoor het appartement een ruw randje met een zachte touch krijgt. Kijk zelf maar…. Wat vind jij van het Diesel Living pop-up huis?




Ps: Wist je al dat Ynske + ik onlangs onze eigen  C-More Concept Store in het HonigComplex Nijmegen hebben geopend, waar we interieur design meubels en lifestyle producten direct van de ontwerper die we spotten verkopen?  Binnen onze store creeren we ook een ROOM | LOFT die we ieder drie maanden compleet restylen. Chech it out at C-More Concept Store. Je bent meer dan welkom om ons live of online te bezoeken :-) We zijn ook te vinden op Instagram + Facebook


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