
Hectic eclectic procrastinator Interiorator | inspiration

Hectic eclectic procrastinator Interiorator
When Iris asked me to write a guest post on C-More a while ago, I jumped at the opportunity and decided to immediately do nothing for two weeks. Well, not really. You see, I can be a bit of a procrastinator – and so here I am now, offering my apologies to Iris for my tardiness before the eyes of everyone on the internet. The thing is, it’s fall – a season that to interior design professionals is as hectic as those final days before Christmas. Still hectic or not, here I am to tell you a bit about my blog. It’s called Interiorator and it’s just what the doctor ordered if you’re into eclectic, colorful and unusual design-y stuff. To get you in the mood, I’ve put together my top ten personal Interiorator favorites. 
1 Maddnes
Let me start with a bang – the notorious Amsterdam-based designers Maddnes are my all-time design heroes. That giant blue head they designed is now the most eye-catching of eyecatchers in my living room.
2 Abigail Ahern
Hero number is Abigail Ahern. This enfant terrible of the interior design world taught me everything I needed to know to give my home a much-needed makeover. She also inspired me to paint out my walls and ceiling in dark blue! You can see the pictures I took at Abigail Ahern’s home right here.
3 My hallway
Well, here it is. Home! It took me forever to paint the hallway but the result looks quite fetching, doesn’t it? Here are the before pictures. Pretty shocking huh?
4 VTwonen
My home was featured in Dutch interior design magazine VTWonen earlier this year, quite an honor! You can see more pictures here.
5 Les Puces
I love Paris. I love vintage. And I love Rod Stewart. 
Well, not really – but I did run into him when we were both shopping for 
vintage design at Les Puces de Saint Ouen. 
6 Designmuseum Gent
Another city I love is Ghent. The local Designmuseum has a formidable collection of Seventies and Eighties furniture – you should check it out some time! 
7 Wanderlust
I usually think up my own interior design trends, thank you very much. That being said, I have to say I was quite impressed by this Wanderlust trend space at last summer’s Elle Festival in Amsterdam.
8 Farrow & Ball
I had a blast recently painting an old bar cart in orange 
and then styling it for Farrow & Ball. You like?
9 Tropicana Rotterdam
Remember the old Tropicana subtropical swimming paradise in Rotterdam? It was abandoned about five years ago – which didn’t keep me from sneaking in a while ago to take these pictures.
10 Mickey Easterling
Sure, I make a lot of content myself for Interiorator. But once in a while, I also see something online that grabs my attention and practically forces me to write about it – like this all-pink apartment I once saw on the New York Social Diary website.
Anyhoo, I hope you enjoyed this little introduction. See you soon on Interiorator, okay? Buh-bye!
Almost all pictures by INTERIORATOR
Thank you so much Patrick!
XO Iris
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Xo Iris

My top 10 favorite photo’s by Paulina Arcklin | interior inspiration

My top 10 favorite photo’s 

by Paulina Arcklin 

Interior + inspiration

voor NL scroll naar beneden.
I love the photo’s by Paulina Arcklin
I was so inspired that I took some workshops by Paulina a few years ago. 
Still glad I did!
So thank you Paulina!
This is my favourite top 10 
of her [latest] pictures in no particular order.

© Paulina Arcklin | A new shop in Amsterdam - SIX AND SONS
© Paulina Arcklin | A new shop in Amsterdam – SIX AND SONS
© Paulina Arcklin | Blog post- My home before
© Paulina Arcklin | My home before
© Paulina Arcklin | COULEUR LOCALE WEBSHOP |

© Paulina Arcklin | GOOD GENES store in Amsterdam
© Paulina Arcklin | GOOD GENES store in Amsterdam

© Paulina Arcklin | LEXSON BRANDS stand at Modefabriek 2014 fair
© Paulina Arcklin | LEXSON BRANDS stand at Modefabriek 2014 fair

© Paulina Arcklin | MALLORCA VILLA | Interior Design Carde Reimerdes
© Paulina Arcklin | MALLORCA VILLA | Interior Design Carde Reimerdes 

© Paulina Arcklin | MALLORCA VILLA | Interior Design Carde Reimerdes
© Paulina Arcklin | MALLORCA VILLA | Interior Design Carde Reimerdes
© Paulina Arcklin | My home
© Paulina Arcklin | My home
© Paulina Arcklin | Renee LOFT details
© Paulina Arcklin | Renee LOFT details
© Paulina Arcklin | Styling Renee Arns
© Paulina Arcklin | Styling Renee Arns

Mijn top 10 favoriete foto’s 

van Paulina Arcklin 

Interieur + inspiratie

Prachtige foto’s van Paulina Arcklin !

Ik vind ze zo mooi dat ik een paar jaar geleden een aantal workshops 
bij Paulina heb gevolgd. 
Ik ben nog steeds blij dat ik dat heb gedaan! 
Dus dank je Paulina, ik heb er veel aan gehad! 

Dit is mijn favoriete top 10 van haar [nieuwste] werk, in willekeurige volgorde.


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Link with love 
Xo Iris

Australian modern home | warm interior

Australian modern home | warm interior 

Do you know Danielle’s blog The Style Files
I can’t imagine you don’t… 
It’s one of the first blogs I started to follow myself and still do.
I love her serene style. 
It’s always a pleasure to see the new items she shares.
Danielle is so kind to help me out here on my blog by letting me repost one of her posts. My father is ill and I’m not able to spend the time on my blog as I normally do. So I’m very grateful that a few of my (blog)friends are willing to help me out by sharing a guest- or re-post here on my blog. And the first one is Danielle’s Style Files post about this wonderful home in Australia Melbourne.
Thanks Danielle!
Posted originally on July 22 2014 

This modern home in Melbourne, Australia, is designed and built by Altereco. The design is simple with clean lines, an open plan layout and a sober color palette. But simple does not have a negative connotation here. With simple means beautiful and stylish!
Credits & Source: images by Tara Pearce | via Desire to Inspire.
Ken je Danielle’s blog The Style Files

Ik kan het me niet voorstellen van niet.. 
Het is een van de eerste blogs die ik al lang gelden begon te volgen. 
Ik hou van haar serene stijl. Het is altijd een feestje om de nieuwe items ze deelt te lezen.
Danielle is zo aardig om mij te helpen. Ik mag hier een repost van een van haar prachtige blogposts plaatsen. Mijn vader is ziek en ik ben nu niet in staat om de tijd te investeren in mijn blog zoals als ik normaal gesproken doe. Dus ik ben heel dankbaar dat een paar van mijn (blog) vrienden bereid zijn om mij te helpen door het delen van een gast-blog of re-post hier op mijn blog. 

En de eerste is Danielle’s Style Files post 

Dank je Danielle!


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Xo Iris

Fantastic Frank house in Stockholm | scandinavian interior

Fantastic Frank house in Stockholm 

 Scandinavian Interior 

scroll naar benedenvoor NL
Wouldn’t you want to live in this Fantastic Frank house in Stockholm?
I certainly would!
Take a look at the lovely space, the white walls, wooden floors and scandinavian modern interior design, with a touch of retro in the wooden cabinets.
I love the soft colours.
  Do you like it?   Well: then call Fantastic Frank
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 
Fantastic Frank house for sale in Stockholm | Scandinavian interior | design 

Fantastic Frank huis in Stockholm 

 Scandinavisch Interieur 

Zou jij niet in dit Fantastic Frank huis in Stockholm willen wonen?
Nou ik wel !
Wat een fantastische plek! De witte muren, houten vloeren en het Scandinavische moderne interieur en design met een toefje retro in de vorm van de houten kasten…
En ik hou van het zachte kleurgebruik. Het is zo licht en rustig.
  Vind jij het ook wat? 
Nou, dan kun je  Fantastic Frank bellen voor een afspraak.

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Xo Iris

My visit to The Loft Amsterdam | masculine interior | the playing circle

The Loft Amsterdam | Playing Circle

 masculine interior

scroll naar beneden voor NL

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More
Last weekend I visited The Loft by The Playing Circles in Amsterdam and I couldn’t stop taking pictures! I love this space.
 It’s a loft located at “De Prinsengracht” with a very high ceiling and one open space. Normally you can rent this space for meetings and congresses, but for a period of one month this appartement is furnished with some very nice hand picked items. 
I find this apparent very masculine but definitely not only for men. The items shown all have some character. Some because they’re aged, some because of the material or color choice. There are also a lot of great styling elements and art pieces. 
And the good news is : everything is for sale!!
You can visit this loft yourself until the 15th of august. So if you are in Amsterdam: Don’t miss it! More info like opening hour on the Facebookpage of the Loft by The Playing Circle. This great styling job is done by Dominique ter Mors and Kassandra Schreuder.
The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

Art | The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

Styling | metal | vase | cabinet | The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

Beautiful piece of art | The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circle Amsterdam | By C-More
The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

Bed by Coco-Mat | The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

Styling | glas and metal vase | The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

Ceramics | The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

Leather sofa | The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

Styling details | The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

Dining table and chairs | The Loft by The Playing Circles Amsterdam | By C-More

The Loft Amsterdam | Playing Circle 
  en stoer en mannelijke interieur 

Afgelopen weekend bezocht ik The Loft by The Playing Circles in Amsterdam en ik kon niet stoppen met het nemen van foto’s! Ik vind het er fantastisch! 

  Het is een loft liggend aan de Prinsengracht met een zeer hoog plafond en een compleet open ruimte. Normaal gesproken kun je deze ruimte huren voor vergaderingen en congressen. Voor de periode van een maand is dit appartement ingericht en gestyled met een aantal zeer mooie persoonlijk uitgezochte items. 

Zelf vind ik het een zeer stoer en mannelijk interieur,  maar zeker niet alleen voor mannen. Mij spreekt het heel erg aan. De getoonde items hebben allemaal karakter. Sommige omdat ze op leeftijd zijn, sommige vanwege het materiaal of kleur keuze. Ook zijn er super veel prachtige en bijzondere styling elementen en kunstwerken te bekijken. De loft is ingericht en gestyled door Dominique ter Mors en Kassandra Schreuder.

En het goede nieuws is: Alles is te koop!!

Je kunt nog tot 15 augustus een bezoek brengen aan deze prachtige loft. Dus als je in Amsterdam bent: Mis het niet! 

Meer info zoals openingstijden zijn te vinden op de Facebookpagina van de Loft by The Playing Circle. De loft is ingericht en gestyled door Dominique ter Mors en Kassandra Schreuder.


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Link with love 
Xo Iris

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