
IKEA PS 2014 pendant lamp wins Red Dot Design Award


Red Dot award 


IKEA PS 2014 pendant lamp 

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Red Dot Award for IKEA PS2014 pendant lamp


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Fritz Hansen | Milan Design week 2015 | Color | Texture | Material | Interior | Design

Fritz Hansen

Milan Design week 2015

It feels like home…

Color | Texture | Material | Interior | Design 

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Fritz Hansen | Milan Design week 2015 | Color | Texture | Material | Interior | Design | It feels like home…

 styling by Christine Rudolph | Photo by C-More 


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Dutch Designer Ineke Hans designs Plektra stool for IIttala | minimal | functional | natural

Dutch Designer Ineke Hans designs the Plektra stool for iittala.

It’s minimal  + functional  + natural

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New stool annex side-table “Praktis” by Ineke Hans for iittala


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new Design wallpaper by award winning NLXL | Paola Navone | Milan Design Week 2015

New wallpaper designs by award winning NLXL

Designed by Paola Navone

and Daniel Rozensztroch.

Milan Design Week 2015

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NLXL | New Design wallpaper Addiction and Obsession
by Paola Navone and Daniel Rozensztroch
Milan Design Week 2015 | photo’s by C-More

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A look inside the Freunde von Freunden apartment in Berlin AND an interview with Frederik Frede

A look inside the

Freunde von Freunden apartment in Berlin


Q&A with Frederik Frede, one of FvF’s founders.

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Freunde vin Freunde apartement Berlin | Vitra | photo's by © C-More
Freunde von Freunden apartment Berlin | Vitra | photo’s by © C-More
I wanted to make this blog post for a long time! When I first heard about Freunde von Freunden at the We Are Social meeting, at the design furniture fair IMM Cologne 2013, I looked FvF up on the internet and started to follow them. Reading the portrait stories and seeing the interiors and homes of all the friends and friends of friends is very inspiring. Getting to know the people behind the featured interiors a little bit is a really nice aspect of FvF and a refreshing, new, different approach of showing homes and interiors.FvF apartment Berlin
Then I read about the FvF apartment in the Mitte area in Berlin and that it’s furnished and styled in cooperation with Vitra, my favorite interior design brand. I think you now can imagine how high this spot was on my wish-list for a personal visit and a blog post. Finally, last April, I was in Berlin for blog event The Hive 2015 and got the chance to visit the apartment.Vitra and FvF
When I entered the apartment I felt at home immediately. That’s is no coincidence, because the apartment is designed like a home “for everyday life, reflecting how a creative, mobile and digitally­oriented generation lives” as Frederik tells in the Q&A below. The Vitra furniture fit in perfectly. Vitra also believes that a home is a personal collage that, in the course of time, will change with the preferences and the living conditions of the residents.  And you feel that vibe when you enter the apartment.Layout and floor plan
The bright apartment with high ceilings contains a living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and a spacious entrance. The floorplan is based on the original layout of the beautiful building. Some very clever additions, like the room dividing wall of plywood between the living room and bedroom that is also a cupboard, make this space into a modern and urban place.
I hope you enjoy the interview with Fredrik Frede of FvF and the look inside by the pictures I’ve made.  Tell me what you think!



FvF Q&A with Frederik Frede of Freunden von Freunden.

Can you tell us about yourself and why you started Freunde von Freunden? 
Torsten Bergler and I started the creative agency NoMoreSleep (now called MoreSleep) in 2006. In 2009 we lost two major clients accounts following the global crisis and that was when we decided to immerse ourselves in more personal projects. We always wanted to do something fun for ourselves while having a personal reference as our goal. We looked at what was happening with fashion blogs and interiors, the changes in those digital environments and storytelling online. And as Facebook was popping up in Germany in 2009 too, we somehow immediately knew we should do a website where we tell the stories of our creative friends in Berlin and show how they live. And then we started interviewing the people around us. We got Timmi Seifert on board and then we took it from there.
How do you choose the apartments you feature? 
We never look for apartments per se – mostly for people with intriguing stories. Individuals rather than spaces are the focal point of our features. In most cases we don’t even know what to expect when we visit someone at home. It’s important to note that what we do is not just about interiors – which are, of course, a great visual treat – but also about exploring cultural landscapes, different perspectives and introducing a diverse world to our readers.
How do you select your guests? 
We want to stay true to our initial concept and portray friends of friends from our ever­expanding network. From the beginning we literally worked with close friends and asked them if they wanted to suggest other friends. This is how we wish to continue. Our focus is on individuals who are inspiring and have great things to say. No matter if it‘s gardening, cooking or designing space shuttles! It’s difficult to put this in a box because that would limit FvF’s versatile and ever­evolving nature. Our content is becoming more diverse while we retain our identity. In terms of how we go about selecting people to portray, we’re constantly researching but also receive a lot of suggestions from our collaborators. There’s no golden rule for choosing a person as it always depends on each case in particular – and gut feeling.
And how does The FvF Apartment fit in there? 
The FvF Apartment is a physical expression of our online publication – a multi­faceted space for friends and partners to gather and express their creativity as well as interesting ideas. It is in the same house as our office and we use it for many occasions. It is an actual apartment with everything one could need on a daily basis. Everything in the apartment is meant for being used and we don’t see it as a clean­cut showroom. It is more about the vision of how we see living in that kind of size and area of Berlin. It all came together through our partnership with Swiss manufacturer Vitra. Afterwards, many friends, local and international brands and partners were involved.
Can you tell us a bit about what the FvF apartment is for? 
So, to be more precise, the FvF Apartment has been designed to be fully adaptable to the diverse and often unexpected scenarios of everyday life, reflecting how a creative, mobile and digitally­oriented generation lives. It serves not only as a platform for innovative products from friends and partners, but as a unique venue for events, workshops, and presentations. W e wanted to make sure to create a homely atmosphere where everyone would feel comfortable instantly and wouldn’t want to leave. Many of our partners do photoshoots or client meetings and use it as a reference point for their products when they’re in use. We have regular bookings for presentations, coachings, dinner, shootings, showroom and sleepovers.
Are there any artists, designers, or countries, cities or an interview at FvF where you have a preference for or who inspired you and why?
My favorite stories are the ones I feel more attached to content­wise and the ones that involve my friends. I can’t really pinpoint a favorite because they are all so different and very special in their own way. If I’d have to pick a really inspiring story that would be the one of Gwen and Gawie Fagan. It’s definitely in my top five, both in terms of story as well as photography.
Thanks to FvF and Fredrik Frede.
I want to thank Frederik Frede for taking the time for this Q&A.  FvF is such an interesting concept. A home is made a home by the people who live in it. The FvF stories are a treat to read. Also I’m so glad I had a chance to see the FvF apartment in person.  Enjoy the pictures I took.
You can find a lot more inspiring portraits of people and their homes or workplaces at Freunde von Freunden.  Also a lot more of FvF in cooperation with Vitra at Vitra Magazine FvF  and Freunde von Freunden.

Like to read more about Vitra here on my blog ? Then maybe you like this post:
Vitra and Mobila: Elle festival Amsterdam

Freunde von Freunden apartement Berlin | Vitra | photo’s by © C-More

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