
Colorful Design Hotel | CitizenM LONDON

Colorful Design Hotel


Tried + Tested

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London CitizenM | Vitra

London CitizenM | Vitra


It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of the CitizenM hotels. I’ve stayed at quite a few, in the past years. So I was thrilled that last October I could stay at the CitizenM London donated by MODENUS during the London Design week.


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Book review Monochrome home by Hilary Robertson

Book review

Monochrome home

by Hilary Robertson



Book review Monochrome home by Hilary Robertson

Book review Monochrome home by Hilary Robertson



Are you making plans for your home for the new year to come?  Then I have a wonderful book tip for you. That is if you like to create a minimalistic, dramatic, eclectic or chic interior, with just the colors black, white and grey shades. I know I do. If you do too, then this book Monochrome Home by Brooklin-based interior stylist Hilary Robertson is a must-read.



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Piet Boon at Marriott Amsterdam | Design Hotel

Piet Boon

at Marriott Amsterdam

Design Hotel

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Piet Boon Marriott Amsterdam 3

Piet Boon at Marriott Amsterdam | Design Hotel | by C-More


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Plywood house | Architecture | mA-style architects | Ant House

Plywood house | Architecture

mA-style architects | Ant House

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mA-style architects Ant house © Photo: Kai Nakamura

mA-style architects Ant house © Photo: Kai Nakamura

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Living in an old bakery building in Stockholm | Architecture | Interior Design Inspiration

Living in an old bakery building in Stockholm


Interior Design Inspiration

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A few days ago I received an email of Oscar Properties, with this great new apartment in Stockholm. I loved it right away and wanted to share it with you.

Oscar Properties develop properties in a unique way and combine modern design and architecture. This particular apartment is one of the 126 apartments that will be developed in an old Bakery ” Bageriet” building. The original building is from 1932 by KF. Bageriet and has this beautiful factory character. It’s situated at Kvarnholmen and has an amazing view over Stockholm.

I love the combination of an old factory building with it’s industrial look and big windows. Also the open space with lot’s of light and high ceilings appear to me. Don’t forget the stunning view over Stockholm City. Of course the Scandinavian colors, furniture, styling and design attract to me too. I think it’s a very nice apartment!


More information: Oscar Properties

All pictures by Oscar Properties

Bageriet, vardagsrum, högupplöst

Living in an old bakery building in Stockholm | Architecture | Interior Design Inspiration |Bageriet | Picture by Oscar Properties

Bageriet, sovrum,Högupplöst_jpg

Living in an old bakery building in Stockholm | Architecture | Interior Design Inspiration |Bageriet | Picture by Oscar Properties

Bageriet, kök_högupplöst

Living in an old bakery building in Stockholm | Architecture | Interior Design Inspiration |Bageriet | Picture by Oscar Properties

Bageriet, exteriör, horisontell, högupplöst

Living in an old bakery building in Stockholm | Architecture | Interior Design Inspiration |Bageriet | Picture by Oscar Properties

Bageriet, badrum, högupplöst

Living in an old bakery building in Stockholm | Architecture | Interior Design Inspiration |Bageriet | Picture by Oscar Properties





Een paar dagen geleden kreeg ik een e-mail van Oscar Properties, met dit mooie nieuwe appartement in Stockholm. Ik vond het meteen prachtig en deel het graag met jullie.

Oscar Properties ontwikkelt woningen op een unieke manier en combineert modern design met architectuur. Dit bijzondere appartement is een van de 126 appartementen die in een oude bakkerij “BAGERIET’ zal worden ontwikkeld. Het oorspronkelijkeKF. BAGERIET gebouw stamt uit 1932 en heeft het fabrieks karakter behouden. Het is gelegen op Kvarnholmen en heeft een wijds uitzicht over Stockholm.

De combinatie van een oud fabrieksgebouw met zijn industriële look en grote ramen spreekt mij enorm aan. Ook de open ruimte met veel licht en hoge plafonds lijken mij heerlijk wonen. Vergeet niet het uitzicht over Stockholm City. En niet te vergeten: de Scandinavische kleuren, meubels, styling en design vind ik mooi. Het lijkt mij een zeer aantrekkelijk appartement om in te wonen.


Meer informatie: Oscar Properties

Alle foto’s zijn van Oscar Properties

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