
C-More Concept Store | Room for Design


I’ve opened

C-More Concept Store | Room for Design



C-More Concept Store | Room for Design | design interior lifestyle items directly from the designers and makers | Honigcomplex Nijmegen NL

C-More Concept Store | Room for Design | design interior lifestyle items directly from the designers and makers | Honigcomplex Nijmegen NL


Yes!  You read it well! I’ve opened my own C-More Concept Store | Room for Design. That’s why you haven’t heard from me this long… It took a bit more of my time than I thought.  But now me, and my partner in crime Ynske, have settled a bit [ to be honest: we still have a HUGE to do lust] I can pick up blogging where I left it. And I miss it!

I won’t be having as much time to present my own pictures but will blog about lots of brands and design and events I spot, sharing their wonderful pictures. So keep following me! First stop will be Milan Salone del Mobile. You can follow me here at my blog but also on C-More Interior Concepts Instagram for live updates from Milan and other design inspiration.

What is C-More Concept Store…

Wel I think you all know what a concept store is… So I don’t need to tell you about that. But there are some things different about our concept store. We are interior and design orientated. We have selected designers who make interior objects like tables, cabinets, beds, wall textile, chairs, and so on. Ynske and I created a LOFT | ROOM in our store where we present these items as if someone lives there. We make it very personal. This LOFT | ROOM we change a few times a year for a complete new setting, with lots of other designers and special brands.


C-More Concept Store | Room for Design | design interior lifestyle items directly from the designers and makers | Honigcomplex Nijmegen NL

C-More Concept Store | Room for Design | design interior lifestyle items directly from the designers and makers | Honigcomplex Nijmegen NL


Around this LOFT | ROOM we present smaller interior, design and lifestyle items. Also fashion, jewelry art objects and many many more inspiring and interesting items are presented.

The good thing is: It’a all sold directly from the designers. So if you buy one of the beautiful designs, the designers actually get paid for it. That’s such a good feeling for all of us! Ynske and I saw so many designers struggle to get a selling point for their beautiful items, that we HAD to open this store to give them a spot.

Since I have my interior design office for a white at this very creative and new hotspot: The Honigcomplex Nijmegen NL, it just was as if everything came together: This spot should be right here, where many of the designers and makers are based.  So we jumped in it and now we have openend C-More Concept Store!

The first reactions are overwhelming!

“It has an international and Berlin feeling”  

“What a beautiful and of high level selection of designers”

“We love the open space: You can actually see the designs in it’s full glory”  

” We enjoy the high level of Dutch Design gatherd and mixed with international design”

These are just some of the things we hear on a daily basis. It makes us so happy!

In the pictures, you can get a glimpse of what our store looks like and what items we have in store. As said, we will change the styling and look and feel of the STORE + LOFT |ROOM frequently. Best to keep update is to follow us on the special C-More Concept Store Instagram and Facebook page and on our C-More Concept Store site+blog

If you have any questions or want to buy one of the items, or want to join us as a designer?

You can contact us at : conceptstore [at]

We hope to meet you in our store. You are more than welcome!




C-More Concept Store | Room for Design | design interior lifestyle items directly from the designers and makers | Honigcomplex Nijmegen NL

C-More Concept Store | Room for Design | design interior lifestyle items directly from the designers and makers | Honigcomplex Nijmegen NL



C-More Concept Store | Room for Design | design interior lifestyle items directly from the designers and makers | Honigcomplex Nijmegen NL

C-More Concept Store | Room for Design | design interior lifestyle items directly from the designers and makers | Honigcomplex Nijmegen NL




is geopend!


Ja! Je leest het goed! Ik heb mijn eigen C-More Concept Store | Ruimte voor Design geopend. Dat is de reden waarom je zo lang niets van me hoorde op deze blog … Het kostte een beetje meer van mijn tijd dan ik had dacht. Maar nu hebben ik en mijn partner in crime Ynske, het einderlijk een beetje op de rit [Om eerlijk te zijn: we hebben nog een enorme To Do list staan hoor….]  en nu kan ik het bloggen ook weer oppakken. En ik mis het!

Ik zal voorlopig wat minder eigen foto’s posten, maar zal wel bloggen over tal van merken, designers, beurzen en events die ik ga bezoeken en onlangs bezocht of gespot heb. Ik zal wat meer van hun eigen, ook prachtige, foto’s delen. Dus blijf me volgen! Eerste stop is Milaan Salone del Mobile. Je kunt me hier te volgen op mijn blog, maar ook op C-More Interior Concepts Instagram voor live updates van Milaan en andere design inspiratie.

Wat is C-More Concept Store …

Ik weet dat jullie allemaal wel weten wat een concept store is … Dus dat ik hoef niet te vertellen. Maar er zijn wat dingen anders in ons concept store. We zijn interieur en design georiënteerd. We hebben ontwerpers die interieur objecten, zoals  tafels, kasten, bedden, wandtextiel, stoelen enz maken en ontwerpen geselecteerd en gespot. Ynske en ik hebben een LOFT | ROOM in onze winkel ingericht, waar we deze items presenteren alsof er iemand in woont. Wij maken het heel persoonlijk. Deze LOFT | ROOM veranderen we een paar keer per jaar in een compleet nieuwe setting, met tal van andere ontwerpers en speciale merken.

Rond deze LOFT | ROOM presenteren we kleinere interieur, design en lifestyle artikelen. Ook fashion, sieraden kunstvoorwerpen en nog veel meer inspirerende en interessante items worden gepresenteerd.

Het goede is: de verkoop opbrengst gaat allemaal rechtstreeks naar de ontwerpers. Dus als je een van de prachtige ontwerpen bij ons aanschaft krijgen de ontwerpers zelf betaald voor het item. Dat geeft zo’n goed gevoel voor ons allemaal! Ynske en ik zagen dat zo veel ontwerpers moeite hebben om een verkoop plek te vinden voor hun mooie items, dat we deze winkel hebben geopent om hen  een plek te geven.

Aangezien ik mijn interieurontwerp studio hier in deze zeer creatieve en nieuwe hotspot “Het Honigcomplex Nijmegen” heb, was het was net alsof alles bij elkaar kwam: Juist hier op deze plek, waar veel van de ontwerpers en makers zijn gebaseerd, moets het komen! Dus we sprongen in het diepe en nu hebben we  C-More Concept Store geopent.

De eerste reacties zijn overweldigend!

“Het heeft een internationale en Berlijnse feeling”  

“Wat een mooie selectie en hoog niveau van ontwerpers” 

“Fantastisch die grote en open ruimte: Je kunt de ontwerpen daadwerkelijk in volle glorie zien ”  

“We genieten van het hoge niveau van het Nederlandse Design, gemengd met internationale design”


Dit zijn slechts enkele van de reaties die we dagelijks horen. Het maakt ons zo blij!

Op de foto’s krijg je een indruk van hoe onze winkel eruit ziet en welke items die we in de store hebben. Zoals gezegd, we zullen de styling van de winkel + LOFT | RUIMTE regelmatig veranderen.  Beste is om de updates te volgen via de speciale C-More Concept Store Instagram en Facebook-pagina  en op onze C-More Concept Store website + blog

Als je vragen hebt of een van de items wilt kopen, of je bij ons aan wilt sluiten als ontwerper, neem dan contact met ons op: conceptstore [at]

Wij hopen je te ontmoeten in onze winkel. Je bent meer dan welkom!



Instagram: C-More Concept Store Instagram

Facebook:  C-More Concept Store Facebookpage

Website + Blog [Dutch]  C-More Concept Store site+blog


Fashion designer Raf Simons designs for Kvadrat

Fashion designer Raf Simons

designs for Kvadrat



Raf Simons | Kvadrat

Raf Simons | Kvadrat



My heart alway skips a beat when my eye catches a beautiful of interesting fabric. Same with colors. It makes me happy. That’s exactly what happened when I was invited by Kvadrat Amsterdam to join the launch of the new Kvadrat | Raf Simons collection. I was honored to be part of it.

Kvadrat designs and makes the most beautiful textiles for interior, furniture and accessories and is my favorite company to work with. The Danish roots are founded in 1968. Since then Kvadrat worked with several architects and designers like Tord Boontje, Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec, Patricia Urquiola and many more. And now, since 2014, also with fashion designer Raf Simons. You can’t make me more happy, with these kind of collaborations.

Raf Simons, born in Belgium, studied industrial design in Genk. He moved to Antwerp, inspired by the work of conceptual fashion designer Martin Margiela, to study Fashion at the Royal Academy of Antwerp, but was encouraged to start his own label right way in 1995. Luckily he did: Raf Simons menswear had huge impact on the style of the decade.

After being the artistic director of the Jil Sander label since 2005, Raf became the creative director for Dior Women. He is now concentrating on his own label and, since this Augustus, joined Calvin Klein as creative director. Raf Simons is a passionate collector of contemporary art and modern design and is known for his vital, sophisticated modernism.

Raf Simons has applied his Kvadrat upholstery designs for the first time in 2014 for his own menswear collection which he designed in collaboration with artist Sterling Ruby. After  that time, he designed several fabrics for Kvadrat and showed it in a few fashion collections he did for Dior. If you like to see more of how he works and learn about his vision and concept, I highly recommend the film | documentary ” Dior and I “

So, that’s enough information for now I think! Just go wander around in the pictures below, where you will find the newest Raf Simons | Kvadrat collection, inspired by the modern nautical upholstery of Franco Albini’s suspended Poltrona Seggiovia (Chairlift Chair) of 1940, which resulted in 3 textile collections: Reflex, Pulsar and Fuse. I find the collection very refreshing, with a hint of the history of the early modernists in it. Very graphic and with beautiful colors. The collection is distributed by selected dealers. Suitable for furniture upholstery, contemporary fashion designs and also available as a beautiful pillow collection.

More info: Raf Simons fashion designs | Raf Simons for Kvadrat  | Kvadrat

All pictures by Kvadrat | Raf Simons



Raf Simons | Kvadrat

Raf Simons | Kvadrat


Raf Simons | Kvadrat

Raf Simons | Kvadrat

Raf Simons | Kvadrat

Raf Simons | Kvadrat

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse textile collection


Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse textile collection§

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse textile collection


Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse | Cushion + Textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse | Cushion + Textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse | Cushion + Textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse | Cushion + Textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse | Cushion + Textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse | Cushion + Textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse | Cushion + Textile collection

Raf Simons | Kvadrat | Reflex Pulsar Fuse | Cushion + Textile collection



ONTWERPT interieur stoffen


Mijn hart gaat altijd sneller kloppen als ik mooie of interessante stoffen zie. Het zelfde heb ik met kleuren cobinaties. Het maakt me blij. Dat is precies wat er gebeurde toen ik door Kvadrat Amsterdam werd uitgenodigd om de lancering van de nieuwe Kvadrat | Raf Simons collectie mocht bijwonen. Ik was zeer vereerd om er bij te zijn.

Kvadrat ontwerpt en maakt de mooiste stoffen voor interieur, meubels en accessoires en is mijn favoriete bedrijf om mee te werken. De Deense “roots”  stammen al uit  1968. Sindsdien heeft Kvadrat samen gewerkt en collecties ontwikkeld met vele architecten en ontwerpers als Tord Boontje, Ronan en Erwan Bouroullec, Patricia Urquiola en nog velen meer. En nu, sinds 2014, ook met modeontwerper Raf Simons. Je kunt mij niet meer gelukkig maken, dan met dit soort samenwerkingen.

Raf Simons, geboren in België, studeerde industriële vormgeving in Genk. Hij verhuisde in 1995 naar Antwerpen, geïnspireerd door het werk van de conceptuele mode-ontwerper Martin Margiela, om Fashion te gaan studeren aan de Koninklijke Academie van Antwerpen, maar werd aangemoedigd om direct zijn eigen label te gaan beginnen. Gelukkig deed hij dat: Raf Simons menswear had grote invloed op de fashion stijl van afgelopen decennium.

In 2005 starte Raf Simons als artistiek directeur van het Jil Sander label en werd later creatief directeur van Dior Women.  Momenteel is Raf zich aan het focussen op zijn eigen label en sinds afgelopen augustus tevens bij Calvin Klein als creatief directeur. Hij is een gepassioneerd verzamelaar van hedendaagse kunst en modern design en staat bekend om zijn vitale, verfijnde modernistische stijl.

Raf Simons heeft zijn Kvadrat stofontwerpen voor het eerst in 2014 toegepast in fashion, voor zijn eigen mannencollectie, die hij in samenwerking met kunstenaar Sterling Ruby ontwlierp. Na die tijd, heeft hij verschillende stoffen voor Kvadrat ontwikkeld en in verschillende mode collecties van Dior toegepast. Als je daar meer wilt weten en over hoe hij te werk gaat, zijn visie en concept wilt leren kennen kan ik je van harte de film |  documentaire “Dior en ik” aanbevelen.

Zo, dat is genoeg informatie voor nu denk ik! Ga gewoon lekker rondneuzen in onderstaande foto’s, waar je de nieuwste Raf Simons | Kvadrat collectie kunt vinden.  Geïnspireerd op de moderne nautische bekleding van de beroemde Franco Albini hangstoel Poltrona Seggiovia (Chairlift Chair) uit 1940, wat resulteerde in 3 textielcollecties: Reflex, Pulsar en Fuse. Ik vind de collectie zeer verfrissend, met een vleugje van de geschiedenis van de vroege modernisten. Zeer grafisch en in prachtige kleuren. De collectie is uitsluitend verkrijgbaar via geselecteerde dealers. Geschikt voor meubelstoffering, conceptuele mode en ook nog eens beschikbaar als een mooie kussen collectie.

Meer info: Raf Simons fashion | Raf Simons voor Kvadrat  | Kvadrat

All pictures by Kvadrat | Raf Simons


KIKA NY Leather goods | Summer must have | bags | sandals | minimal design | fashion | Dutch Design

Kika NY Leather goods 

 bags | sandals 

 minimal design | fashion 

Dutch Design in NYC

Summer must have

 scroll naar beneden voor NL


KikaNY12 hour bag + toe loop with ankle strap sandal




When I saw KikaNY Leather Goods on Dutch tv, I immediately looked up their website and designs. The leather bags and shoes designs by KikaNL are completely my style: Authentic, handmade, minimal, and of high quality.


KikaNY leather goods is founded in 2009 by Kika Vliegenthart and Sabine Spanjer. Kika and Sabine are both Dutch artists, living in NYC. Kika has traveled the world, works in the film industry and learned her skills at the workshop of the famous Barbara Shaum. Sabine fell in love with the art of leather crafting and joined Kika. A few years later Stefany Peña joined the studio in Brooklyn NY.


We use traditional techniques handed down by legendary leather smith Barbara Shaum. To keep the tradition alive, we work with machines custom-built for our studio and tools from old-school suppliers in France and the UK. Most of our resources come from Europe as well. We use high-end leather from Italy, Spain, Belgium and US-based Horween in Chicago. Our solid brass hardware is hand tooled in a family owned foundry in Europe

The Duffle Backpack #2 is one of my favourites, along with these Toe Loop with ankle strap sandals and the small market bag… But I can easily pick a few more! I love the straight lines, the look and feel of the genuine thick but soft leather. The black ones are on my wish-list, since I only wear black and grey. I just know by looking at the sandals, they’ll have a good fit and I can walk all day, all summer on them! I probably will newer take them off again… And the bags are so well designed. Minimal but definitely functional and great for city trips and for work… Next time when I’m in New York, I’ll definitely visit them!

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AVENUE #357 | Dutch fashion and design magazine | special edition


Dutch fashion and design magazine

special edition

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Dutch fashion magazine Avenue by C-More blog




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A look inside the Freunde von Freunden apartment in Berlin AND an interview with Frederik Frede

A look inside the

Freunde von Freunden apartment in Berlin


Q&A with Frederik Frede, one of FvF’s founders.

Scrol naar beneden voor NL 
Freunde vin Freunde apartement Berlin | Vitra | photo's by © C-More
Freunde von Freunden apartment Berlin | Vitra | photo’s by © C-More
I wanted to make this blog post for a long time! When I first heard about Freunde von Freunden at the We Are Social meeting, at the design furniture fair IMM Cologne 2013, I looked FvF up on the internet and started to follow them. Reading the portrait stories and seeing the interiors and homes of all the friends and friends of friends is very inspiring. Getting to know the people behind the featured interiors a little bit is a really nice aspect of FvF and a refreshing, new, different approach of showing homes and interiors.FvF apartment Berlin
Then I read about the FvF apartment in the Mitte area in Berlin and that it’s furnished and styled in cooperation with Vitra, my favorite interior design brand. I think you now can imagine how high this spot was on my wish-list for a personal visit and a blog post. Finally, last April, I was in Berlin for blog event The Hive 2015 and got the chance to visit the apartment.Vitra and FvF
When I entered the apartment I felt at home immediately. That’s is no coincidence, because the apartment is designed like a home “for everyday life, reflecting how a creative, mobile and digitally­oriented generation lives” as Frederik tells in the Q&A below. The Vitra furniture fit in perfectly. Vitra also believes that a home is a personal collage that, in the course of time, will change with the preferences and the living conditions of the residents.  And you feel that vibe when you enter the apartment.Layout and floor plan
The bright apartment with high ceilings contains a living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and a spacious entrance. The floorplan is based on the original layout of the beautiful building. Some very clever additions, like the room dividing wall of plywood between the living room and bedroom that is also a cupboard, make this space into a modern and urban place.
I hope you enjoy the interview with Fredrik Frede of FvF and the look inside by the pictures I’ve made.  Tell me what you think!



FvF Q&A with Frederik Frede of Freunden von Freunden.

Can you tell us about yourself and why you started Freunde von Freunden? 
Torsten Bergler and I started the creative agency NoMoreSleep (now called MoreSleep) in 2006. In 2009 we lost two major clients accounts following the global crisis and that was when we decided to immerse ourselves in more personal projects. We always wanted to do something fun for ourselves while having a personal reference as our goal. We looked at what was happening with fashion blogs and interiors, the changes in those digital environments and storytelling online. And as Facebook was popping up in Germany in 2009 too, we somehow immediately knew we should do a website where we tell the stories of our creative friends in Berlin and show how they live. And then we started interviewing the people around us. We got Timmi Seifert on board and then we took it from there.
How do you choose the apartments you feature? 
We never look for apartments per se – mostly for people with intriguing stories. Individuals rather than spaces are the focal point of our features. In most cases we don’t even know what to expect when we visit someone at home. It’s important to note that what we do is not just about interiors – which are, of course, a great visual treat – but also about exploring cultural landscapes, different perspectives and introducing a diverse world to our readers.
How do you select your guests? 
We want to stay true to our initial concept and portray friends of friends from our ever­expanding network. From the beginning we literally worked with close friends and asked them if they wanted to suggest other friends. This is how we wish to continue. Our focus is on individuals who are inspiring and have great things to say. No matter if it‘s gardening, cooking or designing space shuttles! It’s difficult to put this in a box because that would limit FvF’s versatile and ever­evolving nature. Our content is becoming more diverse while we retain our identity. In terms of how we go about selecting people to portray, we’re constantly researching but also receive a lot of suggestions from our collaborators. There’s no golden rule for choosing a person as it always depends on each case in particular – and gut feeling.
And how does The FvF Apartment fit in there? 
The FvF Apartment is a physical expression of our online publication – a multi­faceted space for friends and partners to gather and express their creativity as well as interesting ideas. It is in the same house as our office and we use it for many occasions. It is an actual apartment with everything one could need on a daily basis. Everything in the apartment is meant for being used and we don’t see it as a clean­cut showroom. It is more about the vision of how we see living in that kind of size and area of Berlin. It all came together through our partnership with Swiss manufacturer Vitra. Afterwards, many friends, local and international brands and partners were involved.
Can you tell us a bit about what the FvF apartment is for? 
So, to be more precise, the FvF Apartment has been designed to be fully adaptable to the diverse and often unexpected scenarios of everyday life, reflecting how a creative, mobile and digitally­oriented generation lives. It serves not only as a platform for innovative products from friends and partners, but as a unique venue for events, workshops, and presentations. W e wanted to make sure to create a homely atmosphere where everyone would feel comfortable instantly and wouldn’t want to leave. Many of our partners do photoshoots or client meetings and use it as a reference point for their products when they’re in use. We have regular bookings for presentations, coachings, dinner, shootings, showroom and sleepovers.
Are there any artists, designers, or countries, cities or an interview at FvF where you have a preference for or who inspired you and why?
My favorite stories are the ones I feel more attached to content­wise and the ones that involve my friends. I can’t really pinpoint a favorite because they are all so different and very special in their own way. If I’d have to pick a really inspiring story that would be the one of Gwen and Gawie Fagan. It’s definitely in my top five, both in terms of story as well as photography.
Thanks to FvF and Fredrik Frede.
I want to thank Frederik Frede for taking the time for this Q&A.  FvF is such an interesting concept. A home is made a home by the people who live in it. The FvF stories are a treat to read. Also I’m so glad I had a chance to see the FvF apartment in person.  Enjoy the pictures I took.
You can find a lot more inspiring portraits of people and their homes or workplaces at Freunde von Freunden.  Also a lot more of FvF in cooperation with Vitra at Vitra Magazine FvF  and Freunde von Freunden.

Like to read more about Vitra here on my blog ? Then maybe you like this post:
Vitra and Mobila: Elle festival Amsterdam

Freunde von Freunden apartement Berlin | Vitra | photo’s by © C-More

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