C-More interior Blogpost

Nice design hotel in Antwerp | Tryp by Wyndham

Nice design hotel in Antwerp Belgium
Tryp by Wyndham

 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
Are you looking for a nice place to stay in Antwerp Belgium?
Than you’d like this I think! 
A few weeks ago I stayed at the Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp.
It’s situated in the nice “Zurenborg” Art Nouveau District near to the center and the central station.
I liked it very much! The rooms are styled with XL pictures of historic paintings. All rooms have a different painting and matching color schemes.
Throughout the whole hotel you find these paintings in bigger or smaller sizes. Combined with the design furniture and dark colours, it gives the hotel a very luxurious feeling.
The rooms have a comfortable bed, a nice black and white bathroom 
and there is a lounge area, a restaurant and a bar downstairs. 
After a good night sleep we went for breakfast that was served in the restaurant, where you can also dine, and spend the rest of the day in Antwerpen City for a shopping tour.
See for yourself… 
Do you like it as much as I do?
If wou would like to book a room you can find the 
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp

There is more! 
click below

 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp
 Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerp

Leuk design hotel in Antwerpen

Tryp by Wyndham

Ben je op zoek naar een leuke plek om te overnachten in Antwerpen?
Dan vind je dit wel leuk denk ik!

Een paar weken geleden verbleef ik in het Tryp by Wyndham Design Hotel Antwerpen.
Het is gelegen in het mooie “Zurenborg” Art Nouveau district
in de buurt van het centrum en het centraal station.
Ik vond het erg leuk! 

De kamers zijn ingericht met XL afbeeldingen van historische schilderijen.
Alle kamers hebben een ander schilderij en bijpassend kleurenschema.

Door het gehele hotel kom je deze schilderijen in grotere of kleinere afmetingen tegen. In combinatie met de design meubelen en donkere kleuren, geeft het het hotel een zeer luxe gevoel.

De kamers zijn voorzien van comfortabele bedden, mooie zwarte witte badkamers
en er is een lounge, een restaurant en een bar beneden.

Na een goede nachtrust gingen we aan het ontbijt dat werd geserveerd in het restaurant waar je ook kunt dineren. 

De rest van de dag zijn we Antwerpen City in gedoken voor een gezellige shopping tour.
Kijk zelf maar …
 En… Wat vind je er van?

Als  je een kamer wilt boeken,



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Xo Iris

Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design

Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 

 Where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design

scoll naar beneden voor NL
Who could have dreamed that two of my great inspiration themes that are so far apart, could combine so well together. As you know I love the paintings by Vermeer and other Dutch masters. I also am very fond of Dutch Design and one of my favourite designers is Piet Hein Eek. He designs furniture and interior accessoires from a very personal perspective. If you are in The Netherlands you really should go and visit Piet Hein Eek’s shop and workplace in Eindhoven.
Last DDW14 I was invited by NLXL [ very well known by the Piet Hein Eek scrap wood wallpaper, the Studio Job wallpaper and the Merci Brooklyn tiles wallpaper] and Piet Hein Eek at their party. I met some great friend and people I hadn’t seen for a long long time! It was a great evening.  It was also the launch of some new products design by Piet Hein Eek. 
Like the Plywood Print Stool. 
Can you imagine I fell in love with it immediately? 
Doesn’t it fit in my design-passion in all forms?
It would be the perfect stool for in my home. 
It’s where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design.
It’s on my wish list!
The good thing is: 
It’s available for you too!
Just go over to the NLXL site to shop. 
There are 10 different designs, from Rembrandt to Vermeer.
The price is € 169,- 
[or  US $ 219 ‹| UK ÂŁ 169‹ | ROW US $ 219 ]
And with this stool you have a original Dutch Design piece by Piet Hein Eek with artwork, courtesy of Rijksmuseum Amsterdam!
Now available worldwide at www.nlxl.com 
Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
I have two favourites: the one with the asparagus No 9 and the one with the flowers No 5.
What is your favourite one? 
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design
Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | where the Dutch Masters meet Dutch Design

Plywood Print Stool | Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 

waar de Dutch Masters Dutch en Design ontmoeten

Wie had kunnen dromen dat twee van mijn grote inspiratie thema’s die zo ver uit elkaar liggen,  toch zo goed combineren. Ik hou van de schilderijen van Vermeer en andere Nederlandse Meesters. Ik ben ook dol op Dutch Design en een van mijn favoriete ontwerpers is Piet Hein Eek. Hij ontwerpt meubels en interieur accessoires vanuit een heel persoonlijk perspectief. Als je in Nederland bent moet je echt Piet Hein Eek’s winkel en werkplaats in Eindhoven bezoeken

Laatst tijdens DDW14 was ik uitgenodigd door NLXL [bekend van het Piet Hein Eek sloophout behang, het Studio Job behang en de Merci Brooklyn tiles wallpaper] en Piet Hein Eek bij hun  feestje.  Ik ontmoette een aantal fijne vrienden en mensen die ik al heel lang niet had gezien! Het was een gezellige avond.  Het was ook de lancering van een aantal nieuwe producten ontworpen door Piet Hein Eek.

Een daarvan is de Plywood Print Stool.
Kun je je voorstellen dat ik daar gelijk verliefd op werd?
Pat het niet perfect bij mijn Design -passie in alle vormen?
Het zou een perfecte krukje voor in mijn huis zijn.
Het is waar de Nederlandse meesters  Nederlands Design ontmoet.
Dus: op mijn verlanglijstje!

Het mooie is:
Het is ook voor jou bereikbaar!

Er zijn 10 verschillende designs, van Rembrandt tot Vermeer.
De prijs is € 169, –
[of US $ 219 | UK ÂŁ 169 | RIJ US $ 219]

En met deze kruk heb je een origineel Dutch Design stuk , ontworpen door Piet Hein Eek [met dank aan het Rijksmuseum Amsterdam een echt kunstwerk van de Dutch Masters[met dank aan het Rijksmuseum Amsterdam] in huis!
Nu wereldwijd verkrijgbaar bij www.nlxl.com

Piet Hein Eek | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam


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Xo Iris

10 Modern and minimalist bedroom design ideas for you

10 Modern and minimalist bedroom
design ideas for you

Archana is one of my blogfriends who 
is so kind to help me out here on mij blog.
Due to personal circumstances I’m not able to blog as much as normal.
But this post form Archana about bedrooms end taking care of yourself so that you can relax and unwind is one blog to my heart. I wish my bedroom looks like te one in the first picture. 
That would be exactly what I need right now :-)
So: Thank you Archana for this great post! 
Here it is: 
Hi! My name is Archana. As a Social Media Specialist I work for a well known Dutch beddingcompany (Swiss Sense) and I am also helping entrepreneurs being social online with my workshops. As a lover of Interior and Bedroom Design, I share everything I like on my blog www.archana.nl
Imagine yourself sitting at the office. It’s a busy day and time is ticking slowly. 
You are thinking about going home. At home you can relax and unwind. 
Than you think about your bedroom. Unfortunately it’s not a happy place. 
Unpacked boxes, clothes lying around and you feel you can’t stand it any longer. 
You need your own happy place, a bedroom that’s inviting 
and where you can go when you need some time alone and to sleep of course. 
No clutter and no more stuff lying around. 
I have some great bedroom inspiration for you! 
What you need is a minimalist-style bedroom.
Express yourself with less and place comfort at the forefront. 
You don’t have to get rid of everything in your bedroom but it’s time for you
to find a balance and to keep what’s necessary and 
to get rid of stuff you don’t need. 
Especially in the bedroom. 
So, what do you need besides your favourite book, 
fresh sheets, a comfortable pillow and curtains 
or window shades that block the (sun)light? 
Let me share some inspiring minimal bedrooms with you! 
by Capital Building
source unknown
by Ian Moore Architects 
Source unknown
by Robert Granoff 
source unknown

This guestblogpost is written by Archana

Thanks so much Archana!!


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Xo Iris

Impression DDW graduation show | trends | Janneke v.d Haterd

Impression DDW graduation show

Since Iris is out of town this week I, Janneke van de Haterd have the honor
of sharing one of my favorite events with you.

I love the Dutch Design Week and especially the graduation show.
I’ve been going to them for the last ten years and always get so inspired!
Especially by meeting the (young) designers and getting to share and feel their enthusiasm.
 This year; as always, there was so much to see and so much diversity in subjects and design.
 Some design shown are just gorgeous or smart on the first sight,
for some you need to read the text or talk to the designer to understand the great ideas.
 I have picked a few of my favorites to share with you;
I have chosen some designs that were gorgeous
 (as well as many other things)
hope you’ll enjoy!

Ambio Teresa van Dongen

Ambio Teresa van Dongen

Bacteria  & light
I really loved the light of Teresa van Dongen. This light operates on artificial seawater with bioluminescent micro organisms that give light as it comes in contact with oxygen. So when you give the lamp a gentle push it shows a beautiful blue light that gave me a fairytale-feeling.

 mood of music van Joris Petterson
mood of music van Joris Petterson
foto: Janneke van de Haterd

Combining music, light & scent
According to Joris music is more then just sound. Music is an experience. The beautiful transparent gramophone speaker not nobly shows the beat of the music; is produces light, couloir and scent in the style of the selected tunes. Just imagine your coffee-time tunes with the smell of fresh brewed coffee and warm comforting lights

 Desiree Wevers
Desiree Wevers by Janneke van de Haterd

Desiree Wevers by Janneke van de Haterd

Desiree Wevers by Janneke van de Haterd

Desiree Wevers by Janneke van de Haterd

Desiree Wevers by Janneke van de Haterd

I loved the projects of Desiree Wevers. She combined a social project with old crafts and with beautiful screens as a result. For this project (Knot) she teamed up with a group of Turkish ladies after she heard about isolation of immigrants. She learned all about their old crafts and their knowledge and developed new design and new innovative applications for this craftwork.

Anke Verstappen
foto: Janneke van de Haterd

Perhaps you have seen this before; but i just could not leave it out :-). Anke Verstappen developed a special playing mat for children that were born blind. These children often fall behind in their development in their first few years and this mat helps them to stimulate their senses, and looks beautiful as a nice bonus.

 Pieteke Korte
Pieteke Korte (http://www.ptkkrt.nl/ foto Janneke van de Haterd
Pieteke Korte (http://www.ptkkrt.nl/ foto Janneke van de Haterd

Pieteke Korte (http://www.ptkkrt.nl/ foto Janneke van de Haterd

Pieteke Korte (http://www.ptkkrt.nl/) has developed a series of tables that play with the relationship between hard and soft materials. under the wight of the marble tabletops the foam bases take on cartoonesk shapes.

 oti- dark matter collection

oti- dark matter collection Joel Booy
 foto Janneke van de Haterd

oti- dark matter collection Joel Booy
 foto Janneke van de Haterd

oti- dark matter collection
Joel Booy developed a lamp inspired in a network of caved lines and crystal growth. All circles with separately so you choose how many are turned on (or off). Just a beautiful lamp. Check out there sight for more. http://www.studiotrulytruly.com/


foto: Janneke van de Haterd
Maud van Deursen
Chateau d’Eau

Chateau d’Eau

Vhateau d’Eau
Ofcourse there is also still attention for awareness. The quality of our tap water is really good and thousand times less expensive (as well as beter for our environment). Maud van Deursen made 4 carafes that help us to be aware of how special tap water is. The  shapes of the carafes reflect dutch water towers and emphasize the flow of water in a different way.


I would love to show you all 155 projects, but  that would be a bit much :-)  After seeing the whole graduation show i noticed some subjects (or trends) that kept coming back and wanted to share a preview of it.
If you want to see more and if you don’t have any plans yet this weekend; please go to Eindhoven and visit the „ Witte Dame”! More info & http://www.ddw.nl/
This guestpost is written by Janneke van de Haterd
You can find her here on Pinterest
Thanks so much Janneke!!

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Then follow me and stay updated :-)
And feel free to respond here on my blog!

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Link with love 
Xo Iris

woonbeurs | Beeldsteil | inspiration

woonbeurs | Beeldsteil | inspiration 

I’m so grateful to have such amazing blogfriends! 
Now Wendy van Woudenberg from Beeldsteil blog is helping me out here
 with a repost from her blog.
You know my father was ill and me and my family were taking care of him.
He sadly passed away in the beginning of October. 
I know I don’t have to explain to you that in the past weeks 
I wasn’t able to blog.
Luckily I am blessed with these wonderfull people around me 
who unselfishly help me on my blog!
My blog means a lot to me and I’m happy that I could take the time 
to be there for my father while my blog kept on going. 
So here it is: the blogpost by Wendy van Woudenberg from Beeldsteil 
full of inspiration from the ” Woonbeurs” 2014.
Thanks Wendy! 
Originaly posted on September 28, 2014 
All pictures: © 2014 beeldsteil.com by Wendy van Woudenberg

Looking forward to this year’s edition of Dutch living event Woonbeurs Amsterdam. It starts next Tuesday and lasts until 5 October. My favorites? The inspiration homes of magazines such as vtwonen, 101 WoonideeĂ«n and Eigen Huis & Interieur, Dutch Design and last but not least: Design City. A place to meet and discover young and creative designers. 

Last year the Design City was my blogging office for one day
This year – on wednesday october 1st 2014 – you can find me at the BloggerscafĂ©
In very good company of fellow interior and lifestyle bloggers :)
Woonbeurs | Beeldsteil | inspiratie 

Ik ben zo dankbaar dat ik zulke geweldige blogvrienden heb! 
  met een repost van haar blog. 

Mijn vader was ernstig ziek en ik en mijn familie zorgden voor hem. 
Nu is hij helaas begin oktober overleden. 
Ik weet dat ik niet hoef uit te leggen dat in de afgelopen weken niet in staat was om te bloggen. 
Gelukkig heb ik hele fijne mensen om me heen 
die me belangeloos helpen hier op mijn blog! 
Mijn blog betekent veel voor mij en ik ben blij dat ik de tijd kon nemen om er te zijn voor mijn vader 
terwijl mijn blog “gewoon” door ging.

Dus hier is het: de blogpost door Wendy van Woudenberg van Beeldsteil 
vol met inspiratie van de “Woonbeurs” 2014. 
Thanks Wendy! 

De originele post vas oorspronkelijk geplaatst op 28 september 2014 
alle foto’s © 2014 beeldsteil.com by Wendy van Woudenberg

Thanks Wendy!!

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Then follow me and stay updated :-)
And feel free to respond here on my blog!

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Link with love 
Xo Iris
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