Trend report
M A I S O N & O B J E T
Paris September 2015
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The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | plant object styling | photo by © C-More
Have you heard of The Loft Amsterdam before? It’s a great interior concept by Floris Koch, Kassandra Schreuder and Maarten van Huijstee. In a big, light and beautiful space in an old building in the center of Amsterdam this team curates a complete interior as if there actually lives someone. Someone with good taste! And keep your eyes and ears open: The Loft is only for a short time: 22 August 2015 – 6 September 2015.
It’s is really one of the best interior events I’ve seen. Not only the team picked out such unique and special items, also the styling is perfect. That’s what makes it so personal. For some a bit too personal, since people hesitate to actually pick up and buy the items they love. But please do: all items at The Loft are for sale. You can take most of them directly home with you. And if you’re not able to visit the loft in person, you can always order online at The Loft Shop
My personal favorites of The Loft summer 2015 are
Be inspired by the pictures I took of The Lofts Amsterdam summer 2015 edition.
I also visited The Loft by The Playing Circle last summer 2014 and during wintertime 2014.
You can read the blogpost and see the many photos’s I took over here:
The Loft by The Playing Circle summer 2014
The Loft by The Playing Circle winter 2014.
More information: Enter The Loft Amsterdam and The Loft Amsterdam Facebook page
The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green plants copper styling
The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | styling portrait | textile | inspiration| photo by © C-More
The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green bench plants pillow black and white photo
The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | leather pillow cushion | sofa | plants green| photo by © C-More
The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | living | plant object styling | vintage | photo by © C-More
The Loft Amsterdam | The Playing Circle | Summer 2015 Edition | photo by © C-More Green bench plants pillow black and white photo
More pictures and inspiration after the READ MORE button!!!
Meer foto’s en inspiratie en de NL tekst na de READ MORE knop !!!!
Design Hotel lobby | Lounge | CitizenM Schiphol Amsterdam | pictures by © C-More
On my way to Milan design week 2015 last April, I stayed at the CitizenM design hotel at Schiphol airport Amsterdam. I had to jump on the plane very early and had a busy day ahead of me in Milan and this was a welcome start of my trip.
This design hotel is situated directly in front of the airport, a 2-minute walk, so I could leave as late as possible to catch my plane. One of the other reasons why I love this hotel is that the hotel lobby is such a nice place when traveling alone. I don’t like to be stuck at my hotel room and this place and the staff make me feel so relaxed and welcome.
The hotel lounge has lot of cosy corners where your can relax or watch some tv, read or chat with your travel mate. It is furnished with the beautiful design icons by Vitra. There’s lots to see too: in the open cupboards there are showcased the most exquisite, stylish home deco objects and accessories as an collection of curiosities. So no time to be bored.. If you like there are several Imac’s available to work on too. So, CitizenM and I did it again…. And I’m sure we will be doing it for al long time in the future too…
Book a stay at one of the CitizenM hotels here.
Enjoy! XO Iris
Ps: let me know if you like CitizenM too and which city you stayed!
Like to read about other CitizenM places I stayed? Look over here:
CitizenM Tried + Tested :
CitizenM New York | NYC Tried + Tested
CitizenM Rotterdam Tried + Tested
CitizenM Amsterdam Tried + Tested
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Link with love Xo Iris
All pictures by © C-More
IKEA SVÄRTAN collection | Ikea Catalogue 2016
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