C-More interior Blogpost

AMS NXT app | Amsterdam Next | tried + tested


Amsterdam Next

tried + tested

AMS NXT app Amsterdam Next01

AMS NXT app Amsterdam Next

As a frequent visitor of Amsterdam City, I’m always looking for new hotspots and nice places to shop, relax, wander around, grab a bite, or meet friends. Since I use the AMS NXT app I find myself in areas I haven’t been for a long time or are totally new for me. Really nice to discover these places!

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GiveAway | Radiant drinking glasses | Lara van der Lugt | Puik Art


Radiant drinking glasses

Lara van der Lugt | Puik Art

[scroll naar beneden voor NL]

 This Giveaway is closed.

The winner is Sandra! Congratulations!

GiveAway | crystal | diamond shape | Radiant drinking glasses | Lara van der Lugt | Puik Art | C-More interieuradviesblog

GiveAway | crystal | diamond shape | Radiant drinking glasses | Lara van der Lugt | Puik Art | C-More interieuradviesblog

Oh I love these Radiant drinking glasses designed by Lara van der Lugt for Puik Art! Dutch Designer Lara designed these diamond shaped glasses and matching carafe called Rare. Her inspiration is the more and more rare becoming daily treasure: Water. We need to treat it with more care, she says.

I love the minimal but also luxe look and form of it. Pure and simple. Filled with water, the crystal glass and water complement each other.  Due to the shape, you can place it on the side for a more elegant look. Perfect for a special whiskey.

These Radiant glasses and Rare carafe designed by Lara are available by Puik Art. Puik Art helps talented Dutch Designers to launch their products by working close together. They give designers assignments and also the opportunity to develop their own designs for Puik Art. Puik Art develops the products and puts them on the market, so that the designers can focus on the designs. A perfect concept!


a set of 2 crystal diamond shaped Radiant drinking glasses !



The great news is: You can win a set of these beautiful Radiant drinking glasses by joining the GiveAway!

All you need to do is leave a comment there at this blogpost, and / or follow me at Instagram and leave a message there. That’s all.


If you like to see more designs by Puik Art, go to the website : Puik Art

All pictures by Puik Art | Lara van der Lugt


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Book review Monochrome home by Hilary Robertson

Book review

Monochrome home

by Hilary Robertson



Book review Monochrome home by Hilary Robertson

Book review Monochrome home by Hilary Robertson



Are you making plans for your home for the new year to come?  Then I have a wonderful book tip for you. That is if you like to create a minimalistic, dramatic, eclectic or chic interior, with just the colors black, white and grey shades. I know I do. If you do too, then this book Monochrome Home by Brooklin-based interior stylist Hilary Robertson is a must-read.



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I’m going on Modenus BLOGTOUR KBIS to Las Vegas !

I’m going on


to Las Vegas !


Blogtour Las Vegas 2016 Modenus

Blogtour KBIS Las Vegas 2016 with Modenus




I still can’t believe it! I’m invited to join the Modenus Blogtour to Las Vegas 2016 this January!  So excited to go with this group of international bloggers.  I’ve been on blog tour with Modenus before. That was to New York, in 2014 BlogtourNYC. And I loved it! So I guess you can imagine that I’m thrilled!

The BlogTourKBIS is all about the newest Kitchen and Bath industry show. We will be visiting the show, and also go on tour with the blogtourKBIS sponsors: KBISMohawk | KarastanThermadorTOTOBLANCOTop KnobsWoodModeMr Steam and Wilsonart. We will be visiting some exclusive events and private exhibits too. And we will report live on social media.

Just look for the #BlogTourKBIS #KBIS2016 and #designhounds hashtags, and all posts from the blogtour group will pop up.

Don’t forget to like me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or join my blog here below for my personal updates about the tour and my blog in general.




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BlogTour Las Vegas 2016 badge

BlogTour Las Vegas 2016 #BLOGTOURKBIS



Ik ga op


naar Las Vegas !




Ik kan het nog steeds niet geloven! Ik ben uitgenodigd om mee te gaan op Modenus Blogtour naar Las Vegas in januari 2016! Zo blij dat ik met deze groep van internationale bloggers mee mag.  Ik ben eerder op blog tour geweest met Modenus. Dat was naar New York, in 2014 met BlogtourNYC . En ik vond het geweldig! Dus ik denk dat je je kunt voorstellen dat ik super enthousiast ben!

De BlogTourKBIS gaat over de nieuwste keuken en badkamer designs. We bezoeken de show en gaan ook op tour met de blogtourKBIS sponsors KBISMohawk | KarastanThermadorTOTOBLANCOTop KnobsWoodModeMr Steam en Wilsonart. We gaan naar een aantal exclusieve evenementen en particuliere tentoonstellingen. En we zullen live-verslag doen overal op sociale media.

Zoek naar de #BlogTourKBIS # KBIS2016 en #designhounds hashtags en alle berichten uit de blogtour groep zullen dan verschijnen.

Vergeet niet om mij op InstagramFacebookTwitterTumblr, te volgen, of je op te geven voor updates van mijn blog hier onder in het inschrijf formulier.


Abonneer je op dit Blog via E-mail

Vul je emailadres in om in te schrijven op deze blog en emailmeldingen te ontvangen van nieuwe berichten.



Happy New Year !!


Happy New Year !!


Happy New Year 2016



Thank you all for last year: for the blog and social media visits, the support and enthusiastic reactions I got, the new designs, brands, trends and interiors I discovered, the cooperations with nice brands, the great meetings and wonderful events, places I visited, the clients I designed for and for all the new and “old” friends I’ve met ……

I wish you all the best and a happy new year!

I hope to see you soon :-)


Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar!

Bedankt allemaal, voor het afgelopen jaar! Voor de blog en social media bezoeken, de steun en enthousiaste reacties die ik kreeg, de nieuwe designs, merken, trends en interieurs die ik ontdekte, de samenwerkingen met mooie merken, de fijne ontmoetingen en prachtige events, de plaatsen ik bezocht, de klanten die ik heb mogen adviseren en voor de nieuwe en “oude” vrienden die ik heb ontmoet …..

Ik wens jullie het allerbeste en een heel Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!

Hopelijk tot snel :-)


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